Chapter 16
"Ashton! Where've you been?" Niall exclaimed as he ran over to me and took me into a hug. Harry and I met up with the guys behind the stage they were performing on. "We waited by your locker, but you never showed up! We had to leave without you, and I didn't like that at all!"
"He was kidnapped," Harry spoke up. Niall pulled away, and then pulled me into a tighter hug, squeezing the air out of me.
"Nobody's taking Ashy away from us again! Nobody!" I tried my best to suck in some air and then I patted Niall's back.
"I think you're killing him," Zayn said, placing a hand on Niall's shoulder. The Irish boy pulled away, apologizing. I looked over at Liam, who was dozed off in his own world. He was staring down at the ground, and it looked like he was mumbling to himself. "So, what happened?"
"I wouldn't go as far as calling it a kidnapping," I began. "It's just these guys on the football team locked me up in the Biology closet. I was in there all the way until sixth period ended." Niall's eyes widened.
"How long were you in there?" I shrugged.
"I guess since lunch?"
"How could you stay in such a small space for such a long time?! That's torture! My poor Ashy!" Harry pulled me backwards and wrapped his arms around me.
"Ashy's mine," he said. "Go cuddle with Liam or Zayn or Michael."
"Actually, Ashton belongs to Luke. Where is Michael?"
"I don't belong to anyone," I mumbled, but no one seemed to have heard me.
"I guess he's with his date. Oh, and you will not believe whom Ashton's attending the concert with."
"It's Luke, isn't it?" Niall guessed. I shook my head and his eyebrows went up.
"This chick name Jasmine." Liam suddenly looked up at us.
"Wait, Jasmine Dorhauer?" he asked.
"Yeah," I answered. "You know her?"
"Know her? Ha!" He walked over to me. "Just keep your eyes open, all right? Don't let your guard down around her at all."
I didn't know what he meant, but I nodded anyway.
Then Liam looked to the others. "Let's go practice a bit." And they all left, except for Niall.
"What happened to Luke?" he asked. "I thought you two would go together."
"He has someone else he's going with," I shrugged. "Although, he did say that he'd love to go with me, but he was already going with someone else. It's no big deal." That last part was only a little true. Who cares if he goes to the concert with some hot blonde girl? Someone who's more suited for Luke? Someone who's female?
Apparently, I do.
Niall just nodded before taking a step back. "Hey, the lads and I are throwing a post-concert party. Anyone who has a backstage passes can come. Are you going?"
I thought for a moment before answering. "Yeah, I'll go."
"Great. See ya then." He then ran off to join the others who were calling him to hurry up.
When no one was looking I took a step onto the stage and looked out. There were seats everywhere. The park was pretty big, and the park was even closed to the public for this event. I think Harry mentioned once that tickets are sold at the front, but it'll cause extra.
There were already people coming in to fill up seats. This is, I believe, One Direction's first performance, yet already a lot of people got themselves a ticket for it. If all goes well, then maybe the band will be able to play at those big arenas, like the O2 arena or Madison Square Garden. Maybe a football stadium. I'd go to all their concerts and support them all the way.
"Ashton!" called a voice. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, trying to see who was calling me. Then my eyes landed on someone who was waving their hand high in the air.
There I saw Michael and the girl he was with. I gave the two a wave, and was about to step off the stage.
"Hey, Ashton!" another voice called out. This time it was a feminine one. I found the source of the voice and smiled.
Jasmine was here.
I looked over at Michael, who was confused as to why Jasmine was calling for me. I just shrugged and jumped off the stage, walking over to Jasmine. I didn't look at Michael after that.
"Hey, Jas! You made it!" I exclaimed. "I should've took you here myself. I'm sorry."
"Oh, no worries. I needed to do some things. I'm not too early, am I?"
"Concert isn't until seven, but you're perfectly fine." She smiled and I returned it. She linked her arm around mine and I began to lead her backstage, but then a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Michael.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" he asked. I looked at Jasmine, who gave me a nod. I glanced back over at Michael.
"Sure," I answered. Michael told his date to talk to Jasmine for a bit, and then pulled me to the side.
"Why are you with her? I thought you'd be with Luke?"
"I thought so, too," I sighed, "but he already had someone to go with, and I just happened to run into her, so I asked her to go with me."
"What's her name?"
"Jasmine Dorhauer."
"Her?! Mate, I heard you should keep your eyes out when around her."
"Let me guess, from Liam?"
"And others! I don't know anything about her, but I heard she's trouble, and not the good kind of trouble." I raised an eyebrow.
"Since when is trouble ever good?"
"Just watch out, okay?"
"I think I'll be fine. Now, we need to head backstage."
"Oh, cool! My date and I got backstage passes as well! Let's go together!"
Then Michael and I returned to Jasmine and his date. I found out her name was Geordie Gray, and she was super nice. She's pretty funny, too. I wouldn't be surprised if she and Michael became a thing. I mean, they look perfect together.
Jasmine linked her arm around mine and pulled me along behind Michael and Geordie. This girl really likes hooking our arms together.
The four of us sat in a square and just talked for an hour about whatever came to mind. I actually had a good time with these guys. Geordie told me everyone about how Michael was so happy when she asked him that he almost did a back flip. Almost. He didn't have the nerve to do it, that guy.
I stood up from where I was sitting and excused myself. "I'm going to the restroom. Be right back."
"Okay!" Jasmine said with a smile on her face. I left, but not without giving them a last glance. Michael and Geordie were back into a random conversation, but Jasmine was staring at me. That sent shivers throughout my spine, and I quickly walked away from the place.
I found the park restroom and went inside. I went to one of the urinals and- well, you know what I did. Nothing naughty, okay?
When I finished, I turne to head to the sink, but bumped into someone.
"My bad," said the person. I stiffened, because I recognized that voice. I dipped my head down and scurried over to the sink and washed my hands. "Ashton?"
"Nope, no Ashton here!" Damn it! Smooth, Ashton! Why am I such an idiot?
A hand was placed on my shoulder and twisted me around so I was facing the one guy I didn't really want to see tonight.
"You're here!" Luke exclaimed. "I thought I'd have to search all night for you, but I guess I was lucky to bump into you here! Calum told me you didn't show up to fifth class."
"Yeah," I answered weakly.
"Listen, Ash, I really wanted to come with you here, but-"
"I get it. Aleisha asked first. First come, first serve. Don't worry about it." I wiped my hands against my shirt and began heading out, but Luke grabbed my wrist. "Luke, let me go."
"Are you mad at me?" he asked. "Please don't be mad."
"I really should be going, Luke. Jasmine's waiting for me." His face fell. I'm sure it did.
"What?" he asked deadpanned.
"I came here with Jasmine. I didn't have anyone else to give the ticket to, so I gave it to her. Besides, I owe her..."
"What did she do that made you owe her?" He was starting to sound a bit scary now. His blue eyes looked darker and his grip around my wrist tightened a bit. Just a bit, but I still noticed it.
"I- I accidentally locked myself up in a closet." Well, I was locked up in a closet, but I didn't know if I could tell him that Mason and his friends were behind it. "I was stuck since the middle of lunch, and then Jasmine came by and helped me out."
Luke blinked at me. "What were you doing in a Biology closet?"
"I was... looking for something..." Yeah, I was looking for him, but not in a Biology closet. That part was unplanned.
"Ashton, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't believe your story one bit. What really happened?" I bit my lower lip and stared down at our shoes. I was telling the truth. Most of it, at least.
"It's true. No lie in it whatsoever."
"I know you don't have any science classes." I looked up at him. "I saw your schedule one time when I came over to your house. You have no science classes. Your first period is Stats, then you have English, then Spanish, then Economics, and then Arts. You wouldn't be in a Biology closet, let alone a science classroom."
"I was looking for you," I muttered.
"Speak up, please."
"I was looking for you! Okay?!" I shouted, pulling my wrist out of his hand. "You wandered out of the cafeteria with Aleisha by your side, and I was looking for you! But I got into a bit of a situation that involved me being chased around the school and passing out in the boy's locker room and waking up, trapped in a science closet! Jasmine just so happened to find clues of where to find me. My backpack was in the science hallway, right in front of the classroom that I was stuck in, and she went inside and helped me out!"
"Mason did it, didn't he?" Luke asked. My eyes widened. How did he come to that from what I said? "I'm going to get that guy." He began to storm out of the restroom, but I pulled him back.
"No, stop! Don't hurt him or anything! It's all my fault!"
"It' just is, okay? Don't hurt anyone, please."
"If he tries pulling another stunt like that, I'm not letting anyone stop me. Not even you. You're my responsibility. He shouldn't be near you at all." He let out a sigh before his anger left him. Now he had a worried look on his face. "I was wondering where you had gone. I was going to ask you to come to the game."
"Speaking of that, doesn't it end around this time? It's six."
"Yeah, but I left early. I asked the coach for permission to leave, and he agreed. The bus driver wasn't very pleased to know that he had to make an extra trip, though." He chuckled. "Mason didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No, he didn't," I answered truthfully. Well, I hope it was the truth. I wasn't awake to see him haul me from the locker room and into the closet.
"So, back to the Jasmine matter. Why are you going with her? Couldn't you have gone by yourself?"
"Then I'd be lonely, Luke," I laughed weakly.
"But... maybe you could've hung out with me and Aleisha?" No, I definitely didn't want that.
"No, I think it's better to be with Jasmine than with you and Aleisha." Wait, shit. That didn't sound right.
"Do you not like being around me?" Luke frowned, but then it was replaced with some sort of anger. "What's so special about Jasmine, huh? You literally just met her yesterday when she brought you dinner, and now you're going out to concerts with her. What, are you two dating or something?"
"What? No! That's going too fast! Luke, why are you so upset?"
"You're obviously upset whenever I'm wish Aleisha. I can't be upset when you're with Jasmine?"
"I don't get upset when you're with Aleisha!"
"Ashton, I'm not blind." Oh, yeah? Then tell me how much you know about how I'm in love with you.
Crush, I meant crush.
"I'm leaving." I started out of the restroom, but then he pulled me back to his chest. "Hey! Wha-"
"I'll leave Aleisha," I whispered. I glanced up at him. "I'll tell her to go find her friends. If she tries to guilt trip me into staying with her, I'll tell her to fuck off. Just... don't go back to Jasmine."
"Luke?" Then the restroom doors opened and Luke pulled into one of the stalls, telling me to be quiet. "This is unnecessary-"
"Shh!" He was staring through the crack and there was a person at the urinals. Luke set the toilet seat down and sat on top of it. "Sit on my lap and press your feet against the door."
I didn't even have time to respond before he pulled me down. Hiding in the stalls was completely unnecessary.
I felt Luke squeeze the bottom of my thighs and my legs instantly jerked up, a squeak almost left me. I slapped a hand over my mouth and he kept an arm wrapped underneath my thigh and another around my waist.
This position is so awkward. This isn't the first time we were in a weird position, but this has got to be by far the most embarrassing.
The guy finally left, without washing his hands (gross). Luke's arm finally dropped from underneath me, and my feet were flat against the ground.
"You know, we didn't have to hide in here," I chastised, trying my best to not make my voice shaky.
"I kinda figured that out after I pulled us in here," Luke shrugged. I tried to stand up, but his arm was still around my waist.
"We can, we can get out now," I said.
"Turn around."
"Huh? I can't even get up."
"Fine." His arm fell from my waist and I got up and turned myself around, just like what he told me. I don't know what he's doing, but I decided not to ask. He seemed mad earlier, and it isn't a side I've seen of him before.
He grabbed my wrists and tried pulling me down again, but I resisted. "Wh-what are you doing?!" But Luke was stronger than I, and he managed to pull me down onto his lap again, only this time I was facing him and my legs were on either side of him. My face reddened, I felt it. "Th-this is an e-embarrassing position!" His arms snaked around my lower back and he pulled me closer to him. "Luuuuke..."
He just stared at my face, his lips parted just a little. My eyes glanced over at his lip ring. I wanted to feel that against my lips. But I couldn't do it. What would he think of me then?
"Th-the other way was a bit uncomfortable," he finally spoke up. "This way's a bit more relaxing for me. Plus, I can see your face better." I blushed a bit at that, and I hid my face in his neck. He didn't say anything, so I assumed he was fine with it. "Now I can't see your face, but this works, too."
"Luke?" I asked. He hummed in response. "Are you..." Do I dare say it? "... jealous of Jasmine?" Shit, I regret asking that. Now I'll seem like an idiot. I don't want him to see me as one, because I already showed my idiot side to him plenty of times.
"What if I was?" I pulled away from Luke so that way he couldn't feel my chest thumping. "Hold up, I need to readjust myself." He began shifting around on the seat, but then he did a small thrust upward, and I may or may have not moaned at that.
He looked up at me with surprised eyes and I covered my mouth, instantly turning beet red.
"Oh, my God," I breathed. Now I want to die in a hole. Please kill me now.
He just chuckled. He's laughing at me. "Don't laugh at me!" I whacked his shoulder, but he still continued laughing.
"Honestly, that was a bit hot." I hid my face behind my hands. "Aw, you're hiding again."
"Why are you doing this to me? I feel so embarrassed."
"I'm just messing around with you." I stared at him with an unamused expression. "Okay, do you want to know the truth?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Humor me, why don't you?" I heard the bathroom door open again and I let out a small squeak before putting my feet flat against the part of the toilet behind Luke. I hooked my chin over his shoulder and my arms wrapped around his neck. I unintentionally pulled closer to him, in a way where I can't pull myself any closer. In other words, the area where my legs connect to my upper body are touching Luke's stomach.
We're clothed, keep that in mind!
Luke's arm was still around my back, holding me tightly. One hand went to the back of my head and gently caressed over the bump that was slowly healing. I can feel him laughing. He's laughing at me again. I'm just making a fool out of myself.
"This is nice," he whispered in my ear. "This is the closest we've ever been. We should do this more often."
I turned my hand into a fist and pounded against his back. He nearly coughed, but he held it back. When I heard the bathroom door close, I waited a couple of seconds before I made sure it was safe to start talking again.
"Embarrassing," was all I said, and this guy was enjoying my embarrassment. Such a sadist. "Isn't Aleisha waiting for you or something?"
"Isn't Jasmine waiting for you?" I froze for a bit before nodding. "Besides, I'll tell Aleisha to go elsewhere."
"You're sort of cruel to your girlfriend, you know that?"
"She's not my girlfriend. She's like a sister to me. Aleisha takes care of me when I-" He stopped himself there, and then I pulled away from him.
"When you what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He opened his mouth, but then closed it. He looked around the stall before finally opening his mouth again.
"You know what? Maybe we should go. I need to tell Aleisha to go."
"I'm not leaving Jasmine though," I informed him. "That's just rude."
"Well, then I guess I'll just hang out with you two." He displayed a huge grin and his dimples showed. I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness.
It took me a lot of courage to ask Luke what I was about to say next. "Hey, what do you think of me?" He's really touchy, like my brother said. I remember, okay? I just want to know, or make sure, if I mean anything to Luke, other than just another extra luggage.
"Complete honesty?" I nodded, a bit too eagerly. "Well, I think you're a really cool guy. You're fun to be around, and I do enjoy having you in my presence. If you were a girl, I'd date you."
If I was a girl? So, he is straight. He wouldn't think about dating a guy. I don't have a chance with him at all. Even though he says he'd date me if I was a girl. But I'm not a girl. I'm a guy.
"Right," I muttered, climbing off his lap. "I think I'll go back to Jasmine now."
His smile faded. "W-wait, Ashton-"
"See you later." I left the stall and walked out of the bathroom. Well, ran.
"Ashton!" I heard Luke call out.
"Lukey!" said none other than freaking Aleisha.
Honestly, I'm relieved she showed up at that moment, because then Luke wouldn't run after me, and he wouldn't see the tears that threatened my eyes.
If I was a girl? That made me not like how I am. A guy who's attracted to men. Attracted to the same sex. And of all the people I could've fallen in love with, it had to be Luke Hemmings, a guy who just so happens to be straighter as a linear line.
Yes, I said it. I'm not going to deny it to you guys. I am in love with Luke Hemmings.
Within as little time as a little over forty-eight hours, this idiot managed to capture my heart entirely. One glance at him and I instantly thought he was the hottest human being alive. One after school day with him and I've grown fond of him. Then after more time with him I've got a crush on him. And now, I was unfortunate enough to be in love with him.
Why? Why am I so lucky and unlucky at the same time? To meet someone as amazing as he, but to never have the same exact feeling of love returned?
He'd never go for me. I might as well just move on.
But once you've fallen in love, it may take a long time to move on. But for me, I have a feeling it'll take longer than a long time.
Again, of all the guys in the world, why Luke Hemmings? Why must I be in love with him?
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