50. Baby's Day Out!
Part - 50
"Labor Is The Only Blind Date Where You Know You Will Meet The Love Of Your Life"
(Karthik's POV)
"Karthik!" Mithra calls me as she sleep-walks towards me rubbing her eyes.
"You didn't sleep?" She asks me.
Now-a-days I hardly go to office because I can't leave Mithra alone at home & work in office peacefully.
I even asked her to stay with her parents or mine during day times & by evening while I return from work I will collect her but she said she will get so tired. So I decided to stay with her & work from home. But still at day times I mostly don't get time to work as I would be busy cooking something or the other for her or simply spend time talking with her or we watch some movies or I take her out for a short walk as she finds hard to walk long distance now a days. So only at the time she takes her nap I get to catch up with my office work. And now I wonder why is she here? What she wants?
"I will come to bed soon, baby. You go sleep." I tell her.
She needs her sleep more than I do. If she didn't get proper sleep then she gets cranky & snappy the whole day which I don't like.
"I will sit with you?" She asks. I nod with a smile. She pushes the laptop off my lap & sits on my lap, circling her arms around my neck as she nuzzles my throat.
Uh-oh! If you sit like this then how will I work, baby? But I love when she sits on my lap. I can hold her body close to mine & I can run my hands over her stomach. There, there is our baby actively kicking.
"I am so excited for tomorrows event." She says softly to me. We are having 'Baby Shower' function at home. Only our close friends & family will be here to bless Mithra & the baby.
"Me, too." I tell & kiss her soft lips.
"Karthik... I am hungry." She says slightly feeling embarrassed.
"What you wanna eat?"
"Pasta?" Quite simple! I can do it in a minute.
"Okay, baby." I kiss her lips again & help her stand up so that I can get up from the couch to go & cook for her.
"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Mithra shouts in pain as she lumps back on the couch. "Karthik... I have leg cramp again...aww" she groans in pain. I kneel beside her & slowly help her stretch her legs & massage them one by one to ease her pain. "Ah...ah... Maa..." She cries.
"Easy! Easy! Baby..." I shake her toes one by one & gently pull them and press them together. She sighs and takes the throw pillow from her side & adjusts it behind her back & shifts position.
"Thanks, Karthik. I am fine now. I don't know what I will do without you. You are making this pregnancy easy for me with your support..." She whispers as she rests her head back on the couch. I stood up and leaning down I kiss her forehead. "She will be our only child, Mithra." I tell her firmly. I can't see her going through so much pain another time. How much ever it gives me immense pleasure & makes me feel so fucking proud to get her pregnant another time, I can't be selfish. I really can't bear my beloved taking all this pain.
"No, Karthik. We will have more kids. Don't you know the saying 'More the Merrier'?"
"No, Mithra. We can be happier with this one child all our life."
"We will talk about this later. Right now I am hungry." She says as she wants to put the topic on hold but I am firm with my decision.
"You sit here. I will prepare it & bring the food here for you to eat."
"No. I will also come with you to the kitchen." She argues. Why can't she just do what I f**king say?
"Please. I will get bored here." She pleads. I sigh & help her stand up & we walk to the kitchen.
"You know... You are so sweet." She says & kisses my jaw. She couldn't reach my cheek to kiss as her big baby bump is a huge barrier. "Bend down a little, Karthik. I want to kiss you properly." she scolds me. I chuckle & leaning forward, I take her lips in mine as we kiss softly. "Hmm... Stop kicking baby!" Mithra moans & pulls apart breaking the kiss. I can feel the strong kicks against my stomach as I hold Mithra so closer to me. "Either she is hungry or she doesn't like PDA" Mithra says with a huge sigh. I just grin at her & went to cook for them. She walks to the refrigerator to pour some orange juice for herself. "You want some, Karthik?" she asks holding the carton of orange juice.
"No, sweetheart" I shake my head & start preparing pasta.
"You have so much patience, Karthik." She says with admiration.
"So do you. Even more than what I possess." She is just amazing. She hasn't even once complained to me how difficult this pregnancy is to her. In fact, she's very patiently taking in all the sufferings & enjoying every moment of her pregnancy. The love & respect, I have for Mithra has just gotten increased tenfolds.
"Yummy!" Mithra says as eats her Macaroni. She likes nursery food so much which proves she is still a baby. Ha ha.
"All the husbands out in this world should know cooking, Karthik, then their wives' lives will be lot easier & happier." She says & feeds me a fork full of Mac as a token of appreciation.
Next Morning,
"Mithra, meri bachchi... You look so pretty." Padmini aunty caresses Mithra head with a smile. Our family & friends have arrived this morning & we are about to start the 'baby shower' function.
"Mama... Don't lie. I look so gross." Mithra pouts. She is so keen that once she gives birth to the child, she will do all the exercise & bring back her petite figure. I really don't mind whether she is fat or slim but I can't deny the fact that she will look sexy when she is slim & fit so I am not stopping her if she wants to work out after she completely recovered from the birth.
"Nah! Beta! Don't say like that. If you want a healthy baby then you should be healthy." My mom, Radha says to appease her. Just by mentioning about the baby, a smile forms on her face.
"Healthy & bubbly baby girl? Aww... I would just give my life to see her soon."
"Hey!" I chide her. 'Sorry' she mouths at me.
"Karthik! Shall we start the function?" My mom asks me. I nod.
"Sit with her!" My mom orders.
Why? They are here to bless my Mithra & the baby, right?
"Sit, Karthik." Mithra pulls my hand & I sit next to her on the sofa and we interlace our fingers. On the other side of Mithra, Steve, Roshan & Siddharth are sitting. Little champ Steve is clinging to Mithra, his protective hands around her belly & that brings a smile on my face.
First, Mithra's mom showers her with rose petals, applies haldi on her cheeks, puts kumkum on her forehead & finally bangles in her hands.
"May you give birth to a healthy baby" she whispers near Mithra's ear making her smile. Then she along with Malik uncle hands her a platter full of gifts.
Mithra excitedly grabs it from them & pouts seeing the gifts as it fully contains new cloths, jewels... actually so many gold jewelry like baby chain, earrings, bracelet, anklet... & other silver stuffs like bowl, spoon, tumbler, cups, etc. for the baby.
"Nothing for me, mumma?" Mithra asks padmini aunty like a small kid. I just shake my head. Will she ever grow up? I think no!
"Today is not your day, Mithra. It's baby showering so all the gifts for the baby. You will get only our blessings."
"No gift can be greater than your blessing aunty." I smile at her. She smiles back but Mithra elbowed me at my gut. Ow!
"I know my baby girl so well so I brought this." Malik uncle takes out a huge chocolate bar & hands it to Mithra. She squeals in excitement & takes it from him. "I love you, Papa"
Next comes my mom & dad. They did the same ritual & my mom whispers placing her hand on Mithra's tummy "Hey baby! It's me, your dadi. I am so thrilled to meet you... So come out soon but only when you are ready... I already love you & I will spoil you more with my love. If your mumma or papa scolds you ever, come to me... I will punish them."
Mom, you are only chit chatting but not blessing the baby.
"Mom, you are spoiling her already" I complain.
"Hun toh! She is my grandchild & I have the right to spoil her with my love."
"Aunty, Karthik will never scold his princess... But keep your punishments ready for me because I might scold her when she does mischief." Mithra strictly tells my mom & gasps.
"What?" I ask her concerned.
"She has a temper. She got so mad at me I guess."
"She just kicked me so hard." Mithra tell me with a frown. I take her hand & kiss it because I don't know which side I should take.
"Come on! She is just playing." My mom says, now itself started supporting her granddaughter.
"I am not a football to kick this hard & you should not support her for every damn thing." Mithra pouts. My mom chuckles & caresses her hair lovingly.
Then my dad blesses the baby in his style "May God bless you with super intelligence and power to handle your papa's business when you grow up baby." I sigh inwardly.
I won't force my daughter to do anything she doesn't want to do. She will choose her dream career.
"I don't want my wife to work" Roshan firmly says to my dad.
Wife? And how can he decide whether my daughter works or not? It's her choice. I am sure he will be one dominating husband in future so I don't approve him for my daughter.
"What? Who said my daughter is your wife?" Mithra asks in shock.
"My dad." Roshan shrugs. F**k! I glare at Sanjeev. Sanjeev grins at me sheepishly.
"Hey! She is Steve's girl." Nisha says. Oh yeah, she's pre-booked. Steve is already claiming his future wife by hugging her protectively and possessively. Hmm... I like him. He will keep my daughter safe I guess.
"What about you Sid?" Tara asks her son.
"Mom, keep cool. She will fall for my charm & will choose me." Sid says confidently. Ahaan! Cool attitude. I like him as well but its ultimately gonna be my daughter's choice so no use in fighting for her now boys!
"So much competition for your girl hun?" Micheal chuckles.
"Good luck boys!" I just wish all the three.
My parents gift a huge teak wood cradle for the baby. We have already got a cradle that bounces, a baby bean bag, a stroller storage, a traveling crib, a baby cocoon, and many more baby toys & stuffs.
Mithra and I have been purchasing all these things for our baby for months now.
"Is this Karthik's?" Mithra asks. Even I find that cradle familiar.
"Yes! We treasured this cradle for his child." Oh okay! So it holds sentimental values. Then we will preserve it for the next generation too.
"That's so sweet." Mithra smiles, her eyes brims with tears as she squeezes my hand emotionally. I smile at her.
"And also this." My mom produced three small velvet boxes.
I take one & Mithra takes two boxes.
"Oh my! These are so beautiful." Mithra says..
"Diamonds and your love are forever!" My mom says & kiss my forehead first & then Mithra's. She is really thoughtful to choose three similar diamond studded platinum rings. The cutest one is our baby's. It's so small & I guess it will fit only when she is one or two yrs old.
Mithra & I exchange our rings & keep our baby's ring safe.
"May you & your baby share a lifetime of joy" Tara whispers near Mithra's ear & kisses her cheek.
Their family presents a wide range of story books, melodious music cassette & a baby monitor.
"Karthik, this baby monitor will be very useful when the baby sleeps in her room & we make love in our room." Mithra whispers so that only I can here. I couldn't but chuckle at her idea.
Tara winks at us guessing what we are discussing. I think she purposefully got this gift for the baby...um no, for us.
"Hey, little angel, you are already blessed with the best parents but still we bless you to have the best of everything in your life." Nisha coos to the baby. Aww... sweet!
"Aww... so cute." Mithra says looking at Nisha family's gift. It's a huge stuffy pale pink teddy bear.
"Since she is a girl baby, I specially got these dancing shoes." Nisha holds two baby ballerina socks & few other baby booties.
They are actually nice collections... ladybug booties, watermelon booties, magic fish booties, sweet corn booties... How every damn thing of babies looks so cute? May be it's because babies are cute.
"Hey, baby girl! This is your uncle Sanjeev. Hope you will not be a brat like your momma." He says & earns a hard smack on his head from Mithra. "Ouch! What? My son is not as patient as Karthik to tolerate all the tantrums your daughter throws at him like how you throw at my poor Karthik." Sanjeev sympathizes for me.
I scowl at him.
"Here. This is our gift." Deepa cuts him off & points to their gift placed at one corner in the room. It's a blooming bather. A cute pink colour rose petal like blooming bather. It's so beautiful.
"I bet this is Deepa's selection" I say.
"Yep! How did you guess that?" Sanjeev asks with a frown.
"Because you are a fool to thing creative." Mithra comments, giggling. Ah! She took my words.
"No, actually we thought at least by gifting a bather you will give bath to your baby, daily, you lazy girl." Sanjeev grunts. Mithra sticks out her tongue but laughs.
Then few of our close relatives start showering their blessings & finally my mom asks me to wish Mithra & the baby & give my present.
"Mom, you all blessed them. That's enough."
"No. No. You should bless them too." I don't bless but I always pray for their well being.
"And you should give me gift too." Mithra adds, grinning. I smile at her. Then I follow suit the ritual of putting bangles, haldi, kumkum & flowers on her.
I don't know what to say & bless them so I just whisper "Stay blessed & happy, babies!" I just want my two babies to live happily with me.
"My gift" Mithra puts her palm up. I place a velvet box on her palm.
She quickly opens the box & shrieks "Omg! I love it." it's a gold chain with a locket.
"This locket?" she asks looking straight at my eyes. I point to my chain's locket. "For the baby's first tooth." I have Mithra's first tooth preserved in my locket & Mithra will be having our baby's.
"Where is your first tooth, Karthik?" Sanjeev asks me.
"Why? You are gonna put it in your locket?" Mithra asks smirking.
"If I could find it, yeah why not..." Sanjeev says with a blush. He is f**king crazy!
"When did you turn to a girl?" I ask him in shock.
"You are f**king blushing, man" I growl at him. He blushes even more which gives me a 'Eewww' feeling & others just laugh at us.
"Tired?" I ask Mithra as I settle on the bed next to her.
Such a long day.
Even I am totally drained so obviously she must be tired.
I have even noticed her squirming in her seat and adjusting her pillows to give some comfort to her back. She was quite restless all day. So I asked her to go to bed while I see off the guests.
"Hmm..." she can't even articulate that in words. She just snuggles closer to me & hugs me. I kiss her forehead & all too soon we both passed out.
I feel groggy when Mithra cries my name.
"Karthik! Karthik!" Mithra shakes my shoulder vehemently. I squint my eyes to adjust with the light and sat up on the bed.
"What's it, baby? You want something." I ask sleepily.
"My water broke" she says in mere whisper.
"Huh?" I ask knitting my eyebrows. I think I didn't catch her words.
She is kneeling beside me & sweating profusely. What's wrong?
"I guess it's time. Take me to the hospital." she says so calmly.
"What? Is she coming?" I ask with wide eyes as I jump out of the bed.
Mithra nods her head & take a deep breathe.
"Okay, relax. I will take you to the hospital. You will be just fine." I reassure her and help her step out of the bed.
"Wait." she stops me. "Put your T-shirt on." she says possessively as she clutches her stomach. God! Even now? I sigh & quickly grab my T-shirt from the chest of drawers & throw it over my should. I will wear it in the car.
"You are not stepping out of this apartment bare chest." she orders.
"Mithra, you are in pain."
"I can manage. You put on your shirt. Quick!"
I know I can't argue with her anymore so I quickly put on my shirt.
"Now, come."
"Baby's bag." Mithra reminds me. I quickly run back to our bedroom to bring our baby's bag we have packed already.
"You can walk or should I carry you?"
"I guess I will walk but slow down your pace, okay?"
I might literally drag her to the hospital because I am fucking nervous and anxious. Oh fuck! We are going to have our baby in our arms in another... I don't know how long exactly.
"Sorry. Come."
I try not to show my nervousness as I drive Mithra to the hospital in record speed, where Dr. Rishab is on standby to meet us & ushe us in.
"Ahhh... Karthik... Ahhh..." Mithra cries in pain. I can see Mithra wilting as she gets tired from the contractions.
"Doctor... Do something... She is crying in pain." I plead.
Each time she has a contraction she grips my hand so hard it really hurts, but I know it's nothing compared to what she is going through.
"You are almost there. Keep pushing Mrs. Karthik." Dr. Rishab encourages.
"I can't. I can't do this. Karthik... Karthik... Help me." Mithra cries.
"Push! Mithra. Push! You can do it baby."
"No. Ahhh... No..." She throws her head back & screams.
"Karthik... She will be our only child." She says.
"Yes." That's what I want to hear from you baby.
"You are not going to touch me. Ever again." What? No!
"Don't be a fool, Mithra." I growl at her. Fuck! Karthik! She is not in her right mind now. You make her understand later or simply leave it. Her hormones will ask for it!
"I can't go through this again. I just can't!" she screams and groans.
"Come on. Push Mithra." I encourage her as I wipe her sweaty forehead with a tissue.
"You only said nah you don't want a C-section, you are not too posh to push & will bring our baby to this world naturally?" I remind her. I literally begged her to go for caesarean as I didn't want her to go through this hell but she turned down my offer saying she wanted to give birth to our Ruhi, naturally.
"Yes." She agrees.
"Then you can do it. Just keep pushing baby."
"I love you, Karthik..." She screams.
"I love you too...so much." I kiss her forehead as my eyes well up with unshed tears.
"Is this the first time she is confessing her love to you?" Dr. Rishab asks me in surprise. I frown at him not knowing why he is asking me this irrelevant question now.
"No. She daily says 'I love you' to me. It's like a chant to her."
"Why you asked?" Mithra asks curiously forgetting her pain momentarily.
"Well, my wife confessed her love to me for the first time when she was in labor, just before giving birth to our twins so I asked you." He says with a shrug, slightly embarrassed of asking it now.
"Why she took so long to propose you when you are this sweet, Doctor?" Mithra asks in a weak voice. God! Mithra... Focus on pushing.
"Doctor, I would like to meet your wife... And ask the same question to her... And also ask when love started for her?"
"Love started after marriage... but she took so long to confess... She was just waiting for the right moment & confessed her love for me on my birthday & that's the same day our twins were also born." He says relishing the sweet moment.
"Aww... she is so romantic."
"That she is." Dr. Rishab agrees.
"Oh... Ahhh..." Mithra screams again remembering her pain. She is quite funny.
"Goddd! Why is she struggling in? Karthik, you ask her to come out and give one hard push" Mithra takes my hand & places it on her belly. Oh no! I am scared to even touch her. I don't know how delicate she will be... I don't want to hurt her or our baby girl.
"Baby, please... come out darling." I plead.
"Karthik... Push..." Mithra presses my hand with hers and gives her tummy a hard push.
"Ahhh..." she scream & falls back tiredly on the bed as we hear our baby's loud cry.
Is my baby here? Oh God! Her cry send shivers down my body.
"We did it." Mithra whispers.
"Yes! You okay?" I ask Mithra. She nods with a weak smile. She looks so exhausted. I rest my forehead against hers & send a silent prayer to God for giving my babies safely to me.
I straighten up when the nurse places the baby on her front on Mithra's now deflated belly to clean her up.
"Thank you, Doctor" I tell him & he nods his head with a smile.
Mithra excitedly grabs our baby girl up her body & the baby smoothly slides up as she seeks warmth from her mother.
"Gently!" I instruct the nurse when she hurriedly and roughly cleans our baby with a baby wipe.
Mithra & I look at our little miracle in fascination who quickly falls asleep, safely resting her head between Mithra's cleavage, forgetting her earlier cry.
Mithra leans down & kisses our little angel who is in a gorgeous blush pink colour.
I blink my eyes to clear my vision from the tears. Happy tears!
"Karthik..." She looks up at me & cries. I know how emotional she feels now because I feel exactly the same.
"I love you, Mithra. You made me so happy today." I kiss her forehead & leaning down I kiss the shock of hair on our baby's head.
She is covered with mush & blood but I don't mind kissing her, after all she is my blood.
"Mr. Karthik here cut the umbilical cord." Dr. Rishab instructs. I cut the umbilical cord & detach the baby from Mithra but she will be bounded by her mother's and my love forever.
Later, Dr. Rishab asked the neonatologist to check the baby's apgar & declares that our princess is healthy and she is of perfect weight. I sigh in relief.
Finally, our family is completed with this beautiful baby girls arrival.
A little later, Mithra & our baby girl were shifted to a private ward.
"Did you inform our parents & friends?" Mithra asks.
"Then why they are not here, yet?" she asks with a frown.
"Um... I called them only half hour back." I tell sheepishly. I actually forgot to inform them.
Mithra shakes her head & turns to look at our baby who is sleeping in her crib.
"She is so beautiful" I tell Mithra as I kneel beside the crib. "Just like you." I add.
"Bring her to me, Karthik." Mithra whispers.
I nod & gently take our girl in my arms. She is so soft & warm just like her mother. I can't help but compare everything about my daughter with my wife.
"Here hold" I give her to Mithra but she panics to take her in her arms.
"How will I hold her? She is so small, Karthik. You better sit with me & hold her. I will just look at her."
"Come on, Mithra. You are her mother & she would love to be in your arms." I tell her with a smile & gently place our Ruhi on her arms & Mithra hugs her so close & securely to her chest as she coos her softly.
"Thank you so much, Karthik." Mithra whispers, looking into my eyes. I smile not knowing why she said thanks to me.
"For giving me a second chance in love, loving me unconditionally and for this precious little gift." she explains her reason for thanking me as she cries. I gently wipe off her tears & kiss her soft lips.
"I love you, Mithra, now and forever!"
"I love you too, Karthik."
Then we hear our little angel's soft cry. She is sleeping one minute & next minute she is up & seeking our attention.
"Aww... Sorry baby. Papa & Momma loves you too." Mithra says & kisses our baby girl's forehead. I gently caress Ruhi's velvet soft pink cheek with my finger. Ruhi opens her eyes & looks at me.
"She reminds me of you, Mithra." I tell Mithra with a smile. I feel so nostalgic. I can still remember the day I took baby Mithra in my arms & now she is holding our baby girl, Ruhi.
"But I see you in her, Karthik. She is so perfect like you." Mithra says & kisses my lips.
Then I take Ruhi's little hand & kiss it gently.
"Shall we name her?" I ask my Mithra. She nods in yes.
Then at once we both call our Ruhi's name "Ruhanika"
Yeah, Ruhi sounds more like a pet name so Mithra and I have decided to call her Ruhi at home and for her birthday certificate and other school certificates we have decided to give her full name.
"She looks so cute like a doll nah, Karthik?" She couldn't help but gush about our baby's beauty.
"She is. Our Baby Doll!" I agree.
Mithra & I at once leaned forward and kissed Ruhi's cheeks on either side as I take our first family picture using my phone.
A Picture Perfect moment!
.... Just EPILOGUE is left to post! I will post that soon and end this story!
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