14. Truth or Dare?
Part - 14
"Girl - Truth or Dare?
Boy - Dare!
Girl - I dare you to love me.
Boy - No, baby. That's the Truth! <3"
(Writer's POV)
Mithra walks out of her room bored as she has nothing to do while others are busy with work or with their partners. She quickly scans the room to see Nisha & Micheal chatting & drinking champagne near the bar island.
Sanjeev and Deepa are cuddling on the couch & watching TV.
And finally her eyes dart on her Karthik, who is busily working on his laptop sitting in the dining hall.
"Guys, attention please" Mithra calls everyone clapping her hands.
"What, baby?" Karthik asks as he stops tapping on his keyboard.
"Shall we play some game? I am bored?"
"I'm already playing only" Sanjeev says & grazes his fingers over Deepa's cheek.
"Not that play" Mithra chides him.
"If you wanna play business game then definitely I am not coming." Karthik says, horrified.
"No, Karthik. Let's play something interesting. How about we play Truth or Dare?" Mithra asks.
"I'm in" Nisha raises her hand in agreement & looks at Micheal.
"Yeah, sure. Let's play" Micheal too agrees.
"Little brat, why don't you go play in the indoor pool or just sleep? Why are you disturbing us?" Sanjeev growls at Mithra.
"Hey, c'mon Sanjeev, we are all here to have fun. If Mithra is feeling bored then we should entertain her" Deepa tells.
"Then come we will dance & entertain her" Sanjeev says in a sexy droll.
"Karthik, you are coming or not?" Mithra asks holding her hands on her hips.
"You look cute in that pose." Karthik says making her blush. "Sure. I will join you"
"Okay let's play" Mithra says excitedly & rushes to the bar counter to grab a champagne bottle to spin.
"This bottle is full" Mithra wonders where to pour the content.
"Give it to me" Karthik takes the bottle from her & starts gulping it down quickly, shocking Mithra.
"Dude, Give me some" Sanjeev says & grabs the bottle from him & drinks the rest.
"Problem Solved. Now, let's spin the bottle."
"Wait." Mithra stops.
"What the hell is your problem now?" Sanjeev asks irritated.
"Seating arrangement? Who will ask question to whom?" Mithra asks. "No couples should ask questions to their partners" she says strictly.
"Okay. I will sit opposite to Karthik & ask question to him & he can ask me" Nisha says.
"Me, Sanjeev" Mithra jumps to team up with him.
"No. I don't want this brat to question me." Sanjeev whines.
"I will ask you easy question, Sanjeev" Mithra smiles sweetly.
"I will ask question to Doctor Micheal" Deepa says with a shy smile.
"Agreed, Miss. Gorgeous" Micheal winks at Deeps making her blush profusely and Sanjeev & Nisha glare dangerously at their respective partners.
"So it's all decided" Mithra says & they all settled down on the floor around a glass coffee table.
(Karthik-Nisha, Sanjeev-Mithra, Micheal-Deepa)
"I will spin, I will spin, I will spin" Mithra squeals & spins the bottle & the mouth of the bottle points towards Sanjeev.
Mithra (excited) - Yahoo!! I will ask first. Truth or Dare?
Sanjeev (Disinterested) - I know you will definitely ask some silly question so I will go for 'Truth'
Mithra (giggling) - What color is your underwear?
Karthik (angrily) - what f**king stupid question is that, Mithra? Why do you want to know his underwear color?
Mithra (defensively) - I wanna ask some really embarrassing question to him.
Karthik (mocking) - Embarrass him? See there.
Karthik turns Mithra's face to Sanjeev's side to make her see him unbuckling his belt & unzipping his pants.
Mithra (shrieking) - Sheesh! What are you doing?
Sanjeev (coolly) - I don't remember what color underwear I wore this morning, so checking & telling you. Okay. It's white jockey brief with dark blue waist band.
Karthik (snarling) - Enough. Put your pants on.
Sanjeev - Okay! Chill dude.
(Sanjeev - Mithra)
Sanjeev (smirking) - I got you Brat. "T or D"
Mithra - Always Truth
Sanjeev - Have you ever made love?
Mithra (wide eyed) - What? No.
Karthik visibly sighs in relief though he knows Mithra will never go romancing beyond a limit before marriage.
(Karthik - Nisha)
Karthik - T or D
Nisha - T
Karthik - who was your first love?
Nisha (giggling) – You, Karthik. You were my first love.
Karthik laughs & Micheal chokes & spills the wine out from his mouth in an unromantic way so Nisha doesn't bother to wipe it off or suck it off with her lips.
Karthik - I was your first love huh?
Nisha (blushing) - Yes, but a flop love story it was.
Mithra squirms in her place.
Karthik - Aww... Baby, you got a nice catch. Micheal is the best for you.
Nisha - I know. (She says & kisses Micheal making him beam in delight)
(Mithra - Sanjeev)
Mithra - T or D?
Sanjeev - T
Mithra - would you abandon your lover for your friend?
Sanjeev (Slightly blushing) - If the friend is Karthik then I would abandon Deepa.
Sanjeev & Karthik fist pumped.
Mithra's jaw drops down to floor confirming they are gay.
Deepa pokes Sanjeev hard in his gut with her elbow for daring to say he will abandon her for his friend, while the others laughed enjoying their fight.
(Nisha - Karthik)
Nisha - how was your first time?
Karthik (confused) - First time?
Nisha (whispers) - Sex
Karthik - hey, that's personal. You should not ask such questions in public. I won't answer.
Karthik turns his face away. I am a f**king virgin then how the hell would I know about my first time sex experience?
Nisha - No! No! No! You chose to tell 'truth' so tell us? How was it?
Karthik (rubbing his forehead) - Good
When he looks up to see Mithra, she silently looks down at her knotted fingers, clearly not liking the question or the answer.
(Deepa - Michael)
Deepa - T or D
Mic - T
Deepa - Have you ever stolen anything of your girlfriend's possession? If so what? & why you stole?
Mic – You have asked 3 questions instead of one but still its fine, I will answer. Yes. I have stolen Nisha's 5 inch pumps high heels.
Sanjeev (grinning) - If I were you, I would have stolen some kisses from my girl... of course when she was asleep.
Deepa glares at him, clearing warning him to shut his mouth.
Nisha - You have my silver color pumps?
Mic - Yep!
Nisha - that one was my favorite. Why you have stolen it?
Mic - You got the habit of stamping my foot with those pumps as you wear them often so I took some safety measures by stealing it.
Nisha (Orders) - Get me new one, same silver color one and also return my old one too.
Mic (Chuckling) - Okay. I will get you flats and I won't return those killer heels.
Nisha glares at him but then let him go for now.
(Nisha - Karthik)
Nisha - Why you are always choosing Truth? See, we are all choosing dares and entertaining you so why don't you do too? I have some interesting dares for you, you know. It will be so much of fun seeing you perform those dares.
Karthik (laughing) - that's why I am choosing 'Truth' because I know you are a wicked witch & you will surely want to count my moles in accuracy.
Nisha (Shocking face) - How do you know that?
Karthik - I heard you talk about it to Mithra the other day. Thanks to my baby brat for saving my IZZAT that day! (Honour)
Nisha - Okay. So tell me... what is you most cherished memory?
Karthik (thinking) - Hmm... Mithra was six months old baby then... One day she was crying inconsolably. Padmini aunty was so worried not knowing what was wrong with her.
I tried playing with her too but still she didn't stop crying. I got a clue when I noticed her crying holding her right cheek. I thought she might have got hurt there, so I inspected her face, cheeks, and forcefully I made her open her mouth & there I saw something white.
Yeah, she started teething & that gave her uneasiness. I was the first one to see her first tooth. I was so fascinated & I gently rubbed the little tooth with my index finger & surprisingly she stopped crying & started giggling, maybe she felt ticklish. Oh my sweet baby. (Dreamy voice)
In fact I was the one to extract that little tooth when it was about to fall out. Seeing her teething for the first was one of my most cherished memories.
Mithra looks at him shell shocked feeling the depth of his love for her, as tears stings at the back of eyes.
Deeps - Awe... Karthik, man, you stole my heart. You are too adorable. (She blows a flying kiss to him)
Nisha - let me guess, you still have Mithra's first tooth, right?
Karthik - I am not going to answer. My chance is over. Let's spin the ball.
Nisha - Karthik, come on. Tell us, you have it or not?
Mithra - Karthik please.
Karthik ignoring them spins the bottle & to his bad luck the mouth of the bottle again faced him making everyone laugh.
Nisha - Okay handsome, I know you still have the tooth, now tell me where have you secured it, in bank locker? Or you have it with you now? If so show it to me this moment!
Karthik - hey you didn't ask me 'T or D' I wanna choose dare this time.
Nisha - Nope! Just show us.
Karthik sighs & pulls out his neck chain revealing a small square shaped locket. He opens the locket & takes out a small white tooth & shows it to them.
Karthik - Happy?
Nisha - so how old is this tooth?
Karthik - hmm... 19 yrs, 6 months, 17 days, 22 hrs, 49 mins...
He says looking at his wrist watch but Nisha cuts him off saying "whoa! You are unbelievable, man"
Mithra gets overwhelmed with his love so she couldn't help but kiss Karthik on his cheek surprising all including Karthik.
He just smiles at her & ruffles her hair lovingly before securing the tooth back in his chain locket.
(Sanjeev - Mithra)
Sanjeev - who you trust the most?
Mithra - Obviously, It's Karthik, I trust him the most. I trust him more than I trust myself.
Karthik smiles at Mithra & she smiles back at him.
(Micheal - Deeps)
Mic - how often do you cook at home?
Deeps (shyly) - You should ask that question to Sanjeev.
Her answer leaves everyone in fit of laughter. Sanjeev hides his face behind the throw pillow to save his face from further embarrassment.
(Sanjeev - Mithra)
Sanjeev – Your favorite holiday destination?
Mithra (smiling) - Andaman Islands.
Karthik smiles fondly relishing the happy times they had in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
(Mithra - Sanjeev)
Mithra - What would be the first thing you would do if you go invisible?
Sanjeev (winking) - If I go invisible then I will follow Deeps to her bathroom while she takes her shower.
Mithra made a puking face.
Dipali - You are shameless, Sanjeev.
She says gritting her teeth & smacks the back of his head.
(Karthik - Nisha)
Karthik - what do you expect from your life partner?
Nisha - I want my partner to woo me, coo me, feed me, love me, take care of me, take me outing, spend most of his time with me...
Karthik - Whoa! Whoa! That's a long list. I pity Micheal.
Micheal (sighs) - My poor fate.
(Sanjeev - Mithra)
Sanjeev - Your first kiss, tell us about it?
Mithra - First kiss? I have... I... I...
She turns to look at Karthik who's staring at the champagne bottle lying on the glass coffee table. She looks at the champagne bottle, then at Karthik & back to the bottle. She closes her eyes as she gets a blurry image of sea shore, rain night, romantic dinner date, a drunken image of herself & finally she falling on top of Karthik &...Kissing him. The kiss happened during their Andaman trip but she couldn't remember exactly when and how it happened.
Sanjeev - come on tell, how was your first kiss?
Sanjeev brings her out of her reverie.
Mithra - it was a blur.
Sanjeev - What?
Mithra - I mean... um... I don't remember clearly. But yes, I have kissed.
(Nisha - Karthik)
Nisha - have you ever told a lie in truth or dare game? When? And What was it?
Karthik (grins) - Yes. Now.
Everyone gasps.
Nisha - What? You lied now? OMG! Which answer you gave was a lie?
Karthik - The answer I gave for your first question was a lie.
Nisha - What was my first question? I forgot. Guys anyone remember?
"No" comes the chorus reply from all. They are playing the game for more than 2 hours now & they crossed so many "T&D" questions & have done so many dare's liking dancing with their partner's, taking pushups, half squating & so on. In all that they have forgotten the first question which Nisha asked to Karthik. Thanks to my lucky stars. These fools forgot the question. Karthik thought with a happy grin.
(Mithra - Sanjeev)
Mithra – What you like the most in women?
Sanjeev (smirking) - Boobies!
Mithra - Babies?
Sanjeev - Not you brat. BOOBS! That's what I like the most in women... the best asset in feminine physique. Agreed boys?
"Agreed" Karthik & Micheal replies in unison
Mithra – Ewww! You guys are so bad.
Sanjeev – Baby! (He pinches her cheek teasing her)
(Deeps - Micheal)
Deeps - what's your favorite movie?
Micheal - Titanic
Nisha - Oh darling no! I don't want you to die at a very young age, that too freezing in cold.
Micheal - Neither I'm Jack nor you are Rose so don't worry, sweetheart.
Nisha grins & kisses him.
(Mithra - Sanjeev)
Mithra - what was the last lie you told?
Sanjeev (without thinking blurts out) - Telling Deeps that she was looking slim & fit"
Deepa - How dare you lie to me, you moron?
Deepa screams at him & tries to take the glass bottle so that she can break it on his head but Karthik grabs the bottle before she could and saved his poor friend's head.
Sanjeev - You little devil.
Sanjeev curses & throws a cushion at Mithra.
(Micheal - Deepa)
Mic - if you get to punch someone in this room who will it be & give that person one punch?
Sanjeev (dreading) - Why boss?
Deepa - of course it will be my darling, Sanjeev.
"This is for lying to me that I am slim, you idiot" Deepa thoughts before punching him on his face.
(Karthik - Nisha)
Karthik - Have you ever killed a romantic mood on purpose? If so why?
Nisha – No. Not even for once! But Mic has done that. He has killed so many romantic moments. I can't blame him though. His work nature is like that. He gets untimely emergency calls & he runs away leaving me in the mid of our date. But of course I am so proud of him for saving so many lives, including mine. I love you, Micheal.
Micheal - I love you, sweetheart.
Mic kisses her forehead & everyone cheers for the happy couple.
(Sanjeev - Mithra)
Sanjeev - Tell me little devil, Are you in love?
Mithra (stunned) - Um... I ... (she turns & looks at Karthik, who is staring back at her with baited breathe) I guess I am falling in love.
Sanjeev - with whom?
Karthik (interrupts) - Sanjeev, her turn is over. Save your question for later.
Sanjeev catches Karthik's eyes & he shakes his head indicating him not to ask that question to her. He nods in agreement.
(Nisha - Karthik)
Nisha - what scares you the most?
Karthik – Marriage. Getting married again scares me.
Everyone went silent hearing that from him.
Karthik - Sorry. Let's end this game now. I have work to do.
He says & walks straight into his room.
... To be continued!!!
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