Chapter 4 Part 2: Spiders and Robots
Aphganistan – Day before Transfer: 6:20pm
"Hey Ezmay where are the ammunition clips I packed?" Sarah asked, throwing her extra uniforms on her bed and placing her rifle on top of them.
"I think you put them in your pack." Ezmay answered pointing to the crossfire pack on the floor.
"Thanks. I thought I had put them in my webbin-HOLY SHIT!" Sarah shrieked, jumping on her bed, cocking her rifle and pointing it at her pack.
"What is it this time?" Ezmay sighed, looking over at Sarah from her boot polishing.
"There is a huge fucking spider under my pack!" Sarah exclaimed nervously, "I think it's a camel spider." Ezmay huffed and lifted the pack only to be greeted with a large pair of fangs and the ugly face of an Aphgani camel spider.
"HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD THAT IS A HUGE MOTHER FUCKER!" Ezmay screamed, moving as far away from the spider as possible in the compact room.
"I told ya! I bloody told you it was huge!" Sarah shouted while Ezmay grabbed her combat shotgun and fired a shot at the spider.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Colonel Stanford roared standing in the doorway to the girls room with several other officers behind him.
"Apart from the large spider that's in here at the moment. Nothing, sir." Sam explained still having her weapon trained on her pack where a indentation of a shotgun round and a leg from the spider.
"And just how did this spider get in your room?" A captain behind the Colonel asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice as he motioned to the leg on the floor.
"We don't know, but I'm telling you know. I ain't sleeping in here until someone makes fucking sure that the fucking spider is god damn dead." Sam demanded.
"I might suggest that one of you fellas tries removing the spider from the girls room before one of them blows a hole in the floor." Jono remarked, squeezing his way past the Colonel and the other officers to pick up the bag. Half the spider had been been squished against the bag and hung on. Barely. The other half lay on the ground, twitching. Moving as fast as he could, Jono carried the bag outside, dropping it on the hard earth before reentering the room and kicking the rest of the spider outside. Both Ezmay and Sarah gagged.
"Eww. Gross." Sarah grumbled watching as Jono grabbed both halves of the dead spider and threw it further away from the bunkers, Sarah and Ezmay's bunker was at the end of the row. Afterwards, using some rocks, Jono wiped the spider guts off the bag before taking it back to the girls, nodding farewell before picking up his soccer ball and going to his banker.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen this is your pilot speaking and before we start our flight I would like to say what a wonderful, sweaty, smelly day it is today. So in fair warning, if any of you boys have eaten something nasty for breakfast, please don't share it. Otherwise you will be thrown out of the plane. Thirdly, please sit back, relax and enjoy the flight to Diago Garcia." The pilot announced, earning a round of laughter from those on board as the plane started moving. The chains holding the vehicles rattled as the plane jousted and jolted about as it went over bumps.
"I wonder how long the flight will be." Sarah mused, putting her headphones on. Loud music started playing loud enough for Ezmay, whom was sat right beside her, could hear as clear as day.
Flying over Diego Garcia: 11:38pm
"I don't remember one moment I tried to forget
I lost myself yet I'm better not sad
Now I'm closer to the edge
It was a thousand to one and a million to two
Time to go down in flames and I'm taking you
Closer to the edge
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no, no, no" Sarah now had her headphones dangling around her neck with the volume at full blast while looking out the window of the plane watching as the strobe lights on the outside flashed different colors and patterns. She had never even noticed the lights down below and that got her curious, "Excuse me load master?"
"Yes Ma'am?" The loadie asked coming over to her as she pointed out the window.
"What's that down there?" Sam asked looking back down at the lights.
"That's Diago Garcia. We're just circling at the moment. We have to wait for them to move some stuff off the runway and then we will be cleared to land." The loadie explained heading back over to his post by the rear door.
"Hmm, different. I always thought they'd be ready for us." Sarah mused, a mental list of ways she could get the men at the base to be better prepared started to plan itself out in her head.
Garcia: That same time:
"Sir, the planes are coming in to land." Flash exclaimed, as the sound of a large aircraft flew over head.
"Do they know where to go?" Lennox asked looking over at Chance, whom stood watching the outside world throw a window.
"Yes sir, I informed them before hand." Flash answered.
"Chance. Are you going to introduce us to your girl?" Epps asked, slapping Chance on the back mockingly, as he left the com room. The sound of shrieking tires met everyone's ears as the first of the four planes landed gracefully on the tarmac.
"I am," Chance stated as he followed Epps to the tarmac.
"What the heck at those insects?" Epps asked Chance when he spotted the vehicles exiting the rear of the Galaxy.
"Those are my countries PMV's and transporters you're looking at," Ezmay stated proudly, as she stepped out into view. "They're a lot safer than a buffalo or the other one." Chance held back a snicker.
"This place is huge!" Sarah shouted, dropping her bags in the hangar that was going to have all their equipment in it. That included the vehicles.
"Well, it was a base for a bomber's squirt, Rico." A voice behind them stated. Sarah went tense and Ezmay couldn't help the smirk that all but consumed her facial features.
"Oh dear," Ezmay faked a forgetful smile, "It appears I forgot to tell you that your plus one was here." Emily grinned, watching as Sarah's grip on her combat helmet tightened, causing her knuckles turn white.
"There is only one person in the whole world that is allowed to call me that." Sarah hissed, turning around and pegging her helmet at the person in question, earning a grunt of pain, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there, Peaches."
"Nice to see you to Sarah," Chance groaned, clutching his stomach in pain, "Hey Ezmay."
"How's it been keepin chance?" Ezmay asked with a smile, taking Sarah's helmet from out of chance's grip.
"Great, until I got the helmet to the stomach." Chance answered, slowly standing at full height and enveloping Sarah into a loving embrace. God had he missed his girl.
"Where are you taking us Chance?" Sarah asked, looking around the base.
"You'll see." Chance answered grinning, while opening the hangar doors to the large rec room. The mostly Australian group was greeted by a decent number of vehicles, including their very own bushmaster, Hawk. A large metal dragon like creature lay off to the side, a dark soldier sitting on one of the front feet of the metal monster.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke because I will hurt you and you know-"
"Major, welcome to Diego Garcia," A reasonably tall, brown haired man called, walking out from beside a blue and red truck, "I understand if a number of you are confused as to why you have been transferred here. A to get somethings out of the way, not just anyone can turn up to this base and what is seen or done here is never to be spoken about to anyone outside of this base. Which means that no one is allowed to tell your family or friends about what it is you do here. All anyone needs to know is that you work for me. My name is Colonel William Lennox, I am the commanding officer of this base. If you have any problems with how I run the place, you can take it out with my second in command, Technician Sargent Robert Epps, who is sitting over there," Lennox pointed to the dark skinned soldier sitting on the metal dragon's paw.
"Being that it would appear that we all have clearance to be here, would you mind telling us what it is that happens here?" Sarah asked.
"Certainly, Chance, your up," Lennox remarked switching places with Chance, "Step back everyone." Everyone took several steps back.
"Autobots!" Chance called and all the vehicles lights flashed and the dragon's eyes opened, "Transform!"
"Holy duck shit..." Was all Sarah had to say as all the vehicles 'transformed' into robots. The robot that had been the truck knelt down if front of the group, it's eyes scanning them all.
"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." The large robot spoke in a flat voice, like he had delivered this monologue a million times. No one moved a muscle, too afraid that they would move to quickly or the wrong way and the large robot would squish them.
"Hi. I'm Major Sarah Olen." Sarah said, elbowing Ezmay in the ribs. Ezmay shot a glare Sarah's way as she clutched her side and moved out of elbow reach.
"Good day to you, Optimus Prime. I'm Captain Ezmay Olen. It's very nice to meet you." Ezmay smiled up at the robot and stuck out her hand out for Prime to shake. Prime hesitated before accepting Ezmay's hand. Being that Ezmay's hand is way too small to give a proper hand shake, Prime instead used the index finger of his right hand. Sarah glared at Ezmay and envious of her sister's lack of fear towards the large room of meta beings that could easily kill them all without a second glance. Sarah jabs her sister in the ribs and Ezmay returns the favor with a spin kick to the back of Sarah's knees, dropping Sarah on her butt. Sam's face burned redder than red, in both embarrassment and in frustration as a number of her comrades and the metal beings laughed.
"I. Will. Kill. You." Sarah hissed, getting to her feet. Ezmay simply smiles, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet.
"Here we go." Chance sighed, leaning against Prime's leg as the sister's started fighting.
"Does this normally happen and should I break it up?' Lennox questioned. Chance shock his head, watching Ezmay dodge Sarah's wildly thrown punches, landing a few of her own in a calm and calculated manner.
"This happens a lot, but they don't fight to beat the crap out of each other, they fight to test technic and release pent up energy. Their father is part Japanese, who has a full blood brother. Both brother's learnt various martial arts and would spare with one another to keep in shape and to keep their skills sharp. That's why Sarah and Ezmay are fighting, or for better use of the word, sparing. It keeps them on their toes and ready for anything." Chance explained as Sarah charged at Ezmay, swinging a right hook, which Ezmay dodged as she landed a punch of her own to Sarah's side before she kicked Sarah's legs out from under her, slamming her into the ground and put her in a headlock. Defeated, Sarah tapped her sister's arm for her to release her. Happy with her victory, Ezmay patter her sister's head, helping her sister to her feet.
"Round two later?" Ezmay asked.
"Sure," Sarah puffed. "Why not."
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