Chapter 5
(art by Mexcraziness on DeviantArt please check out their 4+1 monkie kid Au it's really cool!)
favorite tea kind: (f/t/k)
~17 hours later~
-ugggghhhh are we there yet?!
-No! stop asking it's getting annoying!! especially since I'm tireeeeedd, pleaseeee.
-Alright I will stop.
-Thank you!! Oh sweet we are here!
-Finally! Took us long enough!
-Yepp, my home is just 30 minutes away from here buut you won't live with me my house is to small and mostly an abonded Dojo. People would think your wired coming out of there every day.
-Ohh alright. But then were will I be living?!
-Well I got you a job and an apartment too!
-Oh shit that's cool but how? and where?
-In town there is a shop called Pigsy's noodles! and you will be living just a bit above it and a bit to the side!
-Yaaay I won't have to walk!
-yepp but only because you will have to come to my hide out every night to train and to tell me their secrets!
-What. wait are you guys enemy's?!
-Kinda just the kid named Mk he is the aprentice of my arch enemy! annnd since he is the others too! Oh also I didn't wanna freak you out at first buuuut I'm also a demon..?
-Whooah jeez calm down I'm the six eared Macaque actually! and I'm pround!
-Woaahh I didn't know I was your favorite thing you learnet in school.
-yeee but that's so cool! I'm guessing I can't tell anyone I'm your aprentice I would brag about it if I could!
-thank chu!
-haha. Wait does that mean that your arch enemy is Sun Wukong?!
-Yes. Cool huh?
-look okay I will learn from you and help you fight these guys but I don't wanna tell you their secrets... I'm not that kind of person..
-Nahh thats fine!
-Yayy thank you so are you just gonna drop me of there orrr?
-Yepp we are almost there!
-Alright we are here you will not tell them you know me if they tell you about me you will act dumb got it?
-Yes sir! I only know Micheal! oh and by the way will I meet the great sage?
-I don't know probably but please don't act to disgusted.
-I don't hate him that much chill.
-Alright your apartment is on the second floor and its the only room in that floor so you will find it. You can go explore later. Your first shift starts at tommorow 7am got it?
-Yess sir! Oh and here's my number you can text me later!
-okay go have fun!
After Macaque droped off Y/n they went in their apartment showered and went to bed they didn't even unpack their stuff.
~Time skip to next morning 5 am (sorry for the many time skips)~
Y/n's woke up and went to get ready they quickly got ready for the day they ate a sandwich and went down for a walk. After 1hour they started to head back. When they got home they just put down their stuff and went to Pigsy's noodles.
-Hello! I'm Y/n!
-They are the new worker I told you about Mr.Tang! I'm Mk it's very nice to meet you !
-Hi I'm Tang it's nice to meet you! by the way Pigsy told me to tell you that you can give me free noodles whenever I ask for them!
-Woah chill Pigsy your not even gonna say hi to your new worker?
-Oh your here already. I'm Pigsy the owner of this shop! We have a few rules around here- Pigsy got cut of by Mei.
-Hiiiiii I'm Mei its so good to have another person in the teamm!!
-Hi..? I guess its nice to meet you all!
-So. Pigsy started. your gonna work in the kitchen since you have already done that. By the way don't be suprised if a random Monkie demon flies in mainly Monkey king.
-Okayy? I'm gonna try not to question that. Said a confused Y/n
After the intruductions Y/n started working the kitchen when MK aproached them and started talking to them.
-So Y/n right?
-Yep! Whatcha need MK?
-Just wondering how you got this job..
-Oh I needed a job and I have this really good friend who always helps me with stuff they helped me move and got me a job I owe them one now!
-Nice friend you have!
-Oh yea I don't know if Pigsy told you but I'm monkey kings aprentice and that's why he some times comes around!
(This AU does not follow the original timeline of Monkie kid, however I'm planing on writeing one that does. Hope you understand!)
-Wait really??? that's so cool Mk! but since you told me something about your self I guess I should too! I actually grew up in a village that was cut of the world and I think they worshiped Monkey King maybe just a bit to much.
-uuh maybe another time Mk, I got work to do I don't wanna get fired on the first day of the job!
-Aww alright. Mk pouted.
-heh sorry Mk. talk to you later!
Y/n started making tea while Pigsy watched them closely something about them was just off to him besides he didn't want this person to burn down his noodle shop. By what he read from them file they got fired because they almost burnt down the last place however they didn't make any mistakes that someone who almost burnt down a café did. Y/n they knew was being watched but they also knew not only Pigsy watched them. Macaque was watching in the shadows mostly to make sure they didn't do anything wrong but also to learn to make tea! it might be useful for him in the future.
-Hey Pigsy, quick question how often does Monkey king fly in randomly? Y/n asked
-Uhh about one or two times a week why? answered the pig demon
-I don't know, just asking. Its hard to process it.
-I get it, altough I've gotten used to it pretty fast still had to hold Tang back for atleast a month.
-Oof I'm sorry for you.
-Yea I'm sorry for my self too. Now go back to work I don't want another employee slaking off. I've already got enough trouble with the kid.
Just then a Big blue man came in clearly demon.
-Hello Pigsy! how are you?
-Sandy, the guy who if your with, you can't feel down just the person I needed! also meet my new employee they make tea for the noodle shop. You two will get along for sure! I need to get some fresh air! I can't deal with people right now Pigsy wispered the last part
-okkayyy. So uh hi I'm Y/n nice to meet you Sandy!
-nice to meet you too! I didn't think Pigsy would look for an employee in a million years yet here you are hehe. So you like tea? what's your favorite kind?
-(f/t/k)! it teasts really good!
-Ohh I like that kind too! So how come you work here?
-I actually just moved and I needed a job my friend got me hired here i don't actually know how he did it.
-That's so sweet of them I wonder if I could meet them one day.
-haha yeaaaa one day maybe, well gotta get back to work see ya Sandy!
-Alright, have fun making tea.
-thank you have fun doing what ever your gonna do!
So Y/n went back to work while. Finally no one was bothering them.
And they could make tea in peace for a while.
(it took years to finish this chapter sorry for the long wait. I'm really stressing because of school. I'm gonna try and update more. A lot has been on my mind and the Chinese version of monkie kid came out so I was just hit with inspiration! see you next chapter! And thank you so much for 500+ reads! ;3)
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