Chapter 4
(Edit by me)
~Meanwhile in the kitchen~
One of the wooden cabinets chaught on fire. Luckly Amelia came into the kitchen in time. She put the fire out and went to call the boss, ofcourse with a little lie in it to fire Y/n.
-Hello Mr.Long, Its Amelia from one of your café's, the one in flower fruit mountain village. I would like to complain about my co-worker Y/n.
-Hello young lady what would you like to complain about with this co-worker did they do anything wrong?
-Yes, yes they were very irresponsible they almost set the café on fire!
-How do you suppose this happend?
-I wasn't there when it happend, but when I went into the kitchen some of the stoves were on and one of the cabinets caught on fire!
-Oh my I will talk with this employe about this situation. What was their full name again?
-Y/n L/n, but please go easy on them sir we are really good friends.
-Alright alright I will see what I can do, thank you for informing me of this situation.
~A few hours later~
-Hello its Y/n L/n, what do you need?
-Hello Mx. L/n its your Boss
Mr.Long. I would like to talk to you about a situation that happened earlier today.
-Oh what would you like sir?
-I got a report today from miss Amanda that you almost lit the café on fire. Is that true?
-Lit the café on fire? I have not got informed of this situation. If you don't mind I would like an explanation of the fact that I lit the café on fire.
-Ah I see. Well from what I know you left the kitchen and some of the stoves were on and one of the cabinets actually caught on fire at this time. You were the only chef in today meaning you were the only one that could have left it on.
-Wait. I'm sure I didn't left it turned on besides if it was on and you put nothing on it for three minutes it automaticaly turns of I left for five minutes at most. So Amanda may have lied about that.
-I see but I also looked into your file. This isn't your first mistake Mx. Y/n a few years back you also did the same thing and came up with the same excuse. I'm sorry but I cannot alow that to happen again. I'm very sorry to tell you this but your fired.
-What...? Please don't fire me! I can't find another job in this village...I don't have enough money to move please! Sir please don't fire me! Said Y/n on the verge of tears
-I'm sorry dear I wish the best for you..
And with that Mr.Long hang up the phone.
After packing up the stuff Y/n had in the building. They left the building.
They went home holding back tears. They really loved making tea for customers even tough most of the people in this town hated them. They didn't want this to happen they most likley will have to move and leave their home town. Just then they heared a knock on the door. They opened the door and saw Micheal there with some Chocolatte icecream.
-I heared what happened I'm so sorry about it. I wanted to bring you this hopefully it will make you feel better. I also kinda quit I can get a better job if needed anyway. I also know you need to move so. I wanna help!
-Oh thanks for the icecream Mike. But why would you quit? A-and why would you help ME move?!
-Okay calm down I quit beacuse I was just actually bored and that's why I took the job. Aaand even tough we only met three days ago you are really nice I want to help you besides I know a city where I'm headed next Its a pretty big city anddd I also wanted to ask you to be my aprentice I think you have the potencial.
-Alright! I will take both of your offers. BUT on one condition, I will pay you back somehow.
-Nice, great! Also its like you had a choice. But eat your ice cream, its gonna melt.
-Alright al- Wait a momment HEY!
-hehe... Please don't kill me.
-Your lucky I'm in a bad and weak mood to beat you up..
And with that they spent of the rest of the day talking about how shitty life is and some other stuff.
-Hey Mike its almost night time you should go home unless you wanna sleep here.
-Ya I should leave your right. Pack your things by tommorow noon we will leave then.
-Alright see ya tommorow!
-See ya!
And with that Micheal left the house. Y/n spent half of the night packinging their stuff and then went to sleep.
~Time skip to next day noon beacuse I have nothing intresting to write~
Micheal went to Y/n's apartmen.
-Heyy you done packing?
-Yepp just my packed my bag we can go now I only packed another one soo I have two big bags!
-Alright I don't really have to bring anything so we can go.
-You won't even bring a suitcase..?
-no? Why would I? I already have everything in my house! Oh also I forgot to mention where we are going is a where my home is actually like I started the my journey to find an aprentice there because I used to live there.
-Ohh cool! I can't wait to see where you live!
-Yepp Oh quick thing I forgot to mention, demons are alowed to walk betwen humans they promised not to hurt/eat humans!
-Wooow.I mean I'm not suprised I didn't know this village is pretty much for its self.
-Yepp it is!
After their small talk they left for Wan Qian Cheng.
(Wan Qian Cheng is the name of the city where Mk, Pigsy, Tang, Mei and Sandy lives! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if you did pelase vote! ;3)
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