Madness and Mayhem part 1
AN: Recap on the teams and dead/captured/kidnapped/MIA. Class 1a Teams: Team 1: Jirou, Hagakure, Asui. Team 2: Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Sero. Team 3: Uraraka, Iida, Koda. Team 4: Shouji, Kirishima, Sato. Team 5: Ojirou, Shinso, Ashido. Team 6: Aoyama, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami.
Dead (Class 1a): Hagakure. Ojiro. Shinso. Yaoyorozu. Kaminari. Sero. Asui. Iida. Jirou. Sato. Kirishima. Shouji. Uraraka. Koda.
Captured (Class 3e): Okajima. Kirara.
Kidnapped/MIA (Class 1a): Ashido.
Uraraka couldn't believe her eyes. Iida's 'dead'. She turned towards Koda as they need to figure out how to beat whoever 'killed' Iida as this is not going to be a good thing for them as Uraraka needs to figure out what to do as this is not a very good thing.
"Can you get some animals and ask them who did this?" Koda nodded, but before he could, a bullet hit his heart. Uraraka turned to see Hayami with a handgun. Hayami tried to shoot another bullet, but it seemed that she's out of ammo.
Uraraka smiled. Lightening her clothes, she raced over to Hayami. She felt a cool, blue liquid hit her clothes. Hayami looked behind Uraraka as if a partner's right behind her that she didn't see making her to hate this as she turns around and saw Chiba in the trees.
"Nice shot, Chiba!" Hayami shouts to her boyfriend in the trees as Uraraka finally understood immediately. They're played from the very beginning making her to wonder how class 3e's so powerful making Kikiyo to chuckle mentally as Uraraka just now realized it's a trap
'That face is making me to love this game even more now.' Kikiyo thinks to herself. Class 3e met back at their flag being guarded by Isogai, Hinano, Rio, Sugaya, Hara, Takebayashi, Muramatsu and Fuwa, all patrolling the area in different parts.
It wasn't that they're unconfident, it's just that some of them were more support than offensive and some had perfect Quirks for defense like Sugaya who had the ability to draw anything to life which's a side-effect of his Unlimited Creation Quirk.
"Only Kirara and Okajima are out?" Nagisa asked and Kayano nodded.
"I was with Kirara. Everything went to plan." Nakamura smirked.
"Seems like we beat some of the best of the best, huh?"
"Too bad Izu-chan didn't let me use my bag." Karma added. Nagisa hit the back of his head with a stick on the ground.
"I'll go tell him to get ready, okay?" Chiba and Hayami passed him some ammo and Nagisa put them in his bag.
"Can we go watch?" Fuwa asked and Nagisa hesitated.
"Fine, but have Sugaya and Nakamura make some things, okay?" He groaned. Nakamura's Quirk's the ability to make pranking materials. However, the more she made, the more tired and emotionless she became. Nakamura and Sugaya gave Nagisa a thumb's up.
"You got it!" They said and quickly laid some traps, defenses and wax models of the class by the flag. Karma grinned.
"I can't wait for the chaos our Kik-chan's going to make." Earlier, right after the match started. Nagisa silently jumped from tree to tree to tell Class 3e the news. Four people at the enemy's flag. Class 3e had all agreed. Those four would be a certain someone's targets.
After all... It wasn't fair from just them to have some fun. Kikiyo smirked as she saw Nagisa hop her way over. Her smirk fell when she saw the rest of Class 3e come her way, but Naomi who's still doing this to Ashido who's still awake and soundless.
"You idiots! Why did you all come?! What about the flag?" Kikiyo furiously whispered to the rest of her team. Nagisa sighed as Karma and Nakamura gave Kikiyo their famous shit-eating grins.
"We obviously wanted to see you destroy the other team!" Nakamura said while Karma gave her a thumbs-up making Kikiyo to forget those two are pranker friends and live to do things like this to everyone in class 3e when possible.
'Or the school for all Phys Ed Classes which Asano didn't stop.' Kikiyo thinks to herself fully.
"Well, are you guys going to just watch me or are you actually going to take part?" Kikiyo asked while sighing at them as this is not part of the plan which Ritsu Mobile said it's not making her to rub her nose bridge as this is not what she had expected really.
"We won't. We'll just going to come out of the trees once you grab the flag." Kikiyo now pinched her nose in between her eyes as Karma and Nakamura cackled silently. What did her class do to get the wrath of their jokes? She took out her gun and Nagisa handed over some ammo to her.
"Chiba and Hayami are here for backup just in case." Nagisa murmured into Kikiyo's ear.
"Not saying that you'll need it, Kik-chan." Kikioy nodded and Class 3e quickly jumped from tree to tree to surround the flag. They disappeared into the trees. Kikiyo smiled as she took her gun and aimed it. This was going to be fun. Todoroki's the one who made the plan.
He didn't know what to expect, so he put the class into groups of three and put the long-range people at the base, where they would be most likely to succeed, considering how thick the forest was. When Kikiyo and Naomi went hopping away on their own...
Todoroki didn't pay much attention to it. After all, both knew the forest the best out of all twenty-two of them. And besides, they had quirks. They could beat a class with no offensive abilities. Still, Todoroki found it weird when no one came back.
It had been over thirty minutes since the game started. Todoroki's sure that they would have won by that time. He guessed that he's wrong, so when a gun shot came towards him, he had immediately put up an ice wall.
Melting it, he saw someone doing something he never thought he'd see. Kikiyo's fully holding a gun at Tokoyami's head making the poor teammate to look shocked and surprised as he didn't see this at all and no one else saw it coming at all fully.
"If you want him to not get hurt, then you should raise your hands to the back of your head and go down on your knees." Tokoyami froze when the gun was pressed closer to his head.
"Midoriya." Todoroki began.
"What are you doing?" Kikiyo looked over at him and put on a cold smirk. Todoroki's heart raced. He had only felt this fear when training with his sperm donor. How could Kikiyo replicate it? And why's Kikiyo acting like this? Todoroki needed answers. Desperately now.
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