CoD AU - Fight with Al-Asad | PART 2
"His powers.. are Silnaya Krov related?"
Al-Asad was horrifed to see Soap protruding a pair of bat wings over his back. Price too saw him doing so, making him wonder if this was also some sort of ability that a vampire can also achieve, but looking at the Second Horseman's reaction, it kind of felt it was a sort of superior meaning. Soap growled and flew in the air, with his wings flapping and aimed through the direction Al-Asad was, and gliding towards him. Al-Asad tried to prevent his upcoming attack by bringing his arms aside and then forming a huge clap, creating a huge sound wave which began to reach towards Soap, but it got dodged. He tried other ways like manipulation, but it didn't bring him in control, terrifying Al-Asad, as he ducks himself when Soap flew beneath him. Soap looked at the Arabian vampire again, snarling while charging his claws, and then gliding back.
"Do you think you can defeat me only having those wings?!" Al-Asad cried, and created a force field around him, in full power restraint. Soap grew his speed more faster, his clawed hands aiming towards the terrorist. The fact that, Al-Asad was sweating in fear, not sure if he was actually going to survive Soap's attack. Meanwhile, Price saw the silver knife beside him and grabbed it in his hand, and waited till Soap made the move. Al-Asad was completely distracted, and they both give a look to each other, and the Scottish then approached near the force field, breaking it apart by his claws, as everything turns to slow motion. The force field slowly cripples apart, and Price timely aims the knife towards him, and Al-Asad grabs the attention, seeing that he was trapped from both sides; one from Soap and one from Price. Soap was
preparing to slice his head off, but Price called him out.
"Soap, take this!" Price throws the knife towards Soap, as he grabs it and immediately stabs Al-Asad in the heart. Since Soap already grazed him, enough to let him die. The terrorist falls down on the ground, dead but still remains to be having remaining few lives. Price gets up and approaches near the vampire, so does Soap, landing down and retracting his wings back. "It's over, Al-Asad."
Al-Asad coughed blood, and chuckled. "You foolish thought killing me would end the war? Think twice before you could have done that."
"At least.. one problem like you is gone. We can handle the rest." Soap replied, sternly.
"You cannot handle the rest, young blood. They are way superior than y-you.. even having those.. b-bat wings-!" Al-Asad coughed again. ".. and they will just make you all beg for your life. I'm just the small part of Zakahev. They have more, and they will kill you."
Price laughed. "I know Imran more better than you, Khaled. He won't even kill me that quick for what you expect. Pripyat taught him very much, and it's only a matter of time when your reign ends any time faster."
"S-shut u-" Al-Asad wheezed, and felt himself dying. "You can't kill me!"
"Then why are you still lying there? About to be dead any moment? Did you notice the knife even had the poison?"
"P-poison?" Al-Asad looks at his arms, they were purple in color and his skin was becoming pale. The vampire began to panic and scream in immense pain, as the poison slowly killed him. He shaked and tumbled, the pain unbearable. Al-Asad angrily looks at the both, giving their final words before he leaves.
"See you in Hell, Al-Asad."
And at this moment, Al-Asad gives up all his strength, and passed out by the poison killing him. Price picked up his walkie talkie, and contacted the team for a message. "This is Captain Price. The Fourth Horseman, Khaled Al-Asad is KIA. We did it boys, but remember. We still have dangers abroad. Over."
"Affirmative, Captain. Over." The reply came from the phone, and then declined the call. Price then looked at Soap, seeing him a little weak. Being concerned, he grabbed him and took him down to the building. There, the forces arrived and escorted Price and Soap out of the city. While returning back home, the Captain looked at the dosed off solider, trying to regain consciousness, as he wonders maybe it could be because Soap used a lot much power. But, was it that much powerful that it could have almost killed off Al-Asad differently?
Or.. was Soap someone different?
"No matter what happens.. I have to make sure Soap stays intact. His vampire influence might prevent him from doing the right." Price said to himself, while returning back to the base.
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