Chapter Two
(y/n)'s POV
I yawned and woke up in a sleeping bag in a room I didn't recognize, and I started to panic for a moment before realizing where I was.
This was my own room, my new place in my new home. I sighed and got up to go into the bathroom to change. I realized I'd left the sweatpants on the ground and slept in yesterday's skinny jeans. Why the fuck was I even alive.
I peeled off yesterday's clothes and changed. I looked at my hair and decided it needed brushing, so I got to that. After filtering the water, (I wasn't sure if there was a water filter built in and wasn't risking it), I finished getting ready and looked at myself. Not horrible. Not particularly good-looking, but decent enough to satisfy me in case I ran into people or someone was invited over.
"(y/n)! Get down here and help with the kitchen!" Dad called. I groaned but tumbled down the stairs to assist my delightful parents.
"Would you sort the stuff in this box? Then I want you to go meet the neighbors next door, see if they're nice." Mom said, handing me a heavy box. I nodded and sat down on the ground to get to to work. The box was filled with double the amount of plates I'd ever seen at once, and 10 glasses. Now I got why it was so heavy. Soon enough it was sorted so I stood up, brushing myself off. The ground was cold, hard, and pretty dusty, so I wasn't exactly having a great time.
I opened the door and bright light smacked me across the face. It was really fuckin' hot too. Oh joy.
I walked over to the closest house and examined it. Relatively average, but kinda pretty. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I heard a dog barking its head off and voices from inside. A frazzled woman opened the door.
"Hi, I'm (y/n), your new neighbor. I just moved in yesterday. My mom sent me to say hi." I introduced awkwardly. Her short ginger hair was frizzy and messy and she was wearing a loose, orange t-shirt. I guessed she had just woken up or was relaxing and didn't bother to get ready.
"Oh, hello! I'm Mrs. Hubbard, come in! I heard a new neighbor was moving in so I made some treats, they're in the kitchen. While I get them, you can hang out on the couch. Make yourself at home!" She urged, growing a big, kind smile. I nodded and stepped in. I heard her walk away and a dog came and sniffed at my shins, since it was a little yorkshire terrier.
I smiled and looked at its bright pink collar. It said 'Erika' in shiny gold, italicized lettering.
I then heard footsteps pummeling the stairs nearby and two kids my age appeared.
One was a guy with brown hair and a light blue shirt with some drag queen printed on it.
The other was a girl with long hair, starting chocolate brown and going bleached-blonde halfway through. Her outfit was cool and edgy, with fishnets and mesh all over. She was also very, very pretty.
"What're you doing in my house?" The boy asked. My eyes widened and I quickly stood up and held out a hand for him to shake.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), I'm your new neighbor. Your mom had me come inside." I explained, looking at the floor awkwardly.
"Oh, yea! Well, welcome to the neighborhood. We cordially invite you to sit with our friend group when school starts." The boy dramatically extended a hand to shake, which I reluctantly accepted. He seemed really excited, so I looked up and smiled.
"I definitely wouldn't mind that. What're your names?"
"Oh, I'm Damien Hubbard and this is my best friend Janis Sarkisian. We're the best people you'll ever meet." He said, presenting his (very pretty and noticeably awkward) friend with jazz hands and an ever-present grin. I nodded and smiled.
"I don't doubt that, tbh. You seem cool." I stuck my hands in my pockets as I spoke quietly. I genuinely said 'tbh' out loud.
This is why we can't have nice things.
"We are, actually. Janis, why don't you chat with her while I go talk to my mother? You don't have a choice, bye!" He pranced off and the girl turned to me, looking fairly flustered.
"You okay?" I asked awkwardly, attempting to make eye contact but she refused.
"Ye-... I... uh.... umm... I'm sorry, I'm not good at this... just- yeah." She blurted uncomfortably and I rubbed her shoulder in sympathy, which made her seem even more embarrassed.
"I'm not really good at this either." I tell her, half smiling with my shy, awkward person pain showing in my expression. She seemed to loosen up a bit.
"Whe- where are you... where you are from? Oh uh that came out wrong-" She rambled, but I cut her off by starting to speak myself.
"I'm from (h/t). Are you from here or did you move here at some point?"
"Oh, I'm from here... born and raised!" She smiled awkwardly. We both were not good at this, this was a Bad Idea™, we had no idea how human beings communicated. We sat there for a while just looking at the ground, occasionally glancing up at each other.
"I like your jacket..." I complimented after a long while. Her head snapped up and her face flushed a bit.
"O-oh! Thank you! I- uh... I painted the pictures myself." I gasped and examined the jacket, reaching up to feel the collar.
"They're so good! You're a great artist." I gushed, unable to take my eyes off the intricate designs. She smiled and reached up to hold my hand, which was still on the material on her chest. I realized what was happening and stared, wide-eyed, at our hands.
"Oh sorry! Reflex." She blurted. I smiled and turned my hand to interlock our fingers.
"It's cool." I gave a kind smile to attempt to calm her and myself.
Just then, Damien broke the silence by coming in, his mother at his heels.
"We're back!" He sang, giving a dramatic pose. His mother chuckled and reached out, handing me a basket. I beamed at her and gave her a small hug in thanks.
"I can't thank you enough, Mrs. Hubbard." I turned to see myself out. The basket was pretty, with a pink and yellow bow around the handle and a couple different snacks piled inside. I opened the door and made my way home. I felt relieved that my neighbors were actually super sweet.
Maybe this place wouldn't completely suck after all.
(1138 words)
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