Chapter Nineteen
(y/n)'s POV
The day of our first date couldn't come soon enough. Janis and I decided we weren't going to announce that we were together just yet, instead waiting until after going on a couple dates to let anyone know.
Of course, Janis had told Damien, who insisted on helping both of us get ready. It was a couple hours until we were leaving, and the boy was frantically searching my closet for the right outfit.
I told him not to pick anything too nice, since our date was going to this cute pottery shop and getting a couple's pottery lesson together, then afterward going to get ice cream. But Damien insisted, nevertheless, that I had to look my best.
"Ooh, I found it!" He proclaimed, pulling something out. It was a dark gray jumpsuit with white, pink, and purple flowers, as well as my black leather jacket. He decided to also grab some fishnet tights and black docs to complete the look.
"That's too nice, what if I get clay on it?" I asked, raising a brow.
"I can tell that this jumpsuit is old, it doesn't look like you've touched it in years, and you own 3 leather jackets (y/n)." He sassed back.
"Wow, you're good. How could you tell that it's old? I got it like four years ago." I asked.
"It doesn't look like something you'd pick for yourself. Plus, I haven't seen something like this in the store for years." He explained smugly before ushering me to the bathroom to put it on.
I did as I was forced to do and examined myself in the mirror, deciding that I certainly didn't look bad. When I came out, Damien started loudly and dramatically applauding at the sight of me.
"Okay, now hair and makeup! It'll be simple, don't worry, but I want you looking your best." He insisted, plopping me down in my desk chair.
"Fine, but you need to tell me about that boy you ditched the sleepover for then." I pouted, but nevertheless tied my hair in a messy ponytail so it was out of Damien's way.
"Gladly, you know I never pass up an opportunity to talk about cute guys. His name is Ethan, and he goes to South Shore." He said while putting some concealer on my face, just in the spots I needed it. Over acne, under my eyes, you know the drill.
I gasped, eyes going wide at the revelation.
"Scandalous! How was going on a date with one of our school's biggest rivals?"
"It wasn't a date, it was a one-on-one friendly hangout. But... I do have a date with him next weekend." He defended, still wearing his permanent smug expression.
We continued to chatter while he gave me a natural makeup look and did my hair, pulling most of it back into a neat ponytail and leaving a couple wisps out to "frame my face" or something.
He left, presumably to get Janis ready, and I was left alone with my thoughts.
My hands shook with anticipation and adrenaline and I felt like I could run around my room squealing like a 13 year old.
I scrolled mindlessly on social media, sitting by the wall so I could keep my phone plugged in and the battery high in my boredom.
An hour passed, and it was finally time to go (still pretty early, mind you) and walk to where we were meeting up.
I grabbed my purse and phone and nearly ran out the door, ignoring my mom's confusion.
I speedwalked from my house to the shop, which was close enough that I wasn't exhausted and panting when I arrived, but far enough that I kinda dreaded the walk home.
Sure enough, Janis stood outside the small bit cute building. I smiled, staring softly at her before she noticed me. She looked incredible in her plain white tee tucked into a black denim skirt, plus her usual jean jacket with numerous pictures and designs painted on.
"Hey, I hope you haven't been waiting too long." I called out, grabbing her attention. She immediately grinned as she saw me, even walking over to press a firm kiss to my cheek that flustered me to my core.
"Nah, it's only been a minute. Ready to go in?" She asked, winking cheekily as she saw the blush on my cheeks. I looked away stubbornly, my body still entirely facing her as we stood hardly a foot apart.
"Uhh, yeah! Totally, let's do this thing!" I sputtered, not daring to make eye contact. Janis didn't bother to comment, instead she just grabbed my hand to drag me into the shop.
A little bell rang as we entered, and I looked around before we were whisked away for our class. It was insanely cute in here, with minty green walls and many rows of shelves, filled with delicate pottery of every variety.
A young man approached us, smiling that fake customer service smile that you come to expect. Who could blame him, I bet for the most part the only couples he gets here are either super horny or middle aged Karens and their defeated husbands that they dragged here for a "nice day out".
"Hello, welcome to Pierre's Pottery! My name is Tom, and I'll be teaching your class, right this way." He said politely before turning to lead us through the many shelves to a back room. He held the door open, allowing us to enter.
It was small, with the same minty paint on the walls as the general store as well as a little pottery wheel in the corner.
He guided us step by step through pottery, and had us each make a little bowl. Janis, obviously, was fantastic at it.
Mine, on the other hand, was kinda ugly.
It came out weirdly disproportionate and the rim was uneven, but hey, I did try. Plus, Janis and I had some fun banter with the instructor when he loosened up a little bit. He soon booted us out to wash our hands, and we had to come back in a couple days to receive our little bowls, which we'd probably paint together as a second date.
We were left on the streets, hand in hand and both smiling like dorks.
"Was that fun?" She asked, looking at me hopefully. I nodded, bringing a look of relief to her face.
"It was, you were really good at that." I complimented softly, adoring the bit of pink that immediately flushed on her cheeks and nose.
"What can I say, I've got artists hands." She held up her hand that wasn't entwined with mine and wiggled her fingers near my face, causing a bark of laughter to erupt out of me.
"You're such a dork!" I giggled, almost forgetting we were in public.
"And you're a cutie." She retorted playfully. I rolled my eyes with a huge smile on my face, so much so that my cheeks were beginning to burn.
"Well, this cutie wants ice cream and happens to know there's a great little shop in walking distance, let's go!" I declared, winking triumphantly.
"Of course, as long as this date is longer I don't care what we do. Let's go!" She responded, causing me to freeze.
"God, it's like you're trying to make me fall in love with you." I said, jokingly pouting as we began to walk in the direction of the ice cream place.
"Maybe I am." She responded confidently.
"Well, it's working. I may not have known you for very long, Janis Sarkisian, but you can color me smitten." I proclaimed quietly, trying not to draw attention to us from passerby.
"Me too, (y/n), me too."
(1295 words)
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