Chapter Nine
(y/n)'s POV
I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to the hellfire that most people called "school".
Why couldn't I have faked sick? Or, I dunno, died or something?
That would have also given me all the time in the world for math homework, so even that part was appealing.
I shook my head, removing myself from my thoughts, and walked inside, making my way to the cafeteria. I took in my surroundings, still trying to get used to this place. It had a pretty different layout than my old school, which was pretty small and simple. Everyone knew their way around, even the occasional new kid that we got.
"(y/n)! Hey, hi, hello!" I heard a voice behind me, turning to see Karen walking towards me. I shot her a kind smile and nodded in acknowledgement, listening to the rapid clicking of her heels as she speed-walked toward me.
"Hey, hi, hello, Karen. How'd you sleep?" I asked after she caught up with me. She nodded, smile stretching on her face, eyes studying my face.
"Yeah, I slept good. Et ta?"
"Et ta?" I asked, my eyebrow quirking upward.
"It's French for 'and you'!" She bragged, looking quite proud of herself with a smug grin.
"Close, actually. It's actually 'Et tu' or "Et toi'," I shrugged. "I took French at my old school," I explained gently. I was proud that there was one situation where I didn't look like a dumbass, but I kinda felt bad. Karen was so proud of herself, my correction could have made her self conscious about her French or something.
But apparently not, because she didn't deflate at all. Instead, her smile grew.
"Oh, thanks (y/n)! Now I can use it and know I'll be right!" She giggled. I smiled fondly at the bubbly blonde. She really was sweet, and good with people. Everyone seriously underestimated her if they thought she was just some dumb girl. She deserved the best in life, that absolute cinnamon roll.
"Yeah, that'll show anyone who dares think you don't know any French!" I laughed, making her laugh too. We reached the cafeteria and quickly got to our respective seats, earning a couple weird looks from the group.
"What's got you two so giggly?" Janis asked, sounding vaguely annoyed.
"Oh, just joking around, ya know? Hey, Dame, you weren't on the bus today, how'd you get here?"
"Janis drove me after our wicked cool bestie sleepover extravaganza last night. Did you know she has her own car?" He boasted.
"I didn't, that's so cool Janis. Is it covered in paint all the time like you?" I nudged her elbow teasingly and she snorted.
"No, just most of the time! You seriously underestimate me, (y/n)." She played along, a genuine, kind smile lighting up her face. She was really cute when she allowed herself to joke around and be goofy. The smile lit up her face and the tension left her shoulders, leaving her soft and giggly.
It suited her.
"Yeah, sure. I probably overestimate you, Jan," I softly punched her bicep, and she pouted, eyes still sparkling with mischief and delight.
"Why did I befriend such a meanie?"
"Because you had no choice," I grinned, looking into her eyes. Typically, I was bad at eye contact, but this just felt right. She rolled her eyes.
"I've been taken hostage by my best friend's neighbor, how dare you," she pressed a hand over her heart.
"Quit the flirting," Regina called out, and all of a sudden the spell between us was broken. I looked around, seeing everyone staring at us. My face heated up and I looked down at my lap.
"We're not flirting, is actual friendship that strange to you people? Ever heard of banter, perhaps?" Janis growled, but I saw that her face was tinged with pink. Her nose was scrunched up a little bit as her gaze flitted between people, never lingering on anyone for more than half a second.
"Just kiss her already, Jesus." Tyler attempted to lighten the mood but it did nothing for us two, watching the others chuckle at our behavior.
I was, quite literally, saved by the bell as it blared through the cafeteria and I got up, grabbing my backpack to bring to my first period class.
I needed a break from this whole friend-group-teasing-thing.
Janis' POV
"Now she'll never like me!" I complained to Damien while walking, making sure to keep my voice down and avoid anyone passing by. I really didn't need them to know about my whole girl-situation.
"Au contraire, now the seed's planted. And then you get your happy ever after and I officiate the wedding, making it extra gay and hanging a pride flag over the alter. You'll have so many cats together!" Dame gushed excitedly. I held a finger over his mouth before he could get another helpful thought and decide to share.
"We're not getting married, so drop it or I'll eat your pizza at lunch," I grumbled.
"You wouldn't dare!" He gasped.
"Oh, but I would," My voice was deep and threatening as I glared at him and spoke menacingly.
"Fine, I'll shut up! Let me live my best life, Janis,"
I grinned in satisfaction, before noticing that we were at Damien's class.
"Off you go, fair prince, to learn about triangles or something!" I gave a cheeky grin and bowed. He struck a pose with his hands daintily up in the air and left me to go to my own class and suffer through this terribly awkward day.
(y/n)'s POV
I seriously hated my math class. With a burning passion.
Why was this my life? Why did I have to deal with the torture that was math?
I'm gay, I can't do math! Isn't that obvious to the straights of society? We had to be less powerful somehow, so it was universally decided that math would not only be a subject in school, but a method of torture.
"(y/n), can you answer the question?" The teacher brought me out of my thoughts with a jolt, making me look up at the board.
"Uhhh... negative?" I answered, my voice small. He shook his head but wordlessly moved on to another victim to embarrass.
I seriously hated math.
(1059 words)
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