She's a pro hero.
She can make small cumulonimbus clouds, or big ones. She can ride on the clouds like Shirakumo, or just throw them and have them electrocute things. Her hero name would be Storm but I have an oc named Stormi and don't wanna get confused so her hero name is Thunder.
Her personality is constantly changing. She can be really nice and then be a complete bitch ten seconds later. If her day is bad, everyone else's day is bad.
Her skin is a light shade of brown, her hair is blonde, and her eyes are grey.
Her design is just Just Dance's avatar for Umbrella.
She does ballet and is pretty good at it.
The lightning that comes out of her clouds aren't controlled by her but they are at the same time. They aren't guaranteed to hit a person, which is why she carried metal with her sometimes. She hates water lmao. She'll either kill herself, or someone else if she goes swimming. She bathes really carefully and wears rubber gloves so she doesn't kill herself in the tub.
She wears yellow rubber gloves because her quirk comes from her hands and she doesn't want to get shocked herself.
She can make a storm if she wanted to. Her clouds act the same as a natural one.
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