kitsune knowledge dump!
So i know a fair amount on kitsune, a nine tailed fox demon/spirit, most of my knowledge I've collected over a few years of time so if there are things i get wrong im sorry i am still learning and am happy to know more so if i get anything wrong don't hesitate to let me know! I want to learn more and more about myths and mythical beings!
So yes this is one of my Kitsune OC, lad was made for a dungeons and dragons game but never saw the light of day but im going to use him as a talking point!
So kitsune with just one tail are either new born children, considered as a child till they obtain a second tail, or are a newly awakened fox, a fox can become a kitsune when they gain knowledge from a higher begin, like how a certain goddesses fish became a demon from listening to her, or from consuming a particular type of magic food, i personally do not remember what food but i think it might be something like ambrosia or a peach of immortality or something of the like, a food thing only higher beings have or by gaining enough magic to awaken.
A child kitsune is typically born from either two kitsune or a male kitsune and a female human, male humans and female kitsune just make a human++ a person with some kind of power.
Most kitsune's are rather weak at one tail, their magic abilities are mostly limited to them giving blessings, a ability only a born kitsune seem to have as awakened foxes seem un abel to give blessings, or utter curses, both awakened foxes and pure born can utter curses and most of the curses are deadly and life threatening but some can be rather quite harmless, can range from you now have colour changing hair to a plague follows you where ever you go, though both share the basic abilities to transform into a fox form, a bright silver fox, that is faster then their "human" form, they also can hide their tail and ears in their human form.
All kitsune have a resistance to fire till they get their third tail which is when they can no longer be harmed by mortal fire, they can still be harmed by hevealy fire and the true fire of samadhi and in technicality hell fire though hell is often not in the same world or universe that has kitsune so take that with a grain of salt, one tail kitsune are typically in a pack but some do wonder off to live alone, but some do end up kicked out of packs when they get considered a liability to the pack, though it isn't to risky to be out of a pack or on their own kitsune are sadly hunted down for their silk like fur and dazzling silver colour, supposedly kitsune organs and parts can be used for potions but i feel like that is a human myth to excuse the killing of kitsune.
At two tails a kitsune learns how to create illusions and how to shapeshift into other creatures, though it's mostly into other people, they also gain the ability to control mortal fire, the fire we use typically in your everyday house hold, they also have the ability to heal themselves and others, though they can only heal cuts, gashes, burns and minor wounds, they also have extended life, now at two tails they go from living 800 years they start to live to 1600 years.
At three tails a kitsune learns to control fox fire, a blue white fire that not only burns your mortal body but also destroys the soul leaving you unable to be reborn, they gain greater control of their fire and illusions and gain the immunity to all mortal flames and the chance to learn control of grater flames like the true fire of samadhi or the hevealy flames but they must be taught by someone who knows how to use them, most kitsune's that learn the hevealy flame often also become celestial gaurds.
At their fourth tail they start to focus on gaining more knowledge to gain more tails, tails are earned through knowledge and the amount of knowledge they have, at four tails they get stronger magical abilities and gain more control and accuracy for fire, this is also where I'd list all the types of fire abilities but there are a lot of fire abilities and for the most part it's all of them, apart from very few like tellaporting or combustion like fire spells.
From 5-7 tails Kitsune start to lean either to the path of good or evil and begin to start getting more and more rare as most are either hunted, killed or hidden far from the eyes of others, they also start to begin living longer and longer, around 7 tails they become sudo immortal and can no longer age, the only way they die is by being killed by an outside force.
At the eighth tail they learn how to manipulate spirits and other supernatural begins, they will use this to lure in food but also to influence lesser tailed kitsune and begin to form packs.
At the ninth tail they become truly immortal and only three things can kill them, the true fire of samadhi, the hevealy fire and a certain item made by Lao Tzu but the item itself i can't remember as it was only mentioned to me once in passing about the journey to the west, 9 tails also symbolise that they know everything, though what knowing everything means differs between story to story, sometimes it means they are omnipotent some it means they know all of the worlds written knowledge, they also have full and complete control over the fox fire and mortal flame, at true control of fox fire means that they now can see the fire of the soul and can read the true intentions of others.
Kitsune hunters are very good at tracking and killing kitsune, they've done it for years and know many ways to do it, most Kitsune hunters also hunt other mythical creatures and sell them and are typically also criminals, Kitsune are mostly hunted for their fur but some are hunted to be used as pets for the wealthy or as servants for demons, though it mostly ends up being a track and kill scenario, hunters are known to make items or steal items to aid in trapping and killing Kitsune as well.
Some Demons have been known to become Kitsune hunters and some are well known for them being hunters.
Kitsune can sometimes be known to care and defend children from other demons but often will use or trick them for their own gain.
There is a rock in Japan that is supposedly cursed by a kitsune so that if anyone touches the rock they die, i don't know the story as to why though.
Kitsune supposedly mate for life and when they fall in love with someone they will do everything to get this person to love them back and keep them in their grasp, most people they fall in live with typically love them back and reciprocate their feelings and will find the kitsune a very loyal and caring partner but if the person doesn't share feeling with the kitsune then they find that loyal caringness of the kitsune turn dark and possessive very fast turning the kitsune into the typically yandere type.
And this is all i know of kitsune! Hope you all enjoy this knowledge! Bubye!!!
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