Art 120: Miko + Answered questions part 1
It's like 2 am? So let me try and think of words and be a functioning human being
So anyways, I drew Cloudemoon9 's character Miko
This girl gave me a run for my money like oh my god, I couldn't ever be satisfied with miss hyperactive jelly bean overs hear.
So finally I got to some point where I'm like
You can live, you are ok
And that was it ,but I dunno Art is having a strange relationship with me right now cause you know how much art is a little piece of crap and like to mess around with your emotions. But yet I am still friends with art? 😂 eh I'll keep going, I enjoy it mostly.
Ok little side rant:
So I got Pokémon sword and I picked out the fire starter and I recently got the dlc for the game
And if I get enough dig let's I can get an alolan starter BUT since I chose a fire starter I get litten
If any of you remember the beginning of this book I expressed how much I liked popplio and that it's final evolution, Primarina was my favorite Pokémon hands down
But since I chose the fire starter I can't GET popplio unless I restart the game, and ugh I've already beat it, caught over 300 Pokémon and got all the stuff I wanted
I'm about to flip a table
Soo, I figured something out I have the other version which is Pokémon shield which I got for Christmas, because I like having both copies so I have one game to keep and never reset and one to just reset when I'm bored and wanna play through
Sooooo, I chose the water starter on there so if I buy the dlc for that too, and I get 100 diglets I can get popplio and with the use of my cousin's switch trade it to my sword version
Is it a lot of work and kinda dumb?
But is it worth it and would sacrifice my soul for a Primarina?
Ok! Side rant over
Now onto the Q and A questions
I don't have them all answered but here's the answer for some of them and I'll do the rest next chapter
Aiden: .. When I was thirteen this kid named Max tried to slice off my ears with a pocket knife, luckily I was able to dodge a bit so he didn't get all of it. But as you clearly see he was successful getting half of it and a cut on my other one, f###ing pure blood werewolves.
I Uh.. that's hard to say heh.. a lot of people have, people just suck in general. If I have to narrow it down it was mostly my parents more my father, my sister.. and let's not forget that piece of sh## Max. But don't about killing them they're all dead now. Karma is a vicious cycle *
The program I use is called Sketch club! I use an iPad so I guess you could say tablet. I've been using it for 4 years now and I think I've gotten the hand of it somewhat.
Alright I got a question for Aiden of my own because why not, you gunna sue me? (Please don't actually)
Questions from me to Aiden:
How do you feel about the comments from people calling you attractive and well.. hot among other things.. heh.
(You people kept saying it so I had to ask 😂)
Aiden: 0///0 I-Uh.. I don't know how to respond, I'm surprised I just-
If I'm being honest I don't think I'm that good looking, I look like a skeleton who's been through a meat grinder. But um.. thanks? I thought Malak was the one who got the good looks. But just to let you know I have a girlfriend
He is beauty
He is grace
And his boney ankles can stab you in the face
What am I doing with life anymore?
I think that's the question, but at this point I'm just letting it drag me along since I'm too tired to move 😂
Anyways have a nice night or day?
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