Let's start with the one that I know better:
(some of these I talked before but I don't think I ever explained like this)
Story one (20 months old):
Me and my family were going on vacation to the north of the country and we were gonna stay at some relatives house. We arrived after the long ass trip and now we were putting the stuff inside the house. Okay wait- let me do a draw so I can explain better-
Okay, that's how it is. If you don't understand, the green thing are bushes, that thing between the 'road' and 'houses' is 'Fam (idk why they were here). But yeah, we ("we", probably just my parents or dad) were putting our stuff in the house and yeah, we were inside and I think my dad put me down so he could sort things out and apparently nobody was watching me after that, so me being the 20 months old that new how to walk got up and walked out of the house because the door was open.
Once I was outside I saw my cousins on the other side of the road so I wanted to go there because yeah, the gates were open too so I could just walk through it. I think my mom noticed that I wasn't there so she started looking, but it was to late
So yeah, I kept going and then the car came too and since there was bushes, the driver didn't see me.
With the impact, I was pushed some meters foward and the people probably screamed and my mom found me there, laying on the ground probably unconscious and we went to the hospital. I fracturated my right clavicle and had to put some dough in it and had to use a specific vest, something like this I think:
And after 15 days I took it off, because since I was a baby my bones were still soft or something and were easy to work with (I think). But yeah, everyone was so fucking worried.
"Baby ran over outside their house
Girl of 20 months old was interned in the Hospital ... in serious condition
She was crossing the street to go to her mother when she was picked"
Yeah, they kinda lied about the "going to her mom" but oh well, the newspaper is basically 50% of the time lying. The person pointing at the floor is just a random dude saying "it was here that she was ran over"
There was also a rumor in that street after that that it was that the girl died.
I'm here, hi
And in a random day after all that, when my mom was walking with me (me probably on a little car (those for babies)) and then a lady walked by with her child and was like 'omg, it was here that that baby girl died!' and my mom was like 'no, she's alive and she's here'.
Story two (around 3-5 years)(this one is kinda funny):
This one was with a fish bone:
That thingy right there.
So, it was a normal day, we were eating fish for lunch and after that we were supposed to go out to a cafe or something. Bla bla bla, I ate the fish but then idk how but I got that thing in my throat so yeah instead of going to the cafe, we went to the hospital. My dad went inside with me and some nurse that was probably on the end of her shift got us and my dad was like 'my daughter has a fish bone on her throat' and the nurse was like 'okay let me see', she looked and didn't see anything so she said 'there is nothing there' but then she looked at me and, me being the crazy child I was, I had bruises and was red and purple from all the falls I would do and the nurse was like 'Omg she's red! Are you child abusing her?!' and my dad was 'what? no! Look at her throat! SHe has it! I know it!' and the nurse continued talking about the marks and my dad just wanted to kill her
That nurses shift ended so she switched places with another nurse and she was like 'no child can drink an iced tea if they have that in their throat' so she gave me an iced tea and guess what? I drinked it all and my dad was still saying I had it and to look at it.
(my godfather was joking yesterday saying that I would be like "dad, I wanna come back here more! they gave me iced tea!")
Now a doctor came and my dad said the same thing and he was like, puts my face up opens my mouth and looks with a latern inside of my mouth and throat and then 'there it is.' and then he went to get a tweezers and took it out.
It turned into dark while this was happening and my mom and brother were in the waiting room and my brother was like 'what if it was with me?" (we joked yesterday that he was like my mom and he would bite the people and he would need to be put out of it so they could see something and he would look like those dogs that have their tonges out and are drooling)
Story 3 (idk, probably the same as above years):
This one is not very bad but yeah, I think it was on a beach day, we got home, we ate and then we were playing, idk what happen but I got on top of the couch's back and then fell to the floor and passed out. To the hospital we went again.
I probably had my body like I said above and I think the same thing happened.
Yeah, I think that's all for that one.
Story 4 (probably the same (let's just say that this age was probably the worst)):
(back then the drums weren't set up and the room was a complete mess full of boxes so yeah, that's why that's the name) ("living room" because I don't know what to call it, it's just another mess of a room but back then it was more clean then now) (that's just the ground floor or "cave", idrk)
So, in the "living room" my dad had his exercise equipment set up and was doing the exercise and I decided to be there with him, when he was "packing" the things there was this weird one that my dad was, well "packing" and before it was completly safe that it was packed and nothing would get out of it's place, I threw myself in it and the iron and the pulleys that that thing has hit me in the head and cutted two things there, and since it's in the head, there was so much fucking blood. My dad was okay, scarred but okay but then he started to imagine my brains getting out of my head and started to feel light headed and my mom when saw me she immediately felt light head because she saw blood.
So we were on my brother's and I bathroom and idk why I needed to pee or do poop so I sat on the toilet with a towel in my head because of the blood. My parents were like 'who's gonna drive?!!??' and my brother was minding his own business idk where. After that we went to the hospital and with my mom driving and my dadin the back with me and kepping me awake.
And yeah, that's it I think
And yeah, those are the four more worse things that have happened to me, idk how I'm still alive. I've also sprained my right ankle so many times that it's weird, I fell into a white rose bushes while playing with my cousins and got my right forearm all bruised. Once I was doing the thing that you do every term on school in the gym that is running x laps from one side to the other side and idk what happen but I went againts one of the backrest and passed out. I've also broke two toes on my right foot while surfing. Probably more things that I don't remember
Since I did that last drawing, I'm gonna complain about my brother.
So my brother's desk is there which means he stays there all day, all night, instead of his room upstairs. For me to get to the art stuff I have to be in an uncomfortable position because his stuff is in the way (obviously I didn't draw everything because that way you wouldn't understand a fucking thing) and then, since he stays there, I can't go practice drums whenever I want becuase it makes to much noise and then with the sound from the sound system it makes more, so I have to wait until he gets out of there to eat dinner or snack or lunch so I can go there, which is not very useful for me, but I'm lucky that he eats slowly so yeah, I kinda have time.
I'm done complaining
Oh, and instead of cars in the garage, we have Sushi. He's a big boy now.
On my brother's arms. I swear, my brother is literaly Sushi's dad
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