What if Jack was just Rose's mind imagination? (*)
So yeaterday at dinner, me, my parents, my brother, my godparents and my two 'cousins' were talking randomly and Fox Live was on TV
On the TV was a random movie (Safe Heaven), the romantic cliche type, and I was like 'obviously that that was gonna happen'
That started a conversation so big but I'm gonna just focus on this*
But before that, one of the things that were on that conversation was that if me, my female cousin that was here (the other it's a boy) and my other female cousin that was on the beach with us were watching this movie alone or any other that would have the same cliche shit, the two of them would be in tears because of the movie and I would be there, just criticizing the movie (because that was all I did when we were talking and 'seeing' the movie (it was more of a background noise))
Back to what we were going to talk:
SPOILERS (I think)
So, I never saw Titanic but I know the principal things about the movie.
That part of the conversation started with my male cousin saying that 'What if Jack was just Rose's mind imagination' (I think he said something before because my mind had got to that point before he said that phrase and has he said it, I said it too and we just kind of shared a knowing look or something? Idk (the rest of them were just confused because they don't think like us, as we can see))
Like, by what he was saying (I didn't know about this part), Rose was going to kill herself because of some reason but then Jack appeared
Jack 'saved' her and they started their little adeventure on the boat.
Skipping forward, more in the end of the movie when it was the door scene, Jack was going to die because of something (I honestly don't know if it was because of the cold or because thEY WERE SO GODDAMN DUMB BECAUSE THEY WERE LIKE 'tHeRe IsN't EnOuGh SpAcE fOr ThE bOtH oF uS' LIKE C'MON! But like, if it wasn't his death, the movie wouldn't have had the same impact that was) and they were all cliche thing, like 'you ahve to let go of me' or something like that (once again I haven't seen the movie)
That scene can mean that since Rose was on a better place now, she didn't need Jack anymore so her mind decided that she needed to let go of him, so that's why 'there wasn't space' and he died
A bit more skipping (idk if that made sense), when Rose was getting ride of the necklace, she was letting go of Jack completely, basically ignoring the fact that he ever existed, so she just threw it of a cliff (I think it was a cliff (it was a boat, I made a search (no I'm not gonna erase that))) and to the water (and litterally made sound like 'aH' (it's hard to describe a sound in a text when it's more ease just making the sound in reality (just search it up)))
This last part I don't remember what we said about it but I'm gonna put it here anyway.
Idk if that made sense at all but leave your thoughts!
One thing I kind of regret is not writting this right after we talked about this because it would be a lot more clear
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