Aaron's POV
I'm so over the moon and I'm happy because of khair. in case you don't know I and Khair got intimate last month or so and now I'm at the hospital holding her reports which state that she's a week pregnant.
yeah, Khair was complaining of nausea and she usually vomits in the morning so I suggested we go to the hospital and she agreed and we even got some pregnancy test done and now my baby is on its way.
I drove as fast as I could just to get to khair on time, yeah I didn't beat the speed limit this is London not Nigeria.
I got home and the first thing I did was to shout khairs name loudly.
"Khair!" I yelled which got me no response. I searched the whole room but I couldn't find her, I only saw zafira.
"Zafira where's khair?" I asked and she had a shock expression on her.
"Khair? Bata zo wurin ka ba? (didn't she come to you?)" zafira said in a surprised tone.
"To me? how?, didn't you guys come back from school together?" I asked, I could feel my heart beat accelerate.
"No, She said you called and asked her to meet you some where or so, and she left with the driver. I even took a cab back home" zafira said making me scared. I immediately called Khairs cell phone but it kept on going to voice mail "hi I'll call you later" that was what I kept on hearing on the voice mail.
"Subhanalah where's Khair?" I said, I left the house in anger and fear. I got into my car and drove as fast as I could which meant I beat the spead limit which got me arrested by the police.
I was locked up in jail, "can I make a phone call?" I asked the short old police officer that stood before me.
"Yeah but you've only get two minutes" he said in his baritone voice.
"Sure, thank you Sir" I said as I collected his phone. I wanted to call Khair again but I have only two minute to make a call so I called "awn" my best brother and my age mate. We were born on the same day by different mothers so they sometimes refer to us as quadruplets.
"Asalamualaikum, this is Awn and who am I on with?" He said.
"walaikumusalam, Awn its Aaron" I said.
"Amrv (Prince) brother how are you?" He asked.
"Noting is fine Awn. I'm in trouble, Khair is missing" i suddenly began crying which got me a look from the police officer.
"Oh my Allah, I'm coming to London right away, I'll book a flight and get there soon" he said and I thanked him before hanging up.
I'm so happy awn is coming to London, I'm sure he'll help me. "sir here's your phone and thank you" I said while passing him his cellphone.
"You know you can just pay the bill and you'll be free" he said and I sighed.
"How much?" I asked and he told me and gave me a ticket before I left the station and I was back into my car.
But before I left I made a missing persons complaints but the police said the can't do anything until its been 24 hours and I swear I almost slapped him but I just left and i told him I'll be back by tomorrow inshaAllah, that's if I don't find Khair of course.
I searched her school but I couldn't find her, its 10 pm In the night and I'm still searching for khair.
"Where is she? Where is my khair" I thought as I came out of my car, I went to briskly road valley by the river side.
I sat by the briskly road valley by the river side, I stayed there crying for close to an hour but I decided to leave. but i felt drawn to the valley, I felt like someone was waiting for me over ther. I even heard my name being called slowly but I think it's all a figment of my imagination.
I drove home and to my suprise i found zafira crying "Yaya did you find her?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "zafira really loves khair " I thought as I sat beside her.
"No I didn't" I said and her crying became worse,vshe even leaned on me but I didn't push her Off. I hugged her back and cried along with her. I felt extremely scared of lossing khair.
I was presently in my room where I bathed and came out, I prayed to my Lord. though it was a late hour prayer. I finished my prayers so i laid on my bed, I was just going through some pics of khair on my phone. I was just scrolling through her PIC as a hot tear dropped on my hand I sat there holding my phone and going through her pics but suddenly I slept off .
I woke up early In the morning, I went straight to the police station where I filed a missing persons Report and now the police has a search team just for Khair, we search all day and night but there was no sight Khair. I wake up everyday with the hope that I'll find my Khair but it was all to no avail. She was still unfound.
It has been two months now but I still can't find Khair, I even told my mum about it and she didn't take it lightly. she almost died but with the help of doctor malik she's getting better.
"I don't even know what to do now" Awn said, Awn is in London with me. he came two weeks later because of his mum, she was sick and Awn had to stay with her, but the good thing is that she's okay now.
Awn and I have been searching for Khair but we still can't find her, awn even told me to give up that Khair might be dead, but no!, My instincts tell me that she's Alive and she's there waiting for me to find her.
"Aaron" Awn called and I looked up to him and he said.
"Don't stress your self, INSHAALLAH you'll find your khair" he said and I hugged him because I needed a shoulder to cry on. I feel devastated.
"Awn she is pregnant, what if she's hurt somewhere. Awn I don't know what to do, I'm so scared" I said, the tears in my eyes were falling at a rapid speed as I hugged him.
"Its Okay Aaron, Just keep on praying. I am sure she is doing fine" he said while rubbing circles at my back, he was indeed a brother to me.
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