Tagged #5
Tagged by korimacgirl
1~> Single or taken?
2~> height?
Probably 5'9 I'm freaking short
3~> favorite color?
Um... I'll go for Crystal blue I guess. Since black is not a color.
4~> wanna get married?
↪ I don't know, maybe.
5~> wanna have kids?
↪ I once dreamed that I had 2 beautiful twin daughters but I dont want kids xD
6~> Zodiac sign?
7~> Last drink?
8~> Cat or dog?
↪this ones pretty hard...umm..dog •-•
9~> Good or evil?
↪this one's hard to answer too! XD like I can be very nice and helpful but if you fuck with me then you gotta expect getting shot in the head so...kinda both.
10~> favorite sport?
↪probably kickbox and running cuz I practice those often.
11~> Favorite animal?
↪Either a wolf or a German shepherd
12~> Weird?
Have fun figuring this one out
13~> Do you have haters?
↪yeah, a lot. I dont know why but yeah, its my fate to deal with assholes I guess.
14~> Funny or nah?
↪depends on my mood
15~> Apple or Android?
↪Hmm... I'll go with Apple.
16~> Smart?
↪Allright this ones a bit confusing because I know how to survive getting kidnapped and stuff like that but science and math have fucked up my mind xD
Here's who I'm tagging~>
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