Liz Locharte
First Name: Lizanna
Last Name: Locharte (one day Kuran)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 3rd, 1985
Race: 1/4 Pureblood Vampire and Vampire Hunter
Occupation: Vampire Hunter and owner of a wildlife reserve
Affiliation: She's affiliated with both vampires and Vampire Hunters— all the good ones, not any of the corrupt ones.
Religion: Christianity
. She has a rod that has a button on it to turn it into a scythe, which is one of her weapons as a hunter.
. Her power is increased speed, quick healing, being able to heal physical wounds, and she's capable of becoming invisible should she need to— however, she's as silent and stealthy as a cat, so she doesn't often need to.
. She is also capable of replenishing her own depleted blood rapidly simply by eating things rich in iron. Or taking supplements that are rich in iron. Those things have a very quick effect on her.
. Her power that aids her in combat, such as an elemental weapon, is lightning. She can make it travel across her lightning sword and shoot a beam at her opponents (without the sword, it simply dances all along her body).
. She often has bizzare dreams that are odd and fantastical, and those dreams often have hidden meanings in them, giving her hints of what will happen in the near future, whether good or bad. More often than not, they are warnings of danger.
Typical Pureblood Powers (taken from
. They can form shadow puppets/spies using parts of their flesh which are capable of shape shifting.
. They can transform parts of themselves into animals.
. Purebloods can create familiars of any form they choose, use their powers and control them.
. Powers to perform spells to seal off the vampire side of vampires, thus making them a normal human. The spell also erases all of his/her memories of being a vampire. However this spell comes at the price of their life. (The vampire converted to human, eventually must return to his/her true nature, if not, he/she descends into madness. However, this was only in Yuki's case as Isaya said his son died human).
. Ability to control lower vampires physically.
. Ability to put vampires and humans to sleep for a short time.
. Erasing Memories and can control elements.
. Telekinesis and can cast spells.
. Morph the flesh and bodies of others transforming them.
. Ability to possess the bodies of other vampires.
. They can also put themselves to sleep for a very long time, even hundreds of years, and be resurrected through a blood sacrifice.
. Purebloods can transform themselves into the form of a baby and grow into their body.
. Purebloods can become each other's masters if one is awakened by another from slumber.
. Enhanced sense of smell.
. Enhanced strength, speed, and stamina.
. Enhanced durability, agility, and senses.
. They can feel and see memories of others by drinking their blood.
. Their blood can heal human illnesses and give them a small amount of strength. (But for a human to drink pureblood's blood, might die due to their blood being highly poisonous to them).
. Ability to turn humans into vampires and retain complete control over them by becoming their master, rendering the vampire unable to kill them. The blood of their master will also prevent an ex-human from becoming a Level E vampire.
. The Kurans are unique among Purebloods, as some members of the family possess and display the ability to handle anti-vampire weapons. Juri Kuran, Yuki Kuran, Kaname Kuran (although he can hold such weapons, it does harm him) and Rido Kuran have demonstrated this ability.
Appearance: Bright blue eyes with a purple tint, brown hair that is waist long, button nose, small-ish ears, bangs across her forehead, earrings, thin brown eyebrows, long, beautiful eyelashes, cute girlish look, small muscles (but is stronger than she looks), slim and toned belly, large bust, long legs, and she's 5'0. Her long legs make her look a tad bit taller until she's standing next to someone who actually is tall. (She's always mistaken for being thirteen or fourteen years old, especially when her shirt is decent and covers everything.)
Personality: She is bold, yet calm, quiet and socially awkward at times, but not exactly shy (though she does have her shy moments), sweet and kind, but can certainly have her feisty and fierce moments. She is a pretty innocent lady, but despite that, she has moments where her thoughts are dirty, just like any other human being.
. She is younger than Avery by seven minutes, and was given to Kaien Cross when she was a baby to be re-homed. She wasn't born very strong, so couldn't handle the life of travel her parents had to live in order to keep their family safe. Her immune system was just too weak, and her vampirism didn't kick in until she was eight years old. She was raised by foster parents and was told about her vampirism after she'd discovered she had an insane thirst for blood when it first kicked in. She wasn't told about her real family, however, in order to protect her. However, she did become a Vampire Hunter, and then Junsuina found snd kîlled her foster parents. She left to find Cross and inform him, but he wasn't home. So she walked past a house, not knowing Cross, her biological family, and a few others were there, and she ran into a level E. She ended up falling backwards and it would have bitten her had Kaname Kuran not shown up and killed it. She was asked her name, she gave it, and Kaname, knowing she was the sister of Avery after that moment, told her she was coming home with him. Lizanna, taking it the wrong way, began to object and protest and asked who he was, so he gave her his name then tossed her over her shoulder and carried her inside the house that her biological family lived in.
. Before she met her biological family, and before she was even an adult or in her mid-teens, she was a very different person. She loved black and red, she loved bats, snakes, was fascinated with poisons, and was fascinated in torture methods. She was even fascinated in the responses to pain. She was honestly the exact opposite of who she now is. She was even more into her own little world, and her fantasies were dark. She had murderous thoughts sometimes, and was fascinated by different murder techniques, her favorite being poison or blood draining. Or even torturing to death, including tickle torture. She was known to take her pet hamsters and cut them open. She wasn't known for showing remorse or guilt over her bad behavior. She was self-absorbed and selfish. By the time she was eighteen, however, she changed her ways. From sixteen to eighteen, she'd began to soften up to others, and nowadays, she feels so much guilt and remorse over her past actions that she can't even look at a hamster without crying.
Crush/Relationship Status: She starts crushing on Kaname Kuran and eventually gets married to him.
. Her twin sister is Avery (who belongs to Jedi_Jade24).
. Her middle name is Lindsay, and her nicknames are Liz, Lizzie, or Anna. (Sometimes, people playfully call her Lizard.)
. People often mistake Liz for Kaname's daughter— she's thirteen inches shorter than Kaname and looks extremely young.
. Her singing voice claim is Lizz Robinett's! Videos below of her covers!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(This OC Form is in a separate book with more information and such.)
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