Chapter 4 - Angel? I'm no angel!
She is an old soul with new style, who wears black and speaks her mind. So powerful,
She leaves her prints on everyone she touches coz she is both-- a savage and a sweetheart.
I came out of the darkness when I felt the car to come to halt. Then I realised that I'm still curled up against someone. All the memories flooded back.
'Fool' I said to myself. How could I do something so embarrassing? Stupid me. What he must be thinking of me? Then I tried to open my eyes slowly but I felt a sharp pain in my eyes. I winced. This must have caught his attention.
" You are awake angel?" He asked.
I nodded, slowly raising my head from his chest to see him.....I mean his face. Angel? Seriously? I'm no angel.
I thought to myself but I didn't have any energy to speak my thoughts. My whole body hurts....... a lot.
He still looked worried..... I mean more than worried. But.....For me?? I shook off those thoughts. I tried to pull away from his lap in order to get out of the car while my whole body protested but I was halted by a hand which gripped my wrists gently.
It was 'him'. He carefully picked me up from his lap and he seated me back to the car's leather seat. I winced softly. God! I feel like I'll be torn apart.
"Angel?? Are you okay? I'm sorry I should have been more careful. "He said while glancing me up and down worriedly. I must say he was beyond worried. But why??
"Hey! I'm okay." I tried to assure him. He shook his head in a 'NO'.
He turned towards the door and he was out seconds. As I was about to take a step out...... "No Angel." He said softly, wrapping his arms around me, tugging me to himself. He raised his head and kissed my temple ever so gently.
"I can manage you know." I said to him but he drew me more closer to him.
"But you don't have to." he stated. I wanted to protest but I chose to be shut. I seriously don't have any strength to stand or let alone walk. I sighed.
He started walking towards his house? No it's not a house it's a mansion!! A freaking royal mansion. Is he a prince or something?? Oops!! I don't even know his name. Could I be any more stupid??
There was a huge fountain in front of his house which was shining brightly under the moonlight. An angel statue stood there facing the sky beautifully. It was perfect. It was adorned by a garden on both sides.
Beautiful flowers were blooming with all its glory. Brightly coloured petalled flowers were adding to the already beautiful scenery. There was a huge swimming pool.... no I would call it a pond. I mean it's so huge. There was a pair of chairs set at the centre of the with an ivory table laid in between.
It was looking....... Magnificent!! He is rich? No I think he is royal!! We were walking on a path made up of glowing stones which lead to his house. Several lamps were shining at the corner of the path. Finally we reached his house. Oops I mean mansion!! It was...... u know BIG!!
The walls were coloured beautifully with a combination of peach and silver. A large wooden dark brown coloured gate with large windows all over. There was a beautiful swing placed near the railing of the balcony. Did I ever mentioned that I love swings?? It was so cute and of course perfect.
Finally I came out of my daze when I heard the clicking sound of the door. How did he manage to unlock the door with me still in his arms? It was shocking but he managed. I mean how?? Finally we entered his house and it was even more beautiful than outside.
The walls were painted a deep shade of orange and a sparkly gold linings. The furnitures were..... Okay I would say that they looked elegant. Clearly they were more than expensive. We entered a huge hall.
Probably, it's a living room and there was a staircase right at the centre and we were heading towards there. I gripped him more tightly I mean I don't want to fall, atleast not on stairs. He noticed my actions. He stopped in his tracks looking at me, his face softened.
"Angel I'll never let you fall. You are safe in my arms Pearl." he said gently while pulling me closer if that's possible. I smiled in response but still afraid as he was literally skipping the stairs. My eyes widened. If he falls...... then NO, I don't want to think about it.
"Love, you don't need to be scared you know. I'll never ever allow my arms to drop you. Never my love." he said so sweetly that my heart fluttered. But hey!! LOVE?? He just used the endearment LOVE?? First angel and then love!! Am I so tired that I am imagining words and not just words...... endearments??
He has lost it. Completely lost his brain or perhaps it is me who is imagining? Nevermind! I will think about this later.
But I think I trust him that he won't let me fall. Atleast he had promised that know? So I should believe him. I rested my head against him faintly inhaling his intoxicating smell. God I think I'm really really sick. My mind is going crazy. Damn!!
We were walking down the hallway and finally entered a bedroom. No scratch that - a huge bedroom with cream and royal blue coloured walls and a huge king sized with black bed sheet and about 15 pillows.
Seriously 15? That too pillows? There was a beautiful white leather couch at the little corner. A dressing table towards the side and almost a wall sized window with cream coloured curtains. There were two lamps placed either side of bed on a small yet elegant round tables. Above which a huge picture of HIM.
Then my gaze went to a wall full of pictures and that was also his pictures!! That means this room belongs to him. What? He brought me to HIS ROOM!?
Suddenly my back touched something very soft and silky. Oh! He laid me down on the bed. He fixed the pillows and gently placed me so that I'm half sitting and half lying, and I winced a little.
He quickly cupped my cheeks gently caressing them. He face was filled with emotions of worry, concern and..... LOVE? No!! How can he love me? I need a psychiatrist badly!!
"Love does your body hurts??" he whispered, pain evident in his voice and I wonder why?? But anyways I nodded. Body pain is common with fever, isn't it?
"And which part hurts more love?" he asked again
"My legs" I blurted out, quickly regretting my words. I shouldn't have said that. He nodded.
And suddenly he is beside my legs he lifted my legs ever so gently and placed them on his lap. My eyes widened. I'm shocked how come they didn't bulged out till now? He started massaging my toes..... feet...... ugh!! I mean my legs. It was very pleasing but he was NOT SUPPOSED to do that!!Why on earth I'm letting him to do that?!!
"What are you doing? "I questioned him while I tried to remove my legs from his lap. I'm sure I'm as red as tomato due to embarrassment. I mean he was not supposed to massage my legs for God's sake!! It made my cheeks warm.
"Reducing your pain, my Angel." he replied while grabbing my legs and placing them in his lap again. He started to rub my feet gently again. Now here goes nothing!!
"No! You don't have to do that. "I argued him again trying to remove my legs from his lap but in vain.
"Yes angel I don't have to... But I need to "he argued back gripping my legs tightly but careful to not hurt me so that I won't be able to remove them. But I'm not giving up yet!! What do he mean 'he need to'?? He doesn't need to dude...
"No, you don't. Now please stop." I said softly hoping he would oblige. But no!!
"Angel, please!! It's killing me to see you in pain so please let me soothe the pain. Will you?? "he pleaded. His eyes were requesting me to oblige but how could I??
"But this is inappropriate!! " I reasoned while motioning my hand towards my feet. I once again tried to get my feet off his lap but he didn't bulge. He is really strong.
"No, Angel. It's not."he replied gripping my feet more firmly.
I huffed in annoyance. He chuckled. Did he just chuckled? I glared at him and he started laughing this time more hard, what is so amusing?? I kept my eyes narrowed at him and soon his laughter died but still he was smiling. WHAT THE HELL!!
"What's so amusing to you?"I said trying to be annoyed but it came out as a squeak. But still I tried to contain my laughter as I glared at him.
"You, my angel " he answered. It became harder to contain my laughter but still I carried on with my acting.
"So, I'm amusing to you? You find me a joker? "I stated pretending to be angry. Suddenly all his humor disappeared He quickly became serious and started apologizing.
"I didn't mean it that way angel. I'm really sorry if I make you feel bad. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry. "he confessed.
"No! You are lying! You find me a joker, isn't it?"I again tried to show that I'm beyond angry but it was becoming nearly impossible to contain my laughter. He was really thinking that I'm mad. Oh gosh!
"No, I'm not lying angel. I'm a joker, idiot, fool, stupid.... "he started rambling and that's when I bursted out with laughter. He is so cute. He stared at me confused and then it clicked to him. He too joined my laughter.
"So you were pretending? "he asked me. I can clearly see the glint of amusement in his eyes.
"Yes." I replied still giggling. He smiled looking at me and it seemed like he was adoring me.
God! I'm definitely sick.
"And you have admitted that you're a joker, haven't you? "l asked him still trying to hold down my giggles.
"Hey! That was a trap. "he complained.
"But you have said it on your own" I fired back still unable to stop my giggles.
"Yes, but I'm not! "he stated confidently.
"Yep I agree! You aren't a joker, you are cuteee!!"I teased him popping the letter 'e'.
"Angel, I'm not cute."he denied
"Nope! You are cute! "this time I stated out to him.
"Angel, take your words back. "he demanded. An idea popped up into mind.
"Okay. But on one condition!" I said winking at him.
"And what's that? "he queried. Amusement dancing in his Crystal blue orbs.
"You have to let go off my feet and I'll take my words back." I answered him. That's important you know. He has been massaging since then, never stopped for once. I think even he is tired and he needs rest too.
"Nope I won't. I'm cute then. "He said while smirking at me.
"You are annoying! " I huffed.
"Indeed, my stubborn angel. "He said.
Now telling him directly won't work. I've to think something else.
Think Pearl! Think!
But instead of thinking my mind chose to embarrass me. My stomach growled and my cheeks turned crimson.
Okay geez, I've been starved since morning but growling wasn't important!! I scolded my mind. Really I'm going insane. Now how should I face him?
"Damn!! I'm such an idiot. "he grumbled angrily. Now is he angry for the noise? Stupid me!He must be regretting to make me come to his house. But hold on.. he was still massaging my feet!
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make that noise." I mumbled more to myself but he heard me.
"No, my angel. Why are you sorry ? I should have known that you must be hungry. I'm sorry my love. "he said caressing my feet and I melted.
But why is he angry?
"No, no it's okay. "I tried to assure him. He is really angry. But why?
"Are you mad at me? "I questioned him softly.
"No angel. I'm not mad at you."he answered but still he seems to be angry.
"So why are you so angry then? "I voiced my question.
"I'm angry at myself angel. I've not asked you. Stupid me!"he huffed angrily. Oh! That's the reason. God! He is really cute.
"You can ask me now. "I offered. His anger vanished. Now he seems to be amused and finally he chuckled.
"Okay. Are you hungry angel?" he asked and I laughed at my idiocy.
"Very. "I replied still laughing.
"What would you like to eat angel? "he asked smiling
"Umm.. Anything. How about a cake?" I suggested excitedly imagining a cake. Of courses I love cakes. But he appears to be more amused.
Am I so amusing??
"Cake? At this hour?"he asked still amused by my choice. I shrugged. What can I say?.. I love cakes and I feel like eating some.
"Yep cake. Any problem? " I asked innocently though I know I sound weird.
"No problem angel! Do you like cake? "he asked.
"Like?... No I love them! Actually I love food!! "I squealed in excitement. I may sound like a maniac but I can't help it. I love food that's a truth and I'm a huge feeder too. He is still massaging my legs and to be true I'm feeling very much better.
He smiled. "Okay, so my Angel loves food. I see. "he said more to himself. He is clearly very amazed by my actions, but it's not his fault. I'm another creature I suppose and I wonder what would be his reaction when he will see my clumsiness!
"You are really different. "he said. I shrugged again.
"So chocolate cake will do? Or should I bake something else because I only have chocolate one in store"he said while thinking about it.
"Yes it'll do" I said to him but then I paused did....... he??
"You know cooking??" I asked bewildered.
"Yes angel I know." he replied
"Oh that's amazing!! "I said in awe. Not all men know cooking. Is he a chef?? Maybe!. But chefs are not that rich I suppose. Crap I should ask his name. Damn I'm so clumsy!! I was about to ask but my stomach grumbled again and my cheek turned hot again.
Not again!!
"Sorry. " I mumbled. He smiled.
"Don't be. I will get some cake for my angel. "he said to me while gently lifting my legs from his lap, placing them back on bed. I surely feel better now due to massage now. He is very good at that.
He gets up and turns around towards me, "Anything else you want angel? "
I should really talk to him about this angel stuff though I love hearing that...
Okay, so what else do I want?...
"Yes, I want ice-cream too !" I spoke almost like a child who is yearning for cake and ice-cream .
"You are sick angel. You can have it afterwards but not now. "he denied my wish.
"Nope! I'm well. "I replied back hoping to get ice-cream. He arches his eyebrow and I know what he means but me being me, I stared at him pleadingly. He sighed. Yo, victory!
"Please angel, you will make yourself more sick." he pleaded. Now I'm done. What can I do about that?
"Okay. I agreed sadly.
But he seems very happy by snatching away my ice-cream.
"Don't be sad angel! I'll get you tons of ice-cream when you will be well okay? "he offered and my eyes lit up at that. Now I'm happy.
"Really? Promise me!"I held my pinky finger towards him. I think I'm getting too Frank but I don't care we are friends and he is too good. So see I can't help it. He is so sweet and not to mention cute.
He steps forward and locks his pinky finger with me and promises, "Promise my angel."
Then I released his finger. I'm really hungry. I think he too understands that as he quickly turned and disappeared in the hallway.
Soon,he was back with a tray in his hand and here I was wondering how could he return so fast? But I rubbed it off. I'm hungry and that's matter for now. He had a big piece of chocolate cake frosted nicely in his tray with some medicines. A glass of juice and a separate glass of water. He sits down beside me in the bed and settled the tray on his lap. I was about to stretch my hand to reach the delicious cake but he stopped me...
"Can I feed you angel? Please angel? "he asked.. no he requested.
But.... I started thinking when my innerself popped into my head.
' Stop your buts idiot! He is your friend know? And I don't think he will bite you. Above all your whole body is hurting so I don't see any problem with him feeding you!" I agreed with my innerself. I can go with it.
"Okay, if you say."I obliged.
"I insist. "he says. A smile playing on his lips as he brings a spoonful of cake near my mouth. I quickly took it between my lips nearly moaning at the sweet taste of it. It does taste awesome!
"Did you bake it?" I can't help but ask. If he has done it then I'm a fan of his cooking.
"Yep! Does it taste well? "he asked sheepishly. But soon becomes worried that I might not like that.. But I love it.
"It tastes damn well.. No it tastes superb... awesome! I love it and I think I'm fan of yours from now on. "I said honestly taking another mouthful bite which he offered. I have to bit my lips from moaning.
"Really? Thanks! You can ask for our any time. " he says while blushing a bit.
"Anytime?" I teased.
"Yes, anytime angel. "he assured. I grin in response.
Then I noticed he didn't eat anything. He is really an idiot. Knowing this, I glare at him when he again brings the spoon up to my lips.
"What?"he asks and I glare him more fiercely.
"Where is yours? "I asked. He was confused at first but then realized and he just shrugged. What?!!
"I'll eat something later angel. "he says nochtantly.
"No!Go have it now. "I pestered him.
"Angel I'm not hungry. "he stated. He will not understand like this. I grabbed the spoon from his hand and offered or more like forced a spoonful of cake in front of his plump lips.
"Here. "I said offering him and he just stares at me. Damn him now!
"Don't you dare deny it!"I warned him.
Finally he smiled and took the spoon in his mouth, wrapping his lips around it. He almost clears the spoon then released it.
"Thanks my angel. No one has never persisted so much for me. "he said after munching his cake. I smiled at him but what did he mean by ' no one '??
And my eyes widen at the sudden realisation of my stupidity.....
"What's wrong angel? "he asked.
"Nothing" I lied.
"You are a bad lair angel. Now tell me what's wrong? "he insisted.
"Actually, I've eaten with that spoon and I made you eat by that same one. "I told him now totally embarrassed. I covered my face with my hands.
He gently removes my hand and lifts up my face slowly so that we face each other and caress my cheeks softly. He was smiling. Is he okay??
"Don't hide angel. You did nothing wrong. You know it tasted so much better because of you. It was the sweetest cake I've ever had. "he explained and I almost blushed. Sometimes he is so very sweet.
"Thanks. "I said but I myself don't know for what I was thanking him.
"Anytime angel."he replied and passed me a glass full of juice and I scrunched up my nose. I don't like fruits. It's not my fault you know.
"I don't like fruits. "I said to him, slightly pushing the glass. But he didn't budge .God! Help me!!
"Angel, you have to. See it will help. "now this time he pleaded.
"Please! Please!? "I whined. But it did nothing. He brought it to my lips and I shook my head. Hell, no!!
"For me? "he questioned. Now I'm trapped. What can I say to that. I sighed.
"Okay but you are mean. "I complained. He titled the glass so that I can drink it. With great struggle I finished the glass and once again I sighed. Next he handed me the medicines. No way I'd be able to deny him so I quickly accepted those. I gulped them down with a sip of water.
"Okay, Good girl. Now sleep, you need rest angel. "he said while laying me down in the bed. I slightly winced as my back pained a bit and he rubs my shoulders immediately to soothe it. I smiled.
My eyes were dropping when I felt his hands massaging my feet once again. My eyes snapped open.
"Stop! You don't have to -"I started but I was cut off by him.
"Shhh! Sleep angel. "he ordered.
But I argued again, "No, listen -"he cuts me off again.
"Please angel! Please! "he pleaded but this time I won't melt.
"No, you too need rest. " I reasoned.
"Either let me or I won't sleep. "he threatened me. No boy! Not this time.
"Nope! "I said back.
"Please, I insist my angel. "he once again pleads.
I opened my mouth to say something but he stops me..
"Please angel! Let me do this. Please! "
I sighed. Now no use. He is not going to listen to me. Defeated, I slowly drifted to a peaceful sleep with his comforting massage. It felt so soothing.
A super long chapter for you all!! Hope you like it:)
Try to vote and comment. I'd love to know if you find it enjoyable.
Love y'all chocokins. 😘😘
Evening glitters!! 😊
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