Chapter 13 - The Black Blood Demons.
"The toughest times are yet to come,
Tougher one, your going through.
Tough, you already went.
And each one is making you more stronger and braver.
Keep fighting with a smile.
Or else they'd destroy you with an evil smirk."
Pearl's P.O.V
My heart was still thuding inside my ribcage. Sherhoey and Enroe were just looking pissed. No scratch that, they were beyond pissed. Sherhoey was literally fuming. And on the other hand I was shaken. The only emotion I was showing was fear. I mean, till yesterday I was living peacefully and today I was almost killed or in better words murdered. My head was spinning into thousands of thoughts, nearly making me see stars.
"Sherhoey, should I land it on your terrace or in lawn?" The pilot, whom I suppose is called Mark asked, breaking my chain of thoughts.
"Lawn." He replied.
"Enroe, tell Larevh to appoint security guards around the house." Sherhoey said, looking towards Enroe.
"I've told him already." Enroe said back.
Within seconds, Mark landed the helicopter. A small sigh of relief escaped my mouth when I saw the familair mansion. At that moment I realised how much I wanted to crawl inside and just rest, and forget about the horrendous event.
"Angel, come." Sherhoey forwarded his hand for me to take. I glanced around and realised everyone has scurried down already.
I slipped my hand in his and got down, muttering a small thanks. I could hear Enroe barking some orders to Fliqh and Fiohn and giving directions to Mark.
"Sherh-" I was cut off mid sentence when out of no where I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. The person squeezed me out, stopping my breaths.
"Embre?" I whispered, shocked.
What's she doing here?
"Pearl! Are you okay?" She asked me worriedly, releasing me out of her embrace. Her eyes were moist with tears and she was hiccuping once in a while.
Oh Embre!
"I'm okay." I said with tears in my own eyes. I can't help but be emotional. Seeing her so concerned made my heart melt.
"I-I thou.." She tried to speak.
"Hey...shh. See I'm perfectly okay." I consoled her, taking her into another hug.
"Who is she? And what the hell is she doing here?" Enroe asked bluntly.
"None of your business Asshole!'' Embre snapped.
Uh oh..never mess with emotional Embre.
"It is my business you crazy woman!" Enroe scoffed.
"Enroe!" Sherhoey warned. Enroe scowled in reply, but shutting his mouth nonetheless.
"Angel, who's she?" Sherhoey asked me, gazing me with his metled silver pools.
"My best friend."I mumbled. Shehoey nodded curtly.
My emotional crazy best friend.
"Oh okay. Let's talk inside." Sherhoey arms shot out, wrapping them gently around my hips and pressing me towards his side of the body. Embre stepped beside us a second later.
With that, we all walked inside.
"Pearl, Vaylen is here too." Embre whispered leaning towards my ear.
"Woah what!?!"
Vaylen too.
"Let me go you pathetic cheap mutt!" I heard Vaylen yell as soon as we entered inside the living room. He was thrashing while a man was holding him back.
"Keep shut!" The man who was holding him bellowed in anger.
"What's happening here Larevh?" Sherhoey spoke out.
"Sherhoey! These two-" he pointed towards Vaylen and Embre, "-stormed inside the house claiming they have to see some girl named Pearl." Larevh explained, frustrated.
"Pearl!! Thanks heavens your safe!" Vaylen ran towards me when he saw me, breaking the hold of Larevh and soon I was enclosed in a tight hug again. I patted his back. My lips curled upwards at the comfort of his hug. Making me aware, I was so much in need of comfort now. It seemed so tempting to just forget the events and be normal. But alas! It wasn't an option.
I can't stop the swelling of my heart at the thought of my two friends worried so much for me.
"Pearl." Sherhoey called. I moved back only to see him shooting daggers at Vaylen. If looks could kill. His hands curled into tight fists at his sides, as if it was taking him a lot if effort to not hit Vaylen.
Mayhaps it did take a lot effort.
"Your PEARL?" Larevh asked, souding quite annoyed.
"Uh yes. Why?" I answered.
"These two psychopaths ate up my head since past hour and the whole time I was making them understand that they are at wrong place! And this woman-" he pointed towards Embre,"-she pierced my eardrums with her cries." I looked towards Embre and she gave me a sheepish smile.
Psychopaths?! Wow..
"I bit into his palm too." Embre whispered yet again. My eyes snapped towards her, only to see her smiling smugly with a hint of proudness. I found myself fighting back a smile. This girl can amuse me in most of the serious situations too.
Only she can be proud of these things.
"Watch your tongue idiot!" Vaylen said, making Larevh glare at him.
"And now who is he?" Enroe asked, pissed. He had this mixture of anger and frustrated look on his face. As if he wants nothing more than storming out.
" another best friend." I replied. Enroe shook his head at me. Clearly getting more and more frustrated.
"Sherhoey... may I exactly know who is she?" Enroe asked, this time impatiently referring to me. His lips almost frowning.
"My love." Sherhoey answered, looking at me intensely. Two simple words and I was blushing like a tomato. The way he said that erupted butterflies in my stomach.
His voice was firm, with a hidden tone of softness. The way he looked at me while answering as if others doesn't even exist, as if the moment would be ruined if he looked away.
"Who ever she is- wait what! Your love??!!" Enroe asked with wide eyes. Others were also having the same look except Embre. She was smirking! Ofcourse she knows!
"Yes, my love." Sherhoey confirmed, pulling me out of Vaylen's arms gently and tucking me in his embrace. His eyes still carressing my face. I had to look down to avoid his intense stare.
"I think I'm high." Larevh mumbled.
"Me too." Enroe joined in.
"Fucking idiots." Sherhoey muttered and pulled me towards the sofa, taking seat. I moved to sit beside him but he pulled me in his lap. My face went red.
"Sherhoey we have company!" I said but he just gripped me tighter. I tried wiggling but he wasn't having any.
Oh talk about embarrassment.
"Angel." He said softly, making my efforts hault. The softness in his voice was enough for me to give in. How can I not? When he calls my name so tenderly?
"I'm definitely high! Sherhoey is sitting with a girl on his lap?!" Larevh rubbed his eyes. He sat down opposite to us. Others following the suit.
"Shut it Larevh!'' Sherheoy scowled.
"We're talking about this later!" Enroe said, seriously. Sherheoy nodded, rolling his eyes but I didn't miss the small smile on his face.
''Embre, Vaylen what are you doing here?" I finally asked.
"I heard my dad talking about some murder in your flat. I instantly understood he was talking about you.
." Embre answered.
"How?" Sherhoey and Enroe said at the same time.
"Her dad is the head of news channel." I answered him. "Of course, Serghem won't let it come to news but all the higher authorities of news department would come to know." I further added.
"Yeah about four peole being murdered in your building. We were so worried. I was about to go to your house but Embre said you'd be here." Vaylen said this time.
"You mean the watchmen?" Enroe said.
"So... Now who the fuck is Sgrehem?" Vaylen asked, snatching the words out of my mouth.
No one uttered a word. He question was greeted with silence. But from the looks, Everyone except me, Embre, and Vaylen had the exact idea as to who he is.
As much as I wanted to know, I was not sure if I'd be able to take in so much in a single day. He is a mobster, that is an enough clue for me to know I'm not gonna like the information. All I wanted now was to escape this reality. It feels like a nightmare.
Sgrehem Doiynque.
The name itself sounds like a nightmare, giving me goosebumps all over. Though one thing is sure, this game isn't just a game. It's way more than I'm even able to comprehend.
Game is on..
I really don't know which game is he playing. As far as I've known him till now, he intends to make us his puppets, and like the pawns of the chess. I've never really liked chess. But now I'm amidst playing a live-chess.
Sherhoey drew a deep sigh, gaining everyone's attention. We looked at him expectantly, especially Vaylen, he was gawking at him.
He has been brutally ignored afterall.
"Well-" His grip tightened on me. "-Serghem is a mons-mobster." He gritted out the words forcefully, as if it disgusted him to even say his name. But my breath hitched over the word...
I should not have been so surprised by his words. Wasn't it obvious that being a mafia leader means he must be a monster indeed. But here I was. Shocked. Or more precisely, terrified.
Maybe I didn't want to accept that he was that dangerous because deep down I knew that his definition was more dangerous than the word dangerous itself. Somewhere I was trying to escape from this petrifying truth. Once facing a monster wasn't enough that....
A monster again...
"Mobster as in mafia?" Vaylen almost screeched.
"I presume thats only the meaning." Enroe snapped.
"The Black Blood Demons." Embre whispered. Her eyes staring the wall, making me almost think that she wasn't with us but somewhere else in her thoughts.
"How do you know them!" Sherhoey almost shouted. Embre's eyes snapped towards us again. She shook her head twice, mayhaps clearing the haze of her thoughts.
"My dad was talking about them. They are the number one mafia gang, right? Every other gangs works under them. Head of monsters."
There was that word again!
God Embre! Could you just not say that word?!
I roamed my eyes around the room, taking a glance at the people seated in front of me. None were looking surprised, well except for Vaylen. All I could see was, clenching of jaw.
What's with men and clenching of teeth?
"What-" Vaylen started only to be cut off.
"We shall talk about this later." Sherhoey announced, with a tone of finality. Wrapping one of his arms under me knee, he scooped me up, cradling me against his chest. My hands circled around his neck on its own.
"Enroe, settle them in guest rooms for now. Even Embre and Vayhel-"
"Its Vaylen!" Vaylen corrected Sherhoey and all he got was brutal ignorance again.
Poor Vaylen.
"-And Larevh, take Fliqh and Fiohn with you and take a round of all the security cameras and re-instruct the head guards. I want them alert all the time." Sherhoey continued, standing up with me in his arms.
"I'll be returning home." Embre said.
"No. We don't know their next move so for safety issues you have to stay here for a while. You have come here dumbly, they must be watching us! We don't want you next in the line of dead watchmen, do we?" Sherhoey snapped. I rubbed his shoulders to calm him down which worked a little.
"But-" Embre was about to protest.
"That's final. No further discussions." He started ascending the stairs, while I took a last glance at them. Vaylen was sitting with his arms folded, scowling at us. Embre was huffing silently. While others were looking quite serious.
He gently placed me on the bed, putting me inside the warm covers. My lips drew a sigh of relief at the feel of the soft bed. It feels so good to just bask inside the warmth of blanket, after all the tensions we all went through today.Sherheoy took off his shirt, and joined me in the bed, shirtless.
Those abs... pchhhh.
"I hope it's okay if I cuddle with you, Angel? Sherhoey asked, slipping inside the covers.
"It is." I replied. Actually, it was more than okay. His presence was needed now to make me feel better.
Warmth surrounded me, when his strong arm curled against my waist, pushing my head under his chin. He tightened his grip on me, when I without any hesitation tangled my legs with his. It felt so soothing. Like, home. In that moment, no thoughts of Sgrehem's threats crossed my mind. His embrace, made me at ease. And I knew, no bad thoughts could corrupt my mind, till I'm in his arms. Afterall, he felt like home.
My personal home.
"Angel?" Sherhoey called softly.
"Mhmm?" I hummed, too busy in seeking the warmth and comfort from his arms. He made me snuggle my cheek against his chest subconsicously, when his other hand found my hairs, and started weaving his fingers through my hair.
Mhmm... mhmmm...So very soothing.
"Do you trust me, my Angel?" I heard his soft voice again.
"Yes. Very much." I said in a beat. He breathed heavily in response.
"I would not let anyone hurt you, my heart. Nobody at all." His voice held conviction, the one which makes you believe every word.
"I know, Sherhoey." I mumbled against his bare chest. I was hardly preventing my lips from touching his chest while I was speaking. My cheeks were getting warm seeing those chiseled abs. I closed my eyes, to not get lost staring at those devilish abs.
"I love you, angel. I'd keep you safe at all costs. I promise." He repeated. This time I noticed the vulnerability in his voice. His voice was so soft, but not the softness I'd like to hear. It was as if, he was feeling scared.
His love you made my heart swell.
"Hey.." I slowly came out of his embrace even when I just wanted to bask in it. "..I trust you. I know you won't let any danger come near me." I said, emphasizing each word, making him believe that I mean each of my words. My hands cubbing his jaw.
"You do?." He asked with hopeful eyes, making my heart melt at how vulnerable he looked.
"I do." I leaned forward, craining my neck a bit and dropped a soft kiss on his forehead. I moved back, to see his eyes fluttered close, with a small smile curving at his lips. My lips too curved at seeing him.
"My sweet angel." He mumbled, taking hold of my nape to pull me down gently until I reached near his lips, pecking my forehead and then my nose. I smiled more broadly at the feel of his soft lips. Its fascinating that how a simple kiss gives such peace. Just a peck, but meaning so much.
"Now, don't be worried. I have you, right?" I said to him, with a smile.
"Right. Always." He breathed, placing his forehead against mine.
"Then no one could harm your Angel." I tried to soothe him, knowing well he was worried about it more than me.
"Yes, my Angel. No one." He repeated, keeping his eyes closed as he said so. His hands resting against my cheeks tenderly, making them flush more at the proximity.
There were so many unanswered questions. So many doubts. But the comforting moment was too peaceful to break with the chaosy-questions and the mess we were in. The slow breaths of him falling on my face didn't let me ruin the atmosphere, so they would have to wait for a while I guess.
"Come, angel. You need sleep." He lowered me inside the comforter, hugging me close to his chest. The moment I rested my cheek against his chest, all the tiredness rushed back, and the heaviness of the emotions I went through today, made me very sleepy. His arms gave me home, and his rhythmic heartbeats lulled me to sleep.
"I'm so sorry, my Angel." I heard a whisper and felt a kiss at the side of my head but too sleepy to respond, I slept.
Enroe's P.O.V
Damn Sherhoey!
I watched him disappearing upstairs with 'his love' in his arms, leaving me to deal with two annoying asses. I sighed in frustration. I don't understand what's all these shits again. Sgrehem is surely after our asses for something real bad. Damn! We were ambushed and almost killed. God knows what more is yet to come. I sighed again.
I turned around to see both of them sulking as if they were doing us a favour by staying here. For fucks sake its for their safety anyways.
"Guard!'' I called one of guards gurading the door.
"Take him to one of the guest room." I ordered pointing towards Vaylen.
"Okay, Sir." Both disappeared again. Larevh, Fliqh and Fiohn left to do their assigned task leaving me with the crazy girl.
God. I need some alcohol.
"Miss Ahh..?" I stared at the brown haired girl in front of me, trying to recall her name.
What was her name again?
"Embre Burhvon." She gritted out. What a brat! I don't understand why Sherheoy is adamant on keeping this pain! That bastard left me to deal with the attitude of this annoying girl."
"Bruhvon, come I'll show you your room." I tried to be polite, maintaining my posture. From the moment I've encountered her presence, she has been a bloody pain in my ass! I didn't call her by her first name, nor with your typical "miss". Well that's you get for calling me stupid names.
"I'm not staying here." She snapped. She is doing nothing but pushing my already pushed buttons.
"Look you crazy woman! Don't make me force you." I said through clenched teeth. I'm already much frustrated and this girl is just testing my patience.
"You cannot force me." She said, spitting fire with her eyes. She had crystal green orbs, complimenting her brown hair. I was stunned with the melted green pools staring into mine with fire for a few seconds. I shook my head to remove the haze.
Get a grip man!
"Try me." I said back, not bothering to hide my annoyance.
"I'm not going anywhere and thats final." She said determintedly.
I've had enough of this stupid girl.
I took a threatening step towards her, and her eyes widened in fear, making me smirk.
"Stop there itself." She tried to sound confident but failed miserably. I took calculated long strides towards her and she shrunk back in fear. Taking hold of one of her elbow I started dragging her towards the staircase, making sure I wasn't applying much pressure.
"Leave me, you pig!" She shouted, but I ignored her and started ascending the stairs.
"You mutt! Leave me!" She shouted again.
"You ass-''
''SHUT UP!" I roared, making her flinch but thankfully she kept her lips sealed after that. Opening one of the guest rooms, I dragged her inside.
"This is where you'd be staying. Suit yourself. " I said, turning to leave.
"Wait!" She called back.
Now what!
I turned back and raised my brow silently asking what was her problem. She took slow steps towards me, standing in front of me. Her green orbs were soft now, not flaming with anger, making it almost shine in the dim light of the room.
Beautiful eyes.
What the fuck am I saying!!
"What-" I started but stopped at once when she softly held my left hand, with her small palm.
"You're bleeding." She whispered slowly. Her other palm wrapped around my bicep, angling my hand to have a better look at my wound. I looked towards the wound, the bullet had just touched the area just above my elbow, missing its target by a little.
It was bleeding surely, but I didn't even remeber that I was hurt till she mentioned. I'm used to taking bullets, so the pain isn't new. Maybe thatswhy I wasn't aware of the wound I was carrying.
"I'm fine. " I said, trying to remove my hand but her grip just tightened.
"You're not. Don't act so almighty." She said, looking away from my wound for just a second to look at me. But that one look shook me to the core. Her eyes showed worry, something I wasn't accustomed to since I was a child. My heart skipped a beat at that.
The wound wasn't paining or maybe it was just that I was used to take much more pain than this.
"No, really I'm okay. The wound isn't severe. It'd heal." I tried to take away my hand again but in vain. Those green eyes with worry present in them were stiring a different emotion in me. And I don't know what was that, but all I know is I've to leave from there soon. Before, it heightens.
"Keep quiet." She literally ordered me. Damn! No body orders me except Sherhoey because they know not to mess with me and this girl is doing that without any fear and the most astonishing part is I'm letting her.
What's wrong with me?
She started dragging me towards the bed and like in a terrance I let her. She took hold of my shoulders and pushed me down on the bed, making me sit. Her eyes roamed in the room, finally settling on me.
"You sit here, I'll just get the first aid kit." She said gently, looking at my wound again with worry.
Damn woman Don't look at me like that!
"No. You don't have to do-'' I tried to decline.
"Shh..." she placed a finger on my lips, shushing me. After letting me know by her eyes to not move an inch, she disappeared in the washroom to get the first aid kit. I don't even know why was I obliging her.
Am I okay?
She came back with a white box in her hands and kneeled in front of me. I kept still till then, listening to the message given by her emerald eyes. Why wasn't I being my usual arrogant self?!
"Fold your sleeves." She commanded, giving all her attention to the wound.
Damn she ordered me twice.
''Do you know how to tend to a bullet grazed wound?'' I quirked my brow.
"Ofcourse, I'm a doctor."
I started opening the buttons to take off my shirt and her eyes widened. Oh so she's scared to see me shirtless.
"What? Rolling up the sleeves would hurt the wound." I said, when she kept her eyes windened. But that was a lie. I can easily take the pain, but I wanted to see her reaction.
"Oh okay." She nodded her head.
So innocent.
I was about to remove the shirt off my arms but shivered when small cold hands touched my hand, taking it off gently with great care to not let the fabric touch the wound.
Another emotion which I've been deprived of since ages. That same unknown feeling again stirred in my heart with a slight ache.
The fuck is my problem!
She took a cotton ball, and rubbed the wound tenderly to remove the blood over it. She kept blowing out air over it, to soothe the pain. Little did she know that it wasn't hurting. I wanted to stop her, but was unable to do so. It felt so good to see her taking care of my wound with such tenderness.
Her cheeks tinged with slight red colour, and it in return made me smile at the fact that I do have some affects on her. She didn't glance at my bare chest even once.
"Ahhhh." I fake-hissed slowly, just to see her reaction on it and see immediately mumbled a soft sorry, blowing soft puffs of air thrice.
So sweet too.
She applied some ointment and wrapped it up with a bandage. I looked at the bandage with a slight smile. When was the last time when someone cared for me like this?
I don't even remember.
"There. Its done, Mr...?" She stood up, tailing off since she didn't know my full name.
"Enroe Roudriguez." She smiled.
That smile....
I thought that she was annoying but gosh she is so sweet. I looked at her hand and saw red finger marks around her elbow. My eyes widened in surprise.
But I was careful to not apply much pressure..
"Those marks..." I said, feeling guilty.
"Oh this." She looked at her hand, "Don't worry I easily get bruised."
I looked at the marks and then at her, I pushed her on the bed and applied cream still feeling guilty. I copied her actions and blew some air over it.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know." I apologized.
"It's okay, Mr-"
"Enroe. Call me Enroe.
"Only if you call me Embre."
"Done." We both smiled at each other.
You'd be seeing Enroe-Embre scenes in coming chapters too. Instead of making another book, I'd write their story alongside with Pearl-Sherhoey. As you can see, they are encountering each other in this story so I cannot make a stand alone book. Hopefully, it's okay.
Thank you for waiting too. Love y'all.
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