Chapter 12 - The Game is On!
"Was everything okay?
Is everything okay?
Will everything be okay?
Hell, no!
Its you who will make everything okay from your perspective.
Its never gonna happen on its own."
Pearl's P.O.V.
"He is a mobster."
The ground beneath me just slipped, on hearing those 4 words. My head started spinning with thousands of unanswered questions and confusing thoughts.
Mobster. Gangster. Mafia.
What did I ever do to any one, for having my house thrashed into pieces? And, what possibly got me to receive such dangerous threats from a mobster?
I don't remember doing anything to anyone, let alone a person related to mafia. Do I suffer from amnesia and I don't know about it? Maybe..
Duh! What am I thinking!
Its really one of those times when I almost think that I'm dense, because right now I'm a mess and this current information given by Sherhoey isn't getting registered in my brain.
Serghem Doiynque.
The name itself is bringing shivers down my spine, making all the hairs on my neck erect. If he is capable of murdering four people just to break into my house, then I don't want to know what could he do with me. I shuddered at my own thoughts.
I'm a doctor for crying out aloud! What do I have to do with such criminals!
And, game is on? Count down begins? He'd win? Wither angel's wings? What does that all mean!? Damn!
And, the most astonishing fact is that Sherhory is sorry as if he knows something which I don't. Not to mention that he was the first person to know about all this! How!!??
"Mo-m-mobster? Why..?" I croaked out after so long, coming out of my inner turmoils. Sherhoey looked at me with unreadable eyes. His eyes were showing something which looked almost like a mixture of pain and regret. His eyes boring into mine, making me still, it looked like he was trying to say something through his eyes.
"Sherhoey!" A man, came running inside my room. His eyes roaming around the room, alarmed and frantic. He was holding a gun in his hands, with an earpiece tucked in his ear.
"Enroe?" Sherhoey called that man, who was devastatingly handsome with looks of god. He was wearing a black t-shirt and off cream coloured pants. His stance was so guarded that one thing was sure, he was trained for this.
Is he a cop? Or maybe criminal?
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Enroe roared, but beneath his loud voice, I could detect some panic.
Panic? Now what more is about to come?
"I was here, because of this..." he trailed off, gazing around my room with uncertainty.
"Because of what?" Enroe said frustedly.
"What the hell, Enroe! What's wrong with you? I came here, because Sgrehem is after her 'cause of me! He broke her house and is threatening her. If you will calm the fuck down, you can see the message on the wall and not to mention he murdered four guards. And now he is after Pearl!" Sherhoey yelled, clenching his hands tightly, trying to control his anger.
"So!? What does it has to do with you coming here!" Enroe yelled back.
Was I less confused before, that they are practically making me feel dizzy?
"Enroe! I have to come because she is in this problem because of me! Serghem is trying to cause her harm, to get me! He somehow knows that she matters to me... and now she is being dragged in this." He said the last part softly, as if he was blaming himself for it.
Because of him..??
"How come he figured it out so quickly? It's hardly been two days..." Sherhoey asked to noone in particular.
"Boss, that means they have been watching us since a long time." The brown hair man said.
"Yes, Fiohn and not only watching but they've already planned their moves." His twin replied looking at my phone intently.
Wait, my phone??
"What's in there, Fliqh?" Enroe asked.
Fliqh and Fiohn? Such confusing names.
"A message from him, again." Fliqh said, handling over the phone to Enroe. Enroe's jaw clenched, making me squirm in my place.
Its not gonna be good.
"Enroe, what does it read?" Sherhoey asked impatiently.
"How many men have you brought here?" Enroe asked instead of answering Sherheoy's question.
"15, why?"
"And all of them are armed?" Enroe asked again.
"I guess. I'm not that sure." Sherhoey replied uneasily.
"Are you nuts! This is a trap!" Enroe barked.
"What?!" We all asked in unison.
"This all was planned. They deliberately thrashed her house so they can get us trapped. Shit!'' Fiohn cursed, reading the same message in my phone.
"What the fuck does it reads?!" Sherhoey almost yelled again.
"Blood, blood... everywhere, Staining red. Dead whispers were whistling, but you were too engrossed to notice. I thought you were better than this, but you walked straight into it. Haha. Told ya, the game is on... see you soon. " Fiohn read the message and I froze.
"That cheap asshole!" Sherhoey fumed and I paled. We're trapped?
"Here!" Enroe threw a gun and an earpiece towards Sherhoey.
"You can't go through the front exit and neither the back exit. They must have been waiting like a hawk, ready to attack." Fiohn said.
"We've to think of a different exit. And soon." Fliqh added.
Oh my gawddddd...
"Enroe, did you see something odd while coming here?" Sherhoey asked. His eyebrows furrowed.
"No, it was oddly silent outside and that's more creepy. And, the most important thing is, no cops have arrived yet even when four of them have been murdered in daylights." Enroe said, his eyebrows turned into a frown.
Man, I'm a clueless duck here!
"Did you see extra cars parked near this building?" Sherhoey asked again.
"No. The streets were lonesome." He replied, frowning.
"Fucking shit!" Enroe cussed all of a sudden. "Pearl are there five black SUVs in this building. You live here, you must have noticed sometime." He asked turing towards me.
"No, there aren't. Not a single black car is owned by anyone here except me. I know it very well, my car stands out because of being the only black one." I said quietly because somewhere I knew this is going to be even bad.
"Oh god!" Enroe cursed furiously.
"Does that means..."Sherheoy trailed off with a grim expression.
"Yes. They are hiding in the building itself. We are most probably gonna be ambushed!" Enroe finished. My breath hitched inside my throat again.
Ambushed?!!! I'm a dead meat today.
"And they are watching us through the cctvs present in the hallways and corridors. They have known all our activities, and just waiting for the right time to attack." Enroe concluded.
"Fliqh have you checked the flat properly? There's a possibility that they have set a camera here itself." Sherheoy mumbled.
"Boss I've. But I'll just recheck for any hidden cameras." Flijh said, scurrying away quickly.
"There weren't any other cars parked that means they have made all the residents to leave. Fuck! We're all alone here." Enroe said to himself.
"What?!! He is able to do that!? Won't the cops do anything." I asked in bewilderment. My eyes as wide as tubs.
"Angel, cops can't do anything to him. He is most feared mobster. When it concerns him, cops are his puppets. So ofcourse, he can do it." He answered, looking towards the wall and my heart stopped.
Fucking hooligans!
"Enroe, call the helicopter on the terrace. Tell Mark to get helicopter on the terrace of this building in the next fifteen minutes." Sherhoey ordered.
"Right away." Enroe said, going a a bit away from us to make the arrangements.
"Fiohn, tell our mens waiting in the cars to immediately come inside the building, and along the way destroy all the cctv camera. Separate them into three teams. Also, connect the leader of each team through bluetooth with me and Enroe and yourself. Two of them will enter through back exit and One team will enter through front. Team one,will go upstairs and the destroy the remaining cameras leading all the way upto terrace. And others will help us. Serghem must have got quite a lot mens. Ask Ryan to send us back up as soon as possible." Sherheoy commanded and my jaw dropped.
What in the name of actual hell!
"Boss won't they see our mens coming inside?" Fiohn asked.
"They will. But we have no choice." Sherhoey said slowly, but he suddenly turned towards me.
"Pearl, are there cctv cameras outside the building too?"
"Yes, but currently they have gone for repair." I said
"And on the backside?"
"They aren't in a condition of working."
"Perfect!" Turning towards Fiohn he continued, " Tell them to enter through back exit and cut off the power supply and also, ask them to punture the tyres of the all cars present in the parking lot so that they can't chase us."
"Okay boss."
Finally after taking a long breath, his ocean eyes- filled with concern met mine. He gave a small smile, a reassuring one, which did calm my nerves a bit. He took two long steps and stood right in front of me, holding my gaze all the while.
"I'll protect you, my sweet angel. Trust me, I'd not let any harm to reach you." He said softly, embracing me in his arms protectively. My heart did sooth down at his words and I hugged him back.
"I trust you." I replied back softly. He pulled away a bit and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Uh, boss.." Fliqh cleared his throat.
"Yes?" Sherhoey asked pulling away a bit to see him.
"There are no hidden cameras here."
"Okay. Do you have a spare gun?" Sherhoey asked.
"Angel, do you know how to use a gun?" He asked and my eyes bulged out.
The ass worthy hell! I haven't cussed this much in my entire life!
"" I shuttered. How will I know that? I didn't knew I'd need it
"Okay, never mind. Listen to me carefully angel, no matter what you are not leaving my side, not even for a second. Am I clear? "
"Crystal." I said gulping hard.
"Sherheoy.. Mark said he'd be here within fifteen minutes.." Enroe informed.
"Boss, why aren't they attacking us yet?" Fliqh asked.
"They are waiting for us to come out. Serghem wants us to be afraid of him. He wants to enjoy our helplessness, cornering us, so that he could plant fear inside our very heart." Sherhoey replied, sighing.
Oh holy spirits! Is he a sadist????
"Boss, all is set. You can talk to them through bluetooth." Fiohn said, tucking his own earpiece. Sherhoey motioned something to Fliqh and he gave me an earpiece too. I immediately tucked it in my ear.
"When the lights would go off, we would immediately run towards the terrace." Sherhoey explained.
"Okay." We all nodded.
"Boss we've entered inside the building." I heard a man whispering via bluetooth.
"Good. Find the electric power room and cut the connection. And are the other instructions clear?" Sherheoy asked.
"Okay boss. And yes they are clear."
"Give me your hand, angel." I immediately gave him my hand, and clutched his hand tightly, holding onto him for my dear life.
"Sherheoy Mark is on his way." Enroe said, and Sherheoy merely nodded.
I had uncountable questions swirling in my head but I know I've to wait for them to be answered. Right now, we have to concentrate on making out of this alive.
After few minutes passed, the electrcity went off.
"Now." Sherhoey said, dragging me outside along the dark hallways. One of his hands was securely holding a gun, whilst the other was clutching mine. I grabbed his arm with my free hand when out of no where firings started. I flinched every time, a shot was heard. I didn't even dared to ponder how much blood could have been staining the floor.
"Fucking damnation! They're quite fast." Sherhoey said dragging me faster. Enroe was leading the way using the flash of his phone to guide us in the darkness and Fliqh, Fiohn were guarding our backs.
"Boss, all the cctvs are destroyed along with the tyres."
"Yeah, well done. Fight them off for sometime. Back up will be here in no time to help you. Don't allow them to ascend towards the terrace." Enroe answered.
Meanwhile Fliqh or Fiohn shot someone behind us. I flinced once again. I didn't dared to turn around. My heart was pouding inside my chest. My grip on Sherhoey tightened.
Just as we took the turn and about to climb up the stairs, five armed men surrounded us, pointing their guns at us. My heart came to my throat by then. I closed my eyes, thinking its the end.
Lord, forgive me for stealing chocolates from my mum and all other crimes. May my soul rest in peace.
I peeled my eyes open when I heard multiple gunshots. All the five mens were lying on the ground lifelessly. Bile rose to my throat when I took in the blood sight before me. It was horrible, to see them lying in the pool of blood, dead. Seeing blood while operating is one thing, but witnessing it in front of your eyes and watching them die is a whole different story.
My eyes snapped towards Enroe when I heard him groan slightly.
Blood was dripping from his left shoulder, drenching his black t-shirt.
"Shit! You need to bandage the wound." I whisper yelled.
"We don't have time for that now." Saying so, he again started running up the stairs, ignoring his pain, with us following him closely.
I heard sounds of fires again but I just concentrated on moving ahead. I refused to think anything else right now. My mind flashed with some distant horrifying memories, making them resurface.
The panic felt so familiar, just like 12 years ago....
"Sherheoy Mark is here." Just on clue we heard the sound of the blades of helicopter whipping against the brewing wind.
"And the back up?" Sherheoy asked, all our movements producing a synchronized sound on the marble floor, our heels clicking agaisnt them, marching faster up the stairs.
"They are here too, boss. They have entered the building already." Fliqh said from back.
"Boss, we are outnumbered. They are coming after you. We cant stop them as we're busy handling the rest. Though Team A has gone after them but we don't know how long they would distract them."
"Back up is here, don't worry. You focus on the rest." Sherheoy answered.
We heard multiple steps following us, making us halt for a second but they were quickly taken care off by team A. We continued ascending the stairs, almost skipping the stairs in our haste.
Relief washed over me when I saw the moonlight peeking inside the creak of the door. We ran towards the door, dodging anything which came in between.
The engine of helicopter was roaring in the deafening silence of the night. Gunshots started again as we neared the helicopter.
Oh no not now.
We almost turned around when we heard,
"Boss you go, we'll keep them distracted. Don't stop. "
We quickly covered the distance and settled oursleves inside. Gunshots could still be heard in the background. The pilot immediately flew us away, and soon I was no longer able to hear those shrill noises anymore. Only my heart was pounding in my ears. My hands was still in Sherhoey' s grip. We all were panting heavily and I was still shaken up with all the events. Though realisation dawned upon me,
The game was indeed on....
Here is the next update!
I suck at actions and I really don't know how the chapter is. I hope its atleast readable.
Do vote and comment.
How many of you wants sherhoey's pov?
And lastly, how was the chapter? Do tell me. *puppy eyes*
~Trust is Venom.
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