Chapter 10 - You own my heart, goddamitt!
Innocence can turn corrupted but can the corrupt turn innocent again?
That is how trust can be defined as well!!"
Third person's P.O.V
"Sgrehem, what's exactly in your mind?" Refeus asked, curiously. They were currently sitting in Sgrehem's office, deciding whether to cut open the prisoner's heart or torture him by making him lose all his blood and leave him to die.
Sgrehem smirked," What do you think, Refeus?"
"Knowing you, both." He said confidently. He knows him too well. All about his darkness and ruthlessness. He knew there is nothing called worse in his master's dictionary. He always gives worst. After all a devil is a devil. You can expect anything but mercy from Sgrehem?
The hell would freeze nth times before his master shows mercy. He is heartless and feelingless. Perfectly well combination for breaking people.
Anyone would commit suicide rather than dying with Sgrehem's hands.
Dying is peaceful, right?
But with Sgrehem, no. Its the most painfull thing you'll ever feel. You will beg for death but in return all you get would be torture.
As expected, Sregehem chose both. First, he would be tortured and then when he would be on the verge of dying, his heart would be cut open.
Thats what he was. He never gives easy death. Rather he gives the most painful death, not at all giving a fuck to other's pain or whatsoever. Why would he? He is a devil. And devils found happiness in torturing, hurting others. Maybe the real devil situated above in hell is better than him.
Sgrehem dismissed the prisoner and his minions.
Yes, minions. They were just his puppets. He won't heistate to finish them irrespective of their loyalty and how many years they spent to serve him.
And his minions knew this too well. But do they get a chance to escape this hell? Or even go against their master.
Not even in their dreams. They dont get a choice. If they do so, it'd be on the cost of their loved ones.
(Side note: why on their cost of loved ones would be explained later.)
"Sreghem, what about Sherhoey's angel?" Refeus asked out of curiosity. He was dying to know Sgrehem's plan.
" Angel is an angel, even if she doesn't know;
Her wings are free and open, but she doesn't think so,
Once she knows, her wings would be torn apart,
Without her knowing, her purity would be gone,
Making her Prince to break in more than one way possible,
Prince thinks he is devil, but little he knows about the real devil.
His Angel will be scarred because of him, but he won't be of any help.
Angel spreads happiness all around, but she isn't aware that her happiness is on verge of collapsing.
Prince wants her happiness and devil wants his destruction.
Now, now you very well know why angel is on radar,
She is innocent but still will be sacrificed,
Just because she is his angel..." Sgrehem replied. Even Refeus flinched slightly at the hidden dark tone of his master.
Right there, he knew his master has gone worst from devil. And he knows, innocent angel is going to be trapped.
Pearl's P.O.V
From past twenty minutes Sherhoey was hugging me so tightly, like his life was dependent on it. Even I embraced him in return to comfort him. But deep down I was very angry at myself. This is all happening because of me.
Oh man, he broke in front of me for something which isn't even true.
I need to explain him this!
Even now, he hasn't stopped crying but his sobs has quietened down. I can feel those little warm drops on my shoulders.
I know for some people, crying is a coward thing especially in the case of man. But for me, its an act of bravery. It shows how much he cares and how he is even breakin' his barriers and trusting me enough to show his tears.
I tried to pull away but he gripped me firmer than before, as if afraid that I'd disappear. It looked like he didn't want me to let go off his arms. His gesture made my heart ache.
No, no, no.. I've to comfort him and clear Embre's bullshit.I can't let hin cry anymore because of a stupid prank.
"Sherhoey?" I called him, tenderly while pushing him lightly to see into his crystal blue eyes. This time, he lets me go. I brushed my fingers lightly in his hair and he leaned into my touch. His eyes were tightly shut.I brought my hands up, slowly and cupped his cheeks, gently wiping off his tears with the pad of my thumb.
Even my tears were trickling down, uncontrollably.I felt like I can't stop my tears even though I wished to. But I care less about them right now so I didn't bother to wipe them away.
"Sherhoey, please look at me!" I pleaded him but he refused to open his eyes. This made my throat dry, considerably.
"Please! Please open your eyes Sherhoey!" I repeated my plea but this time I choked on my saliva and hicupped loudly.
His eyes snapped open at the sound of my hiccups. His ocean blue orbs were looking so lifeless, dull...tired.
Oh Sherhoey!
Observing my tears, a look of concern made its way on his face. He quickly dabbed my cheeka with his warm, soothing palms.
"Don't cry, my Angel. Please!" His voice hoarse due to crying.
"How could I Sher-" I hicupped once again "-hoey when you are crying because of me-" I sobbed. " -I always hurt you." I sobbed harder. My tears were rolling down, continuously.
This all was happening because of me!! Oh my!!!
"Shh..Sweetcheeks, you could never hurt me." Sherhoey consoled, stroking my hairs lovingly.
Why he is so good?! Why?
"Sherhoey, about that heart trans-" I was cut off by him, when he engulfed me in a bone crushing-rib-cracking hug. Till now, I didn't knew we could hug someone so very tightly.
'Stop overreacting! You won't die!' My inner voice snapped.
'Just the encouragement I needed.' I thought ironically.
"No, angel. Nothing would happen to you! I won't let anything happen to you!! Never! You're my life. Without you, I'm lifeless. I'm nothing." He said still hugging me. I got shocked as well as confused by his words.
Does everyone say this type of words to thier friends?
"Why are you rejecting the donors, angel?" He asked in a pained voice.
"Sherhoey I don't need the donors-" I mumbled but again he interrupted and draws me closer towards his chest.
"You don't need the donors because you don't want to sacrifice others life, isn't it angel?" He whispered in my hair.
No thats all a lie, Sherhoey!
Maybe it was partly true. If I'd have needed donors for real then I'd have rejected them, if they were living donors. I don't want anyone to die for me. But now sitaution is different, I'm perfectly okay. My heart is working properly.
"Sherhoey thats not tru-" I started, only to be interrupted again.
"Don't worry, my Angel. I'll give my heart to you then no one would sacrifice, angel." He said softly.
He will give his heart?!!!
Is he insane?! Ofcourse he is! I know that my heart is okay and that was a lie but what if it'd have been true? Then he would have....Geez!!!!!!!!!!
"What the hell!!" I said, pulling away from him. "No, you won't do anything like that! Do you even understand what the hell are you talking?!" I fumed.
This man!!
"Yes, of course I understand. Besides, I'd do that without thinking twice and you can't do anything to stop me." He said, looking straight into my eyes.
"No, you wouldn't dare!" I warned, looking into his eyes with the same intensity.
"I would, for sure." He said without any hesitation.
Man, he can't be serious!
"Reason?" I asked, lowering my eyes. Why is he so adamant about it?! For pete's sake he knows me barely and to be exact only one day! How could he is ready to give his life for a mere stranger?! Is it even possible?!
He is officialy out of his mind!
"The reason is because I can't live without you, angel.'' He engulfed me into a tight hug, again.
This is no reason! He must be kidding me!
"Sherhoey! Are you kidding me? This is not a joke! For the love of god, don't act stupid! You just can't give your life for me, a stranger!!!"
This man is impossible! How could he even say that?! He makes it sound as if his life is not even worth a penny! Idiotic jerk!
"Angel, my life is worthless without you. And ues you're right Princess, this isn't a joke but a life without you is a joke." He retorted.
There is a limit of joking!
This pissed me off. The nerve of this man! I was under the impression that only my subconscious can piss me off like this but no. I was absolutely wrong. This man has the freaking ability to turn me into a volcano.
"Dammit Sherhoey! You don't get it! You just can't give your heart, who you barely know. Besides, why is it bothering you so much? Its my life! It should make no difference whether I live or die. You've no right to take such irrational decisions. Don't be a jerk!!" I yelled at him at the top of my lungs, taking few steps back.
"Angel-" he tried to say something but I wasn't having any.
This jerk doesn't understand! Crazy man!
"No, Sherhoey! Don't angel me! You are taking your words back right now! You crazy cave man! Don't even think about doing those crazy stunts." I stormed at him again.
Really!? I yelled! Two times! At Sherhoey!? Damn!
"I'm not taking my words back, Angel! Till I'm alive on this freaking planet nothing....I mean NOTHING will happen to you! I won't let anything happen to you. I don't care if it costs my life." He said with determination.
I think I'm gonna break my previous records of yelling. I usually don't yell but again this is THE SHERHOEY SILVERVANS, we're talking about.
This man definitely have ridiculous nuts in his brain!!
''Sherhoey this is ridiculous!! You only know me for one day. ..around 24 hours, isn't it? And here you're claiming to give away your heart to me! Do you even realise how ridiculous it sounds?! Are you even for real! Why don't you just understand?! This is freaking crazy! I..I..I'm-" I shuttered while yelling. God! This Embre!
I don't understand why she thinks that Sherhoey loves me!? Its near to impossible-no its impossible! No one can love me let alone Sherhoey. He just cares for me as a friend, since I'm his only friend. Thats all. Nothing more! How possibly on earth can he love me!? For Jesus's sake, he can have anyone. Why the hell will he chose me?!?! There are bunch of girls who are ready to throw themselves at him. They are so pretty, beautiful, talented, confindent, smart, intelligent...... and the list goes on and on and what am I?
A simple, ordinary, average girl. I'm not that pretty that he will get swooned by me!? Jesus! There is no point in thinking! Embre is definitely crazy!! She and her crazy thoughts have now given me a trouble to handle.
I swear Embre your gonna so dead ...DEAR.
I sighed and after shoving all my other thoughts away I continued," Okay-" I took a deep breathe. "- I seriously don't understand why it matters so much to you....we hardly know each other. It should make no difference if I die or-" I was speaking calmly until Sherhoey lost his temper.
Good lord, now what?!
"It should make no difference huh? Why is matters to me so much!? Well I'll tell you why! Because everytime I see into those hazel eyes I get drowned into them. Everytime I listen to that soft angelic voice of yours, my heart flutters. Everytime I hold you in my arms, I feel content. Everytime, it takes a lot of restrainment to let you go off my arms. Everytime it rips me apart when I see tears in those hazel eyes of yours. Everytime I loose myself into you, when I listen to your soft rhythmic heart beats. Everytime I feel scared, when you are not around me. Everytime it tears away my heart, when you are in pain. Everytime my heart clenches, when you wince softly. Everytime I smile, when you blush. Everytime my heart sings, when you smile. Ev..v-er " Sherhoey's voice cracked which in turn ached my heart.
How come I've this much effect on him in just one day?
He is an epitome of perfection and what am I? A simple clumsy girl.! He can't love me! I mean he cares for me but only in the sense of a friend, isn't it? He cares so much because he doesn't want to lose his only friend, isn't it? He has got a very soft and fragile heart. He deserves someone who is just as perfect as him, if not more , isn't it?
He is so beautiful. I don't care if beautiful is a girly word but he indeed is beautiful both inside and out and I'm not even close to beautiful. It's impossible, isn't it? He-... my thoughts were interrupted by my own so called stupid voice in brain.
'BROTHEL PEARL!! You seriously don't have brains or what!?!' She screeched at me.
Oh my my! Did she just cursed in french?! At me?!
But I guess she is actually right. I don't have brains, isn't it? Oh crap! Neither beauty, nor brains. Both lack in my case, isn't it? I sighed.
'I swear stop your "isn't its" right now and cut your bullshit! Got it? Move out from shitting yourself. ' she almost barked!?! Wow! She proves perfectly well that she is a bitch. Forget it! Sherhoey.... shit!! He still doesn't know the truth.
"Sherhoey." I said, softly so that he acknowledges I want his attention.
"You think why it matters?! It matters because you've become my fückîn' life. You're oxygen to me Pearl!!" He yelled this time. I quietly reached to his face, cupping his jaw. His eyes were as cold as stone but as soon as his gaze settled on me, his eyes were bacl to the usual mesmerizing blue ones.
"One day." I breathed.
"Huh?" He asked, confused.I don't blame him though.
Wait, I blame him fully.
"Its been only one day Sherhoey, since you know me. It's just that you're overwhelmed with all these stuffs and your grandfather's health. You're stresed. You will soon come out of this. Believe me. It won't and it can't matter if I die-"
"Don't!!" He yelled, interrupting me.
Yelled?! I mean seriously? I don't understand this! What's so big matter if I say that I die?! Sometimes its ridiculous! Hold on - sometimes? No every damn time! This is infuriating me to my far limits. Why is he making such a huge deal of it? Its my life and its my choice if I live or die but this man doesn't understand! I've to make this clear. He is overreacting dude! Now he has to seriously stop!
"Sherhoey, you're being difficult. Everyone has to die one or the other day including me. I'm no special Sherhoey! You or I don't have any say on this. Now you've to understand this, okay? I stated, keeping my voice soft.
"I don't understand this angel! No, Pearl and die shouldn't be in one sentence. No, never my Angel! Your special! Extremely special... you know why?! Because you own my heart goddamitt!" He whisper yelled.
He, then took hold of my right palm and placed it flat on his chest right above his..his -right on the top of hi-his heart!! His heart was beating out of control. Jesus! It was so loud and frantic that it felt like it wanted to come out of his chest. I panicked.
Is he having a coronary attack?
I was so shocked that I didn't even thought about anything else. I was very concerned. Why the hell his heart is beating so fiercely!!? I started withdrawing my hand..
"No!!" He retracted my hand back into his and then directed it again towards his chest. This time, securing it with his hand on top. Now, even his breathing was raged.
What the hell is going on!?!
"Sherhoey, are you okay?"I took hold of his another hand with my free one."Why is your heart beating so fiercely?" I asked him.
"Because of you!! Its beating for you! My angel, it beats only and only for you till my last breath because it belongs to you! And it'll only beat till your alive. If you die, my heart will stop thumping too. Your last breath will be the last heart beat of mine, my Angel. And right now, its scared. I'm scared, angel. Remember this angel, till my heart is alive I won't allow death to even reach you. And even if it's reaches, then I'll die too." He confessed, looking straight into my eyes, not even wavering once.
I was flabbergasted!! What in the name of living hell dude! He has got to be kidding me!! But his eyes...
Oh God.... oh my god...OH MY GAWD!!!
He was serious. He meant every single word.I looked down unable to bear the intensity of his eyes. That means Embre wasn't shitting me! He really cares for me so damn much! But how can a person get so deeply attached in just one day.
Is it even possible?
But I'm witnessing it dude. And I can't deny it. His eyes were showing a different kind of emotion while he was speaking. A emotion which I've never seen in anyone's eyes. A emotion which I cannot decipher- which I couldn't pin point.
"Why do you care so much Sherhoey?" I whisper-asked him. But I'm afraid of the answer. He gently removed his hand from my grasp and took my chin between his thumb and fore finger. He forced me to look into his captivating orbs again.
"Because I LOVE YOU, MY ANGEL!" He spoke with so much tenderness that my heart melted then and there. His eyes were full of love and affection. Now, I can clearly pinpoint that unknown emotion in his eyes-- it was love.
That was it!
I broke into tears. It can't be happening. He can't love me. I don't deserve his love, let alone his heart. He deserves a better- no best person to preserve his heart... not ME! My vision blurred and I can hardly see him now. My heart has now started beating loudly.
"No, Sherhoey. You can't." I spoke so quietly that I doubted if I said it aloud or mentally.
"No angel, I love you! I love you so fucking much! So much that I can rip out my heart rather than seeing you cry. I need you. I need you more than my own fucking life! I can't describe my love for you in words, even my heart is unable to hold my endless love for you thats why it always beats so frantically when you're around, to show you that it wanted to come out of chest to meet yours heart. I forget breathing when you're near me. You make me numb to all my pain. When you're not around I become restless. You say that its only one day But I fell in love with you the moment I saw your honey eyes. Right from that moment, you have owned my heart. Right there, you became my sole reason to live... you became my life. You're my life, angel. You're my everything. I can't and I won't live without you you're my breath, my soul, my heart, my everything. "
My heart stopped. My heart skipped a beat with every heart touching line of his and by the time he ended, my heart stopped.I can't feel it anymore. Dead! I'm dead. His soul reviving words killed me. Jesus! I'm coming to you. Heaven wait up! I'll be there in seconds. My head was spinning and my tears were adorning my already flushed cheeks.
"I love you, my angel." He repeated again and again till it got registered in my brain... till I got out of the daze. My heart resumed its beating at his words. But then realisation struck me hard!!
"No... no Sherhoey. You deserve a perfect girl-no the best girl on this planet and I'm not even close to perfect. You're an epitome of goodness Sherhoey. You should claim the girl who is one in billions. Who is kind, caring, loving ,sweet, gentle... who is a real angel. Not me, Sherhoey. I'm just an ordinary girl who is stupid, clumsy-" he suddenly smashed his lips on mine, shutting my ramblings.
HE IS KISSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His plump lips were so soft agaisnt mine. Okay, he wasn't kissing me. He had just placed his lips over mine, not moving them, as if asking my permission. His eyes were closed. My heart was beating wildly at the feeling of his lips.
But do I want him to kiss me?
Yes yes! I want to kiss him. But would it look good if I initaite it?! What would he think of me?!
"Putan! Just kiss him!" My subconscious pushed me.
Without any further thoughts, I started to move my lips against his softly. At first even I was shocked. He didn't even wasted a beat, he too started kissing me back. Our lips started moving in a sync, moulding so perfectly as if it was made to be sealed by each others lips.
His lips were moving so gently, carressing my lips with his lips. There was no urgency or aggression. He was taking his own time to cherish my lips, as if trying to memorize the feel of my lips. The kiss was full of raw emotions and love and nothing called lust or desire. It was a kiss of love and adoration. He was pouring his love and all his feelings into the kiss.
My hands found their way to his neck. I encircled my arms around his neck, pulling him closer meanwhile, he gripped my waist, drawing me tightly towards his chest. I tugged a tendril of his soft hair, earning a pleasurable groan from him and in response, he squeezed my hips softly pulling me impossibly closer towards him.
My mind was dizzy. All my rational thoughts were long forgotten. My stomach was churning in anticipation. It felt ecastic...pure heaven. The moment was a moment of bliss.
I swear my heart melted further, if possible.
My eyes were sweeped shut, living this foreign sensation. I felt thousands of butterflies erupting in my stomach. If thats how it feels to be kissed then I can do it for eternity.
He never tried to deepen the kiss, or shove his tongue into my mouth. He was kissing me so innocently, making my heart to swell a little more. He was just relishing the taste of our mingling lips and nothing more. No desire. No urgency. No lust. Just love. He made me feel like an true Angel.
He was pulling me even more close, with each passing second. He stole my first kiss but I've no regrets. My mind refused to ponder on any other thoughts, it was just focusing on kissing those soft pair of plump lips. He kept kissing me like I'm the most precious thing ever given to him. I don't know if I completely love him yet or not but would it be wrong to say that I might have started falling for him in just one day too? I'm not sure but yes, one day maybe short but it only takes a moment to fall in love. Just a single moment is enough for love. Just as simple as that or just as complicated as that. Either way, its beautiful and worthy of being cheerished forever.
A part of me still believes that he deserves better..not a person like me. Embre was right! That girl is something.
We would have never stopped, if oxygen wasn't important. I slightly pushed his chest, when my lungs begged to inhale, for its dear life. Sensing the lack of my breath he removed his lips slowly. I started breathing heavily, drawing as much as air in possible.
He being he. He quickly tucked me into his chest, pressing the side of my head inside his chest. His arms were refusing to free me. I was trapped between his protective arms but I don't complain.
"My angel, I've found that sweet, loving, caring, kind and gentle girl and thats you. You're perfect, actually more than perfect for me. You're that one in billions, one in this whole world. Maybe I'm an epitome of goodness but that goodness is you. You're not just an ordinary girl, your an extraordinary girl who has stolen my heart, who owns my heart just by her honey eyes." He said gazing lovingly at me, while pulling away slightly. I was perplexed that how smartly he outwitted all my negative remarks about myself. And what was I doing? Well, I was standing there with my mouth open. I bet I was looking like a goldfish out of water. Now I must recover before I make myself more than a fool I'm.
Fucking damnation! The bullshit of Embre!
"Sherhoey, I'm perfectly okay. Absolutely fit and fine." I started.
"Angel, I-" he tried to say something but I interrupted him.
"No Sherhoey, listen to me first. No interruptions, okay?" He nodded.
"My heart is absolutely fine. There are no flaws. Embre was just playing a prank with me and I was just playing along with her. I didn't knew you'll come to my cabin just then. I'm sorry Sherhoey. I didn't mean to hurt you at all. Please, forgive me. You've no idea, Embre is a crazy chimpanzee. There is no match of her craziness. She is a drama queen not to mention her crappy ideas. Damn! Now I've started rambling like her. " I face palmed myself. I'm no less than her. I deleted the part where Embre was doubtful that he loves me and all this drama was especially for him. I don't know how he'd have reacted to that and that would've been darn awkward.
"So that wasn't true? " he asked again to reconfirm.
"No, it wasn't." I assured him.
"That means my angel is completely fine. Nothing is gonna happen to my Pearl." This time he started rambling.
"Yep, Sherhoey I'm okay. I'm not planning to leave you any time soon, so you better tolerate me." I said while chuckling at my own comment. He joined my laughter.
"I can tolerate you for my whole life without complaining once." He answered sheepishly.
"Hmm. So now you know that I'm fine, leave me Sherhoey." I said, playfully and like the creature he is, he didn't even made the slightest effort to remove his hands from my waist.
"Nopes, I like it this way." He said, pulling me into his chest again. I smiled to myself.
"Well your friend nearly gave me a heart attack today. She is gonna pay for this prank." He commented.
"But one good thing happened, I confessed my love to you angel." He added with a smile.
"I agree." I said back, mirroring his smile.
"I thought only you can amuse me angel, but I guess your friend is a good competitor." He laughed. He is such a tease.
"Hey!" I smacked his arm, playfully. We both laughed.
"Sherhoey about your confession..I-I... I-" I fumbled with my words. I wasn't getting words. He opened his heart to me and I don't know how to react, hell or even what to say.
"Shh..angel, I know. You don't have to answer me now. Take your time, my princess. When you're ready then give me your answer. I'll wait for you, angel. And I know your views about yourself but I promise I would prove you wrong. I'll make you realise of your beauty angel.Will you give me a chance, angel?" He said softly.
I was overwhelmed again. He is not only loving, caring and sweet but also understanding. I still think myself unworthy of him but one bigger truth is that I know I've started falling from him. I want to give him a chance. A chance to prove myself wrong, to change my views about myself, to love me unconditionally.
Oh Sherhoey! What have you done to me boy?
"Yes, Sherhoey. I give you a chance." I permitted him to change me and I'm looking forward to it.
"Thanks, my angel. Ti amore, love." He whispered.
Oh boy! He loves "ME" ...I hope I'm not dreaming. Embre's plan worked.
I hope I'll soon say it back to you , Sherhoey.
With that thought I snuggled into his chest, finding warmth in his arms.
Third person's P.O.V
Both love birds were happy in each other's embrace not knowing the storm coming towards them,
Unprepared, unalarmed, and lost in their bubble of happiness,
Love is their only weapon and they don't know it yet,
The jerk will be sudden and unstoppable,
Unpredictable obstacles are laid down in thier path,
Little do they know, life is all about unexpected twists,
They will face challenges, seeing how cruel this world could be,
Fighting to prevent their love from being tainted,
Colourful wicked plans are awaiting, gawking at them;
Silently pushing them towards the danger,
Demon is waiting, to wither the wings of angel;
Let's just pray, they will make it through safely,
Who'll win? Tsk tsk..I don't know!
---- "Life is all about letting go and moving ahead. You can wish for anything and everything. But often, wishes remain as unfulfilled dreams. Accept and embrace it, it'll be easier. The more you chase it, more painfull the realisation will be. Some wishes are wished just to be kept wished!"
~~by Evening_Glitters04
Sorry for the typing and grammatical errors. And if it was too dramatic and cliche, my sincere apologies.
Hearty thanks for your support till now.
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