Chapter 5
Opening my eyes I stretch out my body yawning as I sit up in bed hoping the room won't spin from my drinking last night. Swinging my legs over the side and placing them on the floor I stand up and hold out for balance. Once I find my feet and are not swaying anymore I walk out of my bedroom and down the hallway first to use the bathroom and then head towards the kitchen.
Before reaching the kitchen I see bodies everywhere, Kai is laying on the sofa face down looking like a starfish with his arms and legs hanging over the sides. Jeno is curled up on the single chair which makes me laugh at both of them being so tall but yet sleeping in the most weirdest positions. Chen is out cold on the rug on the floor with a blanket over him sleeping soundly. I don't remember him being there when I came in last night. Maybe I was just that drunk. I didn't see him.
Tiptoeing past them as I step into our kitchen. I let out a laugh seeing Jaehyun sitting at the counter with his head laying on his arms and a bag of crisps torn open beside him as he snores.
I decide to make some coffee for them knowing there will be a few sore heads. Turning on the coffee machine I search the cupboards for breakfast ideas. I know we could head to the company and have breakfast but I don't think most of them will make it and I'm sure they don't want pictures of themselves all over the papers or Internet looking like the walking dead still in their costumes from last night.
Finding flour, eggs and milk I decided to make some pancakes for them all. Mixing all the ingredients together I can't help but smile that Jaehyun still hasn't woken up yet from me making a little noise from hand mixing the ingredients. Smiling to myself I pour some of the mixture onto the pan and wait for it to cook, pouring out some coffee. I sip it hoping the little pain I have in my head will fade. Flipping over the pancake to cook the other side I see Jaehyun start to twitch in his sleep. Placing the cooked pancake on a plate close to him his head slowly lifts up from the counter as he tries to open his eyes. "Omg food" is all he says as he rubs his eyes before looking at me.
"Morning....." I smile as I place another cooked pancake on the plate. "Morning, damn I thought I dreamt this" he licks his lips while I hand him a glass of water making him drink it in one go. "Thank you my head feels like it's still having it's own party inside, it's banging so much". I watch as he massages his temples knowing that could have been me only for I drank some water last night before bed. "Have some pancakes and there is some coffee just made, I will go wake the others" I take the pan off the cooker and head towards the door of the kitchen seeing them all still a sleep. I wave the smell of pancakes into the sitting room as Kai let's out a big sniff. "Pancakes, I think I have died and gone to heaven. I'm smelling food, " he says, making me laugh. "if you have died then so have I because I can smell it too" Jeno slowly gets up from the chair stretching his body making it crack as he gets to his feet. "Morning baek, you made pancakes" He licks his lips and slowly follows me as I rush back towards the kitchen to keep cooking.
Jeno flops down on the stool beside Jaehyun as they both look like the walking dead waiting to be fed. Putting more pancakes on the plate they tuck in as Kai joins us. "Oh my god" I cover my mouth as I burst out laughing seeing Kai's hair standing up all over the place from the amount of gel he used last night in his hair. "I don't care how bad I look baby I just want food, so gimme gimme please" he sits and holds out his plate as I put some pancakes on it. I smile to myself as I watch them all tuck into the food before I join them.
" What happened last night why were you all on the floor or sofa couldn't you make it to bed?" I question them as Jeno laughs. "Well you see Chen got so heavy and also felt sick so he asked us to just drop him because he didn't want to get sick in his bedroom" I start to laugh again but cover my mouth as they must have really dropped him as he was on the floor when I woke. "After we got you from the dude and put you in your room we went back to check Chen and cover him up and I just gave up and fell onto the sofa" Kai says before winking at me while eating his pancakes.
"What guy?" Chen looks at us all puzzled. "Don't you remember the guy who walked Baek home?" Jeno says, making Chen shrug his shoulders "No, was he nice, is he fit looking?" Chen asks me, making me blush. "He said his name was Yeol and he lives not far from here" I continue to eat as they all look at eachother. "Baek there is nobody by that name in Cece Entertainment" Kai says making me nearly choke on my pancake. "Yeah Kai would know as he has tried to bed half of them" Jeno says before moving from his chair before getting a slap from Kai. "Hey I have not tried to sleep with everyone, if I did I would have slept with Jaemin by now the guy you fancy" Jeno makes a run for Kai before tackling him to the floor in a playful fight. "Why would he want a player like you anyway" Jeno shouts while messing Kai's hair even more making the rest of us laugh.
"Baek, who was that guy last night?" Chen moves closer to me making me wonder who this guy is now. "He said his name was Yeol and that he lives closeby" I watch as Chen searches his brain "Maybe you heard his name wrong" Chen smiles sipping his coffee as I now begin to really wonder who he is. "I'm going to go have a shower excuse me" I step around the pair on the floor still fighting as I make my way to my bedroom.
Closing over the door as I strip off my costume from last night I notice a little note and a rose on my bed. Looking around to see if anyone else is in my room I take the note and read it..
C x
That's all it reads. "Who is this C person and why won't they make themselves known to me. I flop down onto the end of my bed holding the flower and note in my hands." Now I have a guy called Yeol and a mystery person with a C leaving me notes on my bed. Placing the note and flower on my dresser I head off to the bathroom to have my shower and then I am going to find out who these people are once and for all. Maybe I can go see Cece and find out if she knows who this Yeol or C person could be.
Cece pov
"Chanyeol darling you have to leave him alone, he is only new let him find his feet here, he hasn't even started a class yet".
"No I won't. I can't. He is like a magnetic force pulling me into him. There is something about him I need to be near him" I watch as Chanyeol paces my office back and forth in his black clothes and cape hoodie swaying everytime he moves.
"Please sit down, you're making me dizzy. I am a bit hungover" I sit on the sofa as he finally sits in the chair across from me. "I love you, you know that but do you really want to get involved with Baekhyun, what if he breaks your heart. You hide away here behind the walls..." he jumps up making me jump in my seat at his sudden movement. "I guess you're right Cece he won't like what's under my mask but I need to be around him. I feel alive when he is here he is like a drug to me" I watch as he lowers his head and places his hands on his mask as if ready to take it off. I hold my breath and hope he doesn't as I know right now I feel rather sick from the drink I had last night night and the last thing he needs is me throwing up when he takes his mask off.
"I hate this damn mask, I hate my life" he shouts before punching the mirror that holds his reflection smashing it to the floor as I jump up and grab his arms. "Chanyeol don't do this to yourself, don't torture yourself like this, let Baekhyun settle first and maybe in time show yourself to him and take it from there" I try comfort him but he moves away from me. "I best go" is all he says before walking back behind the mirror and disappearing.
Getting to my knees I start to pick up the broken glass feeling so bad for him he must be so lonely hidden away. I hear a knock at my door as I shout come in to whomever it is. 'Excuse me Cece can we talk? " I look up and see Baekhyun standing looking at me with glass around me." Baekhyun is everything ok?" I stand up and place a few of the broken pieces of mirror into the bin.
" Do you know a person called Yeol that goes here? " I watch the confusion on his face as he sits on the chair beside me. "Yeol, no I don't think there is a Yeol here maybe you heard wrong or maybe that's a nickname" I tell him as he nods his head before turning to look at the mirror. "I tripped over my handbag and hit the mirror" I tell him as he looks back at me not believing me. "Shall I help you clean it up?" he says before getting up from the chair and walking over to the smashed glass. "No no it's fine, I will do that, plus I am expecting producer Lay any moment now so I will have to say goodbye to you or was there anything else you needed?" I watch as he stares at the broken mirror. "No Cece, thank you I'll go now" he bows a little and heads out the door making me feel bad that I couldn't help him.
Baekhyun pov
She has a secret mirror too just like the ghost room. I wonder why it really broke. I make my way towards the ghost room and pull the door to open and with luck it opens for me. Stepping inside I close the door behind me as I step closer to the old piano and sit on the bench in front of it. Grabbing my bag I take out the music sheets that were left on my bed and start to play.
I get lost in the music and a little upset as my grandmother used to play this for me and with her in heaven now hearing it reminds me of her so much.
"Don't cry" I hear a voice say making me stop playing and look around. "Is someone there?" I keep looking around before I continue to play again. Half way through the song I cry more before I stop and wipe my tears in the sleeve of my top. "You play beautifully" the voice sounds again making me jump up and look around the room. My heart pounding in my chest, my pulse racing. "Who's there, please don't mess with me" I keep looking around the empty room waiting for the answer that doesn't come.
"Go home and come back tomorrow. I will teach you how to play that song, " the voice says making me grab my bag and make a run for the door. Running down the hallway a little scared and wondering when they will stop playing these pranks on me I realise I left the sheet music on the piano. I turn back taking a deep breath and enter the room again only to see the sheet music is no longer there. "No no no" I rush over to the piano and check all around it to see maybe if it fell. Sitting back on the bench I sigh knowing I have lost the sheet music of my grandmother's favourite song and someone is messing with me again because I'm the new guy. Leaving the room again I decide to head back to my dorm and just relax for the rest of the day with the others.
Reaching my dorm I see all my roommates sitting in the living room about to watch a movie. "Hey baek your back baby why don't you join us? " Kai says, making room for me beside him as I slip off my shoes and drop my back before joining them. "We are watching a horror" Chen says from behind a pillow making me laugh as the movie hasn't even started yet.
Sitting with them all as Kai places his arm over the back of the chair behind me I decide to worry about the Yeol guy tomorrow and just enjoy movie time with my new friends. "Hey want some popcorn" a new guy I have never seen before enters the room with Jeno. "who's that? I ask Kai as he moves closer and whispers in my ear." That's the guy Jaemin who I was teasing Jeno over with this morning" I smile and watch Jeno and Jaemin snuggle on the floor with goodies. Chen snuggled beside me, hiding while Jaehyun watches over him. I smile at them all feeling rather happy I have such a nice bunch of friends and promise myself to let my aunt know later how I am getting on.
No pov
While the movie starts a dark figure sneaks into the dorm placing the sheet music on the bed before looking around the room seeing the flowers he has left behind all sticking out of a little glass of water making him smile and touch them with his gloved hand. Walking around the bedroom he smiles knowing the new guy that just started has stolen his heart. Hearing a scream he jumps up and hides as he then hears laughter and voices. Stepping out into the hallway to see into the sitting room he sees Kai with his arm over the back of Baekhyun's chair as Baek comforts Chen. Watching what is happening his heart breaks a little as he sees Baekhyun sit back into the chair before smiling at something Kai said.
"That Kai is like a dog in heat, well you won't have Baekhyun I'll make sure of it" the figure whispers before leaving out through the window he climbed in earlier.
❤️C ❤️
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