Chapter 1
Watching all the buildings rush by as I look out the window of the taxi I feel my stomach start to twist and turn as if it is going to fail me and throw up my breakfast that my aunt forced me to have this morning. My aunt has been my rock when I lost my parents to a car crash, she took me in and helped me heal my soul till one day she heard me singing. She told me I had the voice of an angel and that I should try and get into a music company and follow my dreams that she heard I had from my mother. I wasn't ready but she can be rather pushy so here I am now after being accepted into the biggest music company's in Seoul, Cece Entertainment.
Pulling up to the building I step out and gather my bags from the driver as I look up at the tall building making me nearly fall over at just how high it is.
"It can be scary looking up but I assure you it isn't that scary", I turn to look at the voice as a cute brown haired male walks towards me. "Hi I'm Luhan, you must be Baekhyun" he says as I put my hand out for him to shake. "I'm here to show you inside and where you will be training and staying while you're with Cece entertainment" he holds open the door with a big smile as I step inside.
"This way, try not to be too nervous, I was like you when I first started but everyone is so supportive here" he smiles at me as I can't help but look at all the awards on the wall and the rushing of people passing us by with dance shoes and towels.
"Are you here long?" I get up the courage to ask him as he just laughs "I'm here a month now, so not that long but like I said you will fit right in". He guides me down a wide hallway with rooms on either side. "Ok in here is one of the many dance rooms we have, if you pop your head in you will see Kai, he is an amazing dancer, he dances like he has no bones in his body".
"Why do you say that? I ask him as he points to a tall half dressed guy dancing in front of the mirror moving his body in ways that if I moved it like that I would probably break a bone." Wow he is amazing" I step into the room further watching him as if I am under his spell by his dancing. All of a sudden the music turns off and he is facing me knocking me out of my dream like state.
"Can I help you?" he smiles as I watch his naked chest rise and fall as he catches his breath.
"Hey Kai, this is Baekhyun he just started here today" Luhan says, making me turn to him before I look back at the taller.
"You're the singer people are talking about, nice to meet you. I'm Kai the best dancer in this place" he holds out his hand as I shake it.
"People are talking about me already?" I feel a lot more nervous now as I lower my head to the floor wondering what they are saying and should I just leave now and forget about my dream.
"Hey don't stress they are just excited about someone new joining our team, we like to learn from each other . Take Kai here he teaches me how to dance and I am teaching him Chinese, so with you being a singer a lot of people will come to you for help once you settle in"
"Yeah I can show you how to dance if you like" the taller winks at me as he wipes his torso with a towel making me blush at his gaze.
"Another day maybe" I croak out, making Luhan grab me by the arm. "Come on let me take you away from Mr obvious here and show you around more". We head out into the wide hallway and look in the room across seeing another group of guys dancing. "Who are they, are they an actual group?" I ask as we look through the small window in the door.
"They will be one day, they are still training. We nickname them the dreamies because they are just so young and cute and every girl's dream guy or every guys, whatever you're into, not that I will judge" he starts to go red making me laugh. "I know what you mean" I smile at him as he takes a breath "ok cool, let me show you more and then the break room".
We head up a flight of stairs to another landing with rooms on either side. "ok in those two rooms on the left are music rooms with pianos, drums etc. On the other side of the hall are recording studios and I think Lay is in there if we can go in" he looks up at the light above the door that is green and pushes the door open. "If the light was red we can't come in unless someone is dying, trust me I walked in on a red light and I nearly lost my life so yeah just remember red bad" he walks over to the tallish blackhaird guy bopping his head to the music playing and gives him a manly hug.
"Luhan what has you in here?" the dark hair guy asks him as I am just in awe at the room that I start to walk around looking at everything.
"Hey Baekhyun say hi, this is Zixing" Luhan says making me walk toward him. "Please call me Lay and nice to meet you Baekhyun, I'm one of the producers here. I believe you're an amazing singer. You wanna step in the booth and sing a song for us?" he smiles, the biggest dimple smile I have ever seen making me blush like crazy. "Maybe another day I just want to settle in if that's ok" I let go of his hand as he just smiles "Yes of course, well I hope you like it here and I guess I will see you around" he turns back on the music as Luhan guides me out of the room.
"Ok come up stairs again" he walks ahead as we come to a more open planned area with seating and tables with food. "This is our break room you can eat what you want and over there we have snooker tables and basketball hoop game. It's nearly lunchtime so would you like something to eat?" he guides me over to the tables with loads of food as my stomach starts to grumble." "If your eating then I will join you" I take the tray he is handing me and start to put some food on it as others start to join us on the que. "Want a milkshake Baekhyun ?" Luhan says as he pulls out paper cups from a huge machine. "oh wow I'd love a strawberry one if they have any" I move closer to see how he does it so I know the next time how to do it myself. "Ok so it's easy, place your cup in the hole just here and press the button with your flavour you want and magic happens" he grabs another cup and pours his own while handing me mine. "Thank you" taking a sip I can't help but close my eyes as the flavour hits my taste buds making me let out a little moan. "Do you always make those kind of sounds?" I open my eyes quickly to a voice seeing Kai standing in front of me fully dressed now with a big smile on his face.
"Sorry I just really love milkshakes" I lower my head embarrassed. "I love the sound you just made" he steps closer like I'm his prey and I can't help but stare at his beauty as he stops so close to me as if he is going to kiss me. I look up into his eyes as he winks and moves his face closer to mine as I feel my heart race in my chest. Is he going to kiss me right now I just met him. "You gotta move gorgeous, you're blocking the machine" he whispers as now I just want the ground to open up and swallow me as I step aside so he can get to the machine. "I'm so sorry" I giggle as he just winks at me while filling his cup. I get up the courage to talk to him "So what taste do you like......... I mean milkshake flavour " I kick myself as I stuttered. Watching as he grabs a straw popping it into his drink as he stares at me.
"Whatever flavour is on your lips right now" he says, making me go so red that I'm sure I just lit up the room.
"Kai back off" Luhan grabs my arm pulling me away towards a table as I catch my breath. "Thank you for saving me. I feel like an idiot" I plop down on the chair as Luhan sits across from me. "Don't mind Kai he is a big flirt with everyone" we begin to eat as he fills me in on more about the company and what sort of training we do.
I have to say I feel a bit more relaxed now after meeting a few people and how welcoming they really are to me. I can't wait to find out where I am staying and who else is here.
"Ok we are near the end of the tour now so let's show you a bit more" . We head up another flight of stairs and come across more dance rooms with mirrors and right at the end of the hallway tucked around a corner is a really old door. "What's in there? " I look at Luhan as his face turns pale. "That's the ghost studio" he says as he tries to get me to move back down the hallway. "Why do you call it the ghost studio?" I move closer to the room and reach for the handle but he stops me making me jump.
"We call it the ghost studio because nobody goes in there and yet you can sometimes hear the piano or a guitar being played. It's really strange, some of the guys say this building is haunted as it is so old but for some strange reason the door to this room opens only now and again by itself no one has ever stepped inside. The owner Cece herself has said she has seen the ghost and that it won't cause any harm once we stay away from this room". He grabs my arm and starts to pull me away as I follow him but still looking over my shoulder at the double doors to the room wondering what's in that room and why I am drawn to it.
"Ok that's really all that's here oh and just here is also a huge room full of all the vinyls and cds that you could ever think of, so let me take you back downstairs" he moves fast from the ghost studio as we head down the stairs. "So as you can see there are just three floors. The remaining floors above us are all offices and production we don't usually go up there unless called too. The CEO herself is up on the top floor she pops in and out checking we are ok now and again I'm sure you will see her later at some stage" we hurry down the stairs reaching the ground floor as I see Kai and some other tall guy talking with a bag on their backs.
"Baekhyun this is my friend Sehun, Sehun this is the new guy Baekhyun" Luhan says as he takes a bag from Sehun throwing it over his shoulder.
"Nice to meet you Baekhyun, so shall we all go?" he says looking at the others.
"Yeah come on baekhyun let's show you where you will be staying" Kai wraps his arm around my shoulder as we all walk out of the building to the building a few doors down. "Wait we are staying here?" I stop as we enter the place that looks like a hotel of some sort. "Yeah this is where we all live, so welcome home baby" Kai says as he walks past me into the lift holding the door open as I just stare at them.
"Come on you look like you need to rest" Sehun takes my bag and guides me into the lift. As we reach the floor being number 4 we step out and Luhan guides me to a door. Opening it, it opens up into what looks like a penthouse or a massive dorm.
"Oh wow I am staying here?" I say as I look around at the large sitting room where two other guys are sitting on the sofa watching TV. " Yeah welcome to your home baby" Kai says as he walks past me to a room just out of my view.
"Hey guys this is Baekhyun. Baekhyun this is Chen and Jaehyun". Luhan says as he falls onto the sofa.
"Nice to meet you Baekhyun and welcome to our place, let me show you to your room" Jaehyun says as he takes my bag from Sehun and leads me down a hallway to a room at the end of the hall near a massive window. "This is your room, why don't you settle in and come join us when you're ready, you have your own ensuite with shower and towels are in the press under the sink. Go rest and if you need anything just shout" Jaehyun closes the door as I look around at how big my room is.
Walking around I check out the ensuite and smile as I see a gift and a note on the bed.
Welcome baekhyun to your new home. We hope we can help you achieve your dream along with ours. We hope you like it here and in the box are a few things to help you settle. From Chen, Kai, Luhan, Sehun, Jaehyun and Jeno.
Opening the box I find some goodies like chocolates and some jellies. And a teddy with a sign saying welcome. I can't believe I am finally here. I unzip my bag and take out the picture of my mum and dad and place it on the desk in the corner of my room. Sitting on the chair at the desk I let out a little tear. "I'm here mum, I will make you so proud I promise you both" I quickly wipe my tear as I hear a gentle tap on my door.
Getting up from the desk I head to the door opening it to see no one there except a single red rose with a black ribbon tied to it on the table near the large window right outside my room. Picking it up I read its little card saying.
I look at the window which is now open as the curtain blows. Looking down the hall I can hear voices laughing and talking making me think I should go join them. I bring the flower inside and place it on my desk. Leaving the room I head down towards the sounds of the others as they are all sitting around the sitting room some on the floor and some on chairs.
"Hey come join us, we are having a drink to celebrate you joining us on your journey" Sehun says handing me a glass as they pour out champagne.
"Thank you all for the gift, I am so happy you have welcomed me so warmly to your home" I feel myself begin to blush as they all stare at me.
"It's your home now too baekhyun" Jaehyun says as they all cheer and drink their drinks. "Can I ask who Jeno is? His name was on the card but I don't think I've seen him, I'd like to thank him also" I look around at them all. "Jeno will be here later; he is part of the dreamies group we saw earlier, " Luhan says as he turns on the radio.
As they all begin to talk and I start to relax I make my way to Chen in the kitchen as he prepares some snacks. "Hi Chen I just wanted to say thank you for the flower you left for me" I watch as he rips open a bag of crisps pouring them into bowls. "What flower, I didn't leave you a flower" he looks at me puzzled as I frown. "Someone left a flower outside my door with a card and the initial says C" I tell him as he shrugs his shoulders before heading back inside.
That's odd, who else would leave me a flower outside my door?. Chen is the only person I have met who's name begins with the letter C. Shaking it out of my mind I decide to go join them and worry about it later.
Hours have passed and I am so wiped out I say goodnight and head towards my bedroom. "Hey Baekhyun, wait, I want to apologise for how I acted flirting etc with you it's just who I am when I'm around others, deep down I'm rather shy and I do hope we can get on" Kai says while blushing at me making me realise the Kai I saw today was more of a front then the one standing in front of me now acting all nervous. "That's ok, and I am sure we will get on just be you" I tell him before I leave to go to my room. "If you need anything I'm right next door" he says before heading into his room.
I close the window right outside my bedroom before heading into bed.
Laying on the bed after getting washed and changed my mind drifts off to who was the rose from and what exactly is in that ghost studio. Closing my eyes I begin to drift off to sleep.
No pov
Standing in the dark corner looking on in awe at the beauty sleeping and making sweet puppy dog sounds in his sleep. "I have heard you sing in your audition tapes and requested you be here. With help from me you will be the best this world has ever seen, sweet dreams My angel" A dark figure leaves Baekhyun's room closing the door gently behind as he slips out the large window in the hallway and disappears into the night.
❤️C ❤️
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