Chapter 4: The New Girl
*1 month later*
Emma p.o.v.
Me and Lafayette walked into our classroom while holding hands. I was giggling at a corny joke that he said. It wasn't that funny if a regular person said it but with his cite French accent I couldn't help but giggle. "Emma want to hear another joke, mon ami?" I looked at him and nod a bit more while I continued to giggle.
He nods gently as he saw me nod my head. "What do you do if someone thinks an onion is the only food that can make them cry?" He held back his laughter. I can see that he is trying not to laugh out loud as we sit in out seat in the back.
"What do you do Laffy?" We have made nicknames for each other. He has multiple names for names for me and I love them all. They were Princess, Honey Bunny, My Queen, Sunshine, and my favorite is Mon Papillon which means 'My Butterfly' in French.
"You have to throw a coconut at their face!" He started to laugh as I laughed harder with him. "You are so funny Laffy! I love you so much!" I looked at him and kissed him gently in between laughs. The teacher, Mr. Washington, cleared his throat telling us that we should stop right there. He gave us that scary look, you know? That look that all teachers have but most of them don't use. I love Mr. Washington but since he was new it was kind of awkward because our old teacher always let us kiss in the back. We were both passing and one of the good students in the class. We have always paid attention and do our work whether it be homework or classwork.
Lafayette gently pulled back from me and I frowned a bit. "I am sorry Emma. I don't want to get in trouble " I nod a bit as I sit at my own desk. Soon the office called me and I got scared while standing up. I walked out of the classroom quickly without looking or talking to anyone.
When I got to the office I looked around to see a new girl that I didn't know. I then remembered that I was selected to show new kids around the school. I released my breath that I didn't realized that I was holding. I walk up to the counter and looked at the receptionist. She nods towards the girl in the seat and I smiled more. I walk up to the girl and sat next to her. "Hello. My name is Emma Sherman. What is your name?"
She smiled genuinely at me and I almost squealed. She was so cute! I couldn't help but squeal. She is so innocent!! "My name is Abi Washington. The new social studies teacher is my father." She giggled a bit and looked at me.
I nod gently and looked back at her. I stood up and waited for her to get all of her things. I take her schedule nicley and smiled a bit more as I see that she was in all of the classes that me and Lafayette at the same time. "You are just in luck. You can just follow me and my boyfriend. You have the same classes that me and him have."
Abi smiled widely and looked at me. God, I love her smile so much. It is so cute. I am pretty sure she would fit right in. I walked her to all of her classes and showed her where the cafeteria is. I then walked back to her father's class and showed her an empty seat next to me and Lafayette.
I started to do my classwork and doing some notes. I looked over at Lafayette whom was looking at me and smirking. Why was he smirking? I just roll my eyes as I giggle gently.
After class I stood up and waited for Abi. She took her time and I waited a little after the bell. I sigh gently and looked at Lafayette. I bit my lip and sighed louder than last time. "Abi we need to go. We are going to get in trouble."
She finally stood up and I let out an exasperated sigh. "Finally! Let's go before we get in more trouble then we will be in." The three of us practically ran to Mr. Lee's classroom. He was furious. "I am so sorry Mr. Lee. I had to wait for the new student. I am so sorry."
Mr. Lee nods a bit as he looked at the three of us. "You get off as a warning. Now. You get three warnings Ms. Washington. On the third warning you will be sent to the office. Do you understand me?"
She nods as I looked down and pulled Lafayette to our seats. I sat down in mine with Lafayette sitting next to me on one side and Abi on the other side. I saw Abi not wearing tje right uniform as I close my eyes not wanting to hear Mr. Lee yell.
"Ms. Washingron!! How dare you not wear the proper uniform!!" I flinched when he yells all the time. Lafayette saw me tense up and flinch because he grabbed my hand and started to whisper soothing words in my ear. I smile a bit as I nod a bit.
Abi looked at the teacher and smirked a bit. "Well Mr. Charles Lee. I don't care what you say. I don't have to listen to you." She put her legs up on the desk as she leaned back.
Mr. Lee was fuming now as he looked at her. He was trying so hard not to blow up in her. He closed his eyes and breathed gently trying to calm down. He went in with his lesson and wrote a little equation with an answer also.
Abi saw it and smirked a bit more. "Sir, that is wrong. If you look at it closely the answer is actually 19 not 21." Lafayette and I looked at the board and nods a bit in agreement.
"She is right monsieur. The answer is actually 19."
By now Charles lee was fuming and he literally went off on all three of us. "ALL THREE OF YOU TO THE OFFICE NOW!!" With that I ran to the office with Lafayette and Abi.
Hey guys!!!
So this is the new chapter!!
How do you like it?
The OC that I used is from TacoUnicorn21. She is an amazing writer and I recommend reading her stories. We are doing a little collboration together her story and mine as you can tell that we used our OCs each others story.
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