Chapter 74: One Ticket To Nightmare Boulevard
*DISCLAIMER: This idea for this chapter was NOT created by me. This chapter's idea was builded upon another great author. Go follow PHAZ3DGAM3R and check out his new story "Shattered Memories". He is one of my best friends and is just a really good writer. So please go check out his account and check out his stories. That would really make me happy and he deserves a follow.**
~March 1st (1 am)~
POV: Reader's
Time & Setting: Unknown
We are were sitting at the table. Emily, Sebastian, Sean, Daniel, Me and even Sammy was there. We were all eating breakfast. Sean had made the twins their eggs and bacon, got Danny his formula and made me eggs and bacon on a sesame seed bagel with orange juice. It was my favorite breakfast meal when I was pregnant with Daniel. As we all sat, eating, Sean had an idea. He got his phone out of his pocket and texted Mark.
S: Hey.
~ 2 minutes later ~
M: Hey Sean, wassup?
S: Do you and Olivia wanna hang out today?
M: Um, sure. What time?
S: Any time that's good for you.
M: How about 9:30?
S: That's good with me.
M: Great, then I'll see you at 9:30!
S: Sounds great!
~ Delivered ~
Sean looked up from his phone and smiled at me. I smiled back at him.
"Would it be okay if the kids hang out with Mark today?" Sean asked.
"Um, yeah, but can we get a sitter for Danny? He's only 2 weeks old." Sean nodded.
"I'll call the sitter."
As Sean called the sitter, I got the kids ready for their visit with Mark. After the kids were ready, I got prepare myself. I put on a purple flannel with dark blue jeans and some black "gothic" boots. I didn't want to put a whole face of makeup on, because Mark had already seen me without makeup on and with a full face of makeup. So decided to just put on some foundation and winged eyeliner. I did my hair quickly. As soon as I put the last bobby pin in my hair, the doorbell rang. The sitter stood at the door, with a bag of baby toys and another bag with baby supplies around her shoulder. Sean informed the babysitter on what she needed to do and how she needed to care for little baby Daniel. The kids came downstairs with me and we were off on our adventure.
It was like an hour long drive to get to Mark's house. Emily had wanted to go back to sleep for a while, as Sebastian played his 3DS. Sean drove down a long intersection...
But just as his light turned green...
The last thing I saw was a green light...
I felt the windows shatter...I could hear our children screaming...
I felt myself be thrown out of the car, and tossed down the street...
"SEAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I wanted to scream...but alas my lungs refused to work..
I couldn't feel my body...
All I could feel was pain...
All I could hear was silence...
And I felt life slipping away from my body...
I felt someone pick me up...
Sean? No....
The devil himself, or Anti. An Egotistical Maniac... who loves to be addressed as the evil entity..
"You've tried many times to escape me, but this time, you're mine...mine forever."
I felt the last breath of air leave my lungs..
I saw the bright light...
I felt my body die...
I felt my soul depart from me...
I was Anti's now...
All Anti's.
"[Y/N]!!!!!!!!!!!" Sean shouted. Sean ran back and forth looking for her. He ran faster and faster, looking for his wife...
He's pulled her from death many times, he would not fail now!
He saw...her...
Laying on the ground, bleeding to death. He bolted over to her, crying, ready to have an anxiety attack. He tried to breath, but no air could come out of his lungs. He went into shock. Trying to breathe, but feeling like the devil himself was pulling him down. His lungs shrunk and his body quaked as he gasped for air. He two could see the light. But...
His was a dark blue..not white like the legends had said it would be.
He felt himself go limp as he fell the the ground.
Nothing was the same...
~March 1st (5 am)~
Sean jolted awake. [Y/N] felt as if she couldn't breathe, taking sharp, short breaths. Sean quickly pushed her breathing tubes back into her nose and turned on her pump.
"Take deep breaths...breathe.." He looked at her as she started to breathe.
She cried as hard as humanly possible. Her tears running down Sean's back as he hugged her. [Y/N] hugged him tighter, not letting him go.
"S-sean...they're g-getting worse!...I can't..." She cried.
"No,no, no, Yes you will! We can do it together!" Sean stopped her before she could finish her sentence.
Sean rubbed her back slowly. "Here, come with me and we'll get you some cold water and you can chew on the ice to calm you down. Okay?" She nodded. Sean picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and walked downstairs.
Sean got a glass of water with ice and handed it to her. She drank it slowly, chewing on a small piece of ice, breathing slowly.
"H-he's a sick twisted bastard..." She said, now more calm.
"Yes, yes he is honey."
"*starts to cry* I just want him to leave me alone."
"I know. We are both gonna get him to leave our family. If I have to get a priest to exorcise the house and a medium to see if he has anything he wants to say to us, and then hopefully he will leave, but I will not let that bastard take the one I love away from me. I can put my life on that." Sean kissed her lips softly. That always seemed to calm her down.
"These dreams have to mean something....right?" She asked.
"They must..they're different every night. So every morning or when you wake up from these dreams, I want you to type in a Google Doc or just write in a journal what exactly you saw, what was said, and what happened. It will help us find what the meanings are.Okay?" She nodded.
These dreams...
I can't take them...
They come every night, and never leave until I break down...
That bastard... Why won't he leave me alone??? He wants me to die doesn't he?
One day...
He'll break me to the point where I give in to his orders....
I hope that day never comes....
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