Chapter 45: Game Day!
*Couple of quick announcements*
1) My Angel In Disguise will have 2 books. I don't want to carry this one for too long so I made another book. It's called The BOSS Family.
2) I've made 2 new stories. Each have different tags to them. They are not about YouTube. Those however will be put on hold until I get more chapters of Tim and Sam's Adventures and the Melix Fanfiction. They are called The Package and The Monster Underneath Your Bed.
3) Chapters haven't been releasing because I have so much to do. I really just need to take a day or two where I do nothing but sleep, because that's all I can think about. As of late I've had a huge problem with sleep. I haven't slept properly for a couple days. I really want to sleep but my body just won't let me. I drink so much coffee and energy drinks to try to stay awake. It's really hard to focus on something when my eyes won't stay open. So please understand. ~6.14.15~
4) 6.15.15 As of now, I am sick. My stomach feels like it's been flipped upside down, turned inside out, and endured the Mortal Kombat Ermac fatality, but by insides were shoved down my throat again. So excuse the lack of good updates.
In all, look out for a train of new stories this summer.
~March 30th (7 am)~
A/N: I do realize that the picture of the controllers may not apply to the gameplay of Mario Kart 8. They just suit the subject of Mario*
Sean lay in bed with [Y/N] when he heard his phone go off. Mark had texted Sean.
M: Hey!
S: Hey Mark!
M: Did you just wake up?
S: Yeah, a little bit ago.
M: Can I bring the kids over?
S: Yeah that would be perfect.
M: Okay, cool I'll be right over.
S: Sounds good to me.
Sean put on a pair of black pajama pants, seeing he was in his boxers. Keeping his shirt off, seeing Emily and Sebastian didn't care. He rubbed his eyes and groaned as he walked downstairs, Unlocking the door, seeing Mark knew he could walk in if he wanted to. Sean turned on the lights to the kitchen. He laid his back on the couch, trying not to fall asleep again.
She got up out of bed, in her bra and underwear. She changed into pajama shorts and Sean's black septiceye t-shirt. She yawned, going downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and made coffee for Sean and tea for herself. She heard the door open.
"MOMMA!" Sebastian screamed as he ran into her arms.
"DADDY!" Emily ran and sat on his stomach. Sean smiled as she hugged him.
"SAMMIE!" Sebastian smiled as Sam was wrapped in a blanket, sleeping. Sam had whined for a brief portion of the night before Sean got him a blanket and gave him more water. Sebastian kneeled down and pet him. Sam woke up slightly, nuzzling against Sebastian's hand.
Mark walked into the light. Dressed in his lucky flannel and jeans. Sebastian ran and hugged Mark's leg.
"Thank you Mark." Sebastian clung to Mark's leg. Mark picked him up.
"No problem Sabbie." Mark hugged him. Sebastian smiled.
Emily laid on Sean's chest as he held in his warm arms. Sean tried to stay awake. He smiled as Emily yawned. He sat up and took her upstairs and laid her in bed, seeing it was still early to be up. He kissed her forehead and went downstairs.
Sebastian ran to Sean. Sean picked him up and hugged him.
"Did you miss me?" Sean smiled as Sebastian nodded.
"Thank you so much Mark. You are a life saver." She hugged Mark.
"Anything for a friend." Mark smiled.
"I have to head home. It was really fun having them over. You can text me if you need anything else." Mark smiled as Sean hugged him.
"I'll see you soon." Sean said to Mark. Mark nodded, leaving Sean's apartment. Sean kissed Sebastian's cheek.
"Is Emily upstairs?" She asked him. He nodded as she went upstairs to see her. She opened the room door and walked to Emily's bed. She sat down, waking Emily up. Emily smiled tiredly, hugging her waist.
"Momma!" Emily sat up and sat on her lap. She kissed Emily's cheek.
"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Emily shook her head.
"C'mere honey." She picked her up and walked downstairs. She put her on the couch. [Y/N] looked at Sean.
"Okay. Seeing this weekend has kind of been a bummer. Today is going to be game day. It's gonna be Emily and I against Sebastian and Sean. A good girls vs. boys tournament. We're gonna play a game. That will be chosen by the person who wins at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Okay?" Everyone nodded. Everyone put up their starting symbol, a rock.
"!" Sean shouted as they all made their choice. Sean and [Y/N] were eliminated. It was just Emily and Sebastian.
"!" It was a tie.
"!" Sebastian held up a rock and Emily held paper.
"Emily wins! You both will get cookies later!" Sebastian smiled.
"Okay Emily. Pick your game!" Sean said in a game host voice. Emily ran to the cabinet and and picked up Mario Kart 8.
"THIS!" She held up the game. Sean smiled.
"You girls are going down. Right Sebastian?" Sean high fived Sebastian.
"Well we are girls. Girl gamers rule the planet."
"Well, I'm a YouTuber, I play games everyday. I think I have an advantage."
She thinned her eyes at him. "I get mad cuddles and kisses if I win!"
"Deal. Now lets start to game!" Sean smiled at her. She put the disk in the console and sat back down.
"Okay. Emmi and Sabbie play rock paper scissors to see who picks the track."
"!" Sean chanted. Emily won with a case of scissors over paper.
"Pick your track."
"Ummmmmm, Sweet sweet canyon." Emily said. [Y/N] grinned at Sean.
They selected the track and started to race. Sebastian smiled brightly as did Emily. Sean and [Y/N] were completely submerged into the game.
Emily: 4th
Sebastian: 6th
Sean: 2nd
[Y/N]: 1st
She looked over at Sean, smiling. Sean pouted.
"Noooooo fair." He smiled. "This game is rigged."
"Oh stop that. It's fair play. You just know girls are better gamers."
Emily hugged Sebastian and smiled. "Good game."
Both [Y/N] and Sean smiled. "That's what we like to see. Good sportsmanship. That deserves soooome pizza!"
Emily and Sebastian's eyes almost popped out of their heads with excitement. Sean got up and got his phone, ordering 3 large pies from [Y/ Favorite pizza place].
~Approximately 10 minutes later~
Sean heard a knock on his door. He went and got the pizza, paying for it in the process. He set the pizza on the kitchen island and got soda from the fridge.
"You each get two cups." He poured soda into their glasses. [Y/N] dished out the pizza.
~Is anyone else in the mood for pizza now? Because I am. The day continued with more and more games. A fun filled day with lots of rock paper scissors and even some thumb wrestling. A day you would always remember...~
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