Chapter 44: Not Giving Up
~So I have made a some new stories. One is about Septiceye Sam and Tiny Box Tim and the other is about The ship Melix (Felix and Marzia). I don't know what I'm going to upload first. So I need your help.
Comment Tim and Sam if you want them to be first
Or Comment down Melix if you want them to be first
Unexpected Friends [Sam and Tim's Adventures]
Or Don't You Wish Your Boyfriend Was Fab Like Mine! [Melix Fanfiction]
~March 23rd (12 pm)~
She sat up on the bed, on her phone. She smiled, looking through all of the stupid selfies she took with him. Sean came upstairs with food for her. She looked up, smiling. He put her food on the nightstand and sat down with her. Sean cupped her cheek, looking at her. His blue eyes sparkled. She smiled.
"Why must you do this to me?" She smiled at him.
"Do what?"
"Be so attractive.." She got closer to him, he put his hand on her side as she put her hand on his neck. She kissed him. Sean closed his eyes, pulling her closer. She pulled away, bringing him into a hug. She started to cry. Sean held her tightly. Shushing her gently.
"Shh. It's okay." He rubbed her back. She cried wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.
"I love you.." She said. Sean smiled, holding her tighter.
"I love you more.." She smiled, wiping her tears. She looked into Sean's eyes. Something about his eyes..
"You're perfect." Sean smiled.
"Not even close to you my darling." He told her, she blushed.
"Stop.." She giggled as he squeezed her sides. He raised an eyebrow.
"Stop what?" He chuckled, squeezing harder. She started to laugh really hard.
"SEAN!" She laughed. Sean squeezed her twice fast, She propped her legs, dying from laughter.
"Is there a problem?" He squeezed again.
"I CAN'T BREATHE!" She laughed harder. Sean laughed. He smiled.
"Is sooooomeboooody ticklish on her sides..?" She shook her head.
"OOOH REALLY?" Sean squeezed her sides again, she started laughing again.
"OKAY! OKAY!" She screamed. He smirked, letting go of her.
"Soooooomeboooody's ticklish." She nodded. Sean laid next to her, smiling.
"You are.." He told her.
"I am what?"
"Beautiful, sweet, caring, attractive, pretty, lovely, breathtaking, gorgeous, hilarious, my best friend, my world...My wife." Sean smiled as she started blushing.
"Stop that." She nudged him. He smiled
"It's true. I could go on and on." He laid closer to her.
"Sean.." She smiled. Sean pulled her closer to himself.
"You are the best thing that ever happened to me." He smiled.
"But Sea.." He kissed her halfway through her sentence. She laid on top of him, kissing him. Sean smiled. You look at him smiling.
Sean sat up, holding her on his lap. She smiled, looking at him.
"You need a haircut." She messed his hair up. He nodded.
"Will you give me one?" She nodded, getting up and going into the bathroom. Getting the scissors.
"If I do this, I get cuddles."
Sean thinned his eyes at her. "Fine but I get kisses." She nodded. Sean sat at the foot of the bed, while she cut his hair.
~ After 20 minutes of laughter~
She brushed off Sean's chest and shoulders and put the scissors down.
"Good?" She asked.
"As always!" She went into the bathroom. He stood up and walked into the bathroom. She turned around as he quickly picked her up.
"SEAN!" She shouted laughing. He jumped on the bed, holding her. She laughed as he held her.
"What are you doing?!" She smiled.
"Giving you what you asked for." He smiled. She smiled at him, getting closer to him.
"This is what you asked for." She kissed him. Sean smiled, squeezing her sides again. She screamed.
"Is this what you asked for?" He kept squeezing. She screamed louder.
"SEAN STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!" She tried to say. Sean stopped letting her catch her breath. She hit Sean.
"Staph that... you staph that now.." She smiled as Sean wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. He kissed her cheek.
"I love you [Y/N].." She smiled.
"I love you too Sean." Sean laid her down on his lap. She hugged his waist.
"You my friend are one attractive lady." Sean smiled. She blushed.
She sat up and kissed Sean. He held her sides as she pushed him onto his back
"And you good sir are excellent at kissing." Sean smiled.
"Don't test meh lady." He held his hands out and squeezed the air.
"Oh no you don't." She got up and ran downstairs. Sean smiled, chasing after her.
"LET ME SQUEEZE YOU!" Sean shouted. She ran out of the apartment and down the grass field. Sean sprinted after her. He caught up with her and held her.
"Trying to run away from the boss huh?" She smiled.
"Now you will be punished." Sean smiled, squeezing her sides. She fell to the ground in tears from laughing to hard.
"Have you learned your lesson?" She looked at him.
"I think you need to be taught a lesson too.." She kissed him again. Sean picked her up, still kissing her and walked back to their apartment. He laid down in bed. He looked at her.
"We should extend my lesson.." Sean smiled. She nodded. Kissing him again.
~They enjoyed a night of fun. Video games included. At the end of the night Sean hugged her. A hug that was sincere and filled with meaning. A hug that brought you to tears. He hugged you for the rest of the night. Hugging you until you fell asleep in his arms. His warm, comforting arms. It was good to be back~
~It was good to be back...~
*Goals much?*
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