Chapter 34: Unknown Causes
~Tuesday, March 3rd (5 am)~
Sebastian squirmed in his sleep, waking her up. She sat up, holding Sebastian in her hands, feeling that his whole body hot. He whined loudly, bringing his knees to his chest, crying. She woke up him up. Sebastian tried to speak. She brought him into the bathroom, turning on the light. To take his temperature again. Before she could put him on the counter, he started to retch. She quickly brought him to the toilet and patted his back. Sebastian expelled, crying hard and loud. His pain grew worse, making him scream in pain. Sean woke up and ran into the bathroom.
"Sean call 911!" She told him. He grabbed his phone and dialled 911. The pain was to the point where she couldn't touch him or pick him up. After a couple minutes an ambulance came to the apartment. Sean opened the door for the paramedics and led them to the bathroom. They led a gurney into the bathroom. They carefully picked him up and placed him on the gurney. Sean threw on a shirt and shoes and went into Emily's room, waking her up.
"Who's riding with us?" They asked. She raised her hand. She walked to Sean.
"Drive Emily to the ER and we'll meet you there." Sean nodded, kissing her quickly before she left. He could tell her nerves were shaken. He picked Emily up and got in his car, driving to the ER. She sat in the ambulance with Sebastian holding his hand. Sebastian cried as hard as physically possible. In excrutiating pain. She held back tears, hearing her baby boy scream and cry because he was in pain and she couldn't help him. Sebastian squeezed her hand until they got into the Emergency Room. Sebastian was immediately given pain medications and had to get an IV unit. He was taken into a room, where he could sleep for the night. A tear ran down Sebastian's cheek as he realized Emily wasn't there with him. [Y/N] sat next to him, holding his hand. Sean came down the hall with Emily. He looked at her.
"Don't touch him okay?" Sean told her, she nodded. He picked her up and walked into the room. Sebastian started to cry. He didn't want Emily to see him like this. Emily tried not to cry.
"Emmi.." He cried harder. She handed him something.
"I thought you might want him." She shyly smiled. It was Sam. Sebastian smiled, hugging him. Sean sat down next to Sebastian with Emily on his lap. Emily kissed her hand and placed it on his forehead.
"I love you Sabbie.." She tried to stay strong and not cry. Sebastian smiled. He didn't care how much pain he was in, he just wanted to see Emily smile. Sebastian took Emily's hand and smiled at her.
"I love you too Emmi." Emily smiled, as a tear rolled down his face. Sean tried to think of something to lighten the mood. Seeing it was 5 in the morning, he thought of Mark.
He pulled out his phone.
S: Hey, I know it's early in the morning, but I really need your help right now. Please help me.
M: Hey, what's up?
S: I need you to come down to the emergency room
M: What?..why?
S: Sebastian.
M: Okay. What happened?
S: I don't know. He started screaming loudly, saying he had pain.
M: When do you need me?
S: As soon as you can get here.
M: I'll be right over.
S: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
M: No problem.
S: See ya soon okay?
M: Yeah.
Sean took a deep breath. He looked at [Y/N] and mouthed the words:
"Mark's on his way."
She nodded. "You'll be okay honey." She told him. He nodded, trying to conceal the pain he was in for Emily's sake. After 30 minutes of talking to each other, they heard a knock on the door. The nurse opened the door, to reveal Mark. Standing in his Markiplier pajama pants and a Markiplier T-shirt. Mark looked at Sean and smiled. He walked over to Emily and picked her up, holding her in his arms. She burst into tears. She felt this was all her fault.
"I'm sorry Sabbie. This is all my fault.. I'm sorry.." She cried in Mark's arms.
"Hey! This is not your fault. This isn't anyone's fault. Why would you say something like that?" Mark told her. Sean nodded in agreement.
"I was the only one with him before this happened. I could've prevented it." Emily cried harder. Sean stood up and dried her tears.
"Don't say that Emmi. Do you want to hang out with Mark for a little while?" She nodded. Mark looked at Sean. Sean nodded at him. He went outside of the room, into the waiting room and sat with Emily. Calming her down. She calmed down quite quickly. Mark didn't say a word to her, he just held her close to his chest as Sean does and it worked. He looked at her.
"You okay?" He looked at her. She nodded, hugging him.
"You ready to go back?" She nodded. Mark stood up, holding her and walked back to the hospital room. She sat on Sean's lap as the doctor came in to talk about Sebastian.
"Are you the parents of Sebastian McLoughlin?" He asked. Sean and [Y/N] nodded. His eyebrows furrowed.
"So. We took an x-ray of his bones and he seems healthy in that respect. In the file I have of what was reported on site and when you got here was. *reads file* "Patient seemed to have had trouble staying awake, immediately after coming home from school, had a fever and had very low appetite. Drank lots of water and tried to sleep that night. Woke up in pain which woke the mother up, mother took patient into the bathroom to take temperature again, where the patient gagged, mother leaned patient over the toilet, where patient then threw up most or all the water in his system, along with food mother had given him. Screamed in pain during ambulance ride and in hospital until he was given pain medications and his screaming simmered down to a loud whine. Family came right after arrival. No vomit was recorded in hospital or in the ambulance, however subject did say he felt he needed to. Where he was given a trash can and was elevated in the gurney, but no vomiting occurred." *end of file*. So I would like to have a scope done of his stomach and intestines. To make sure he didn't swallow anything that can harm him in this way and to make sure nothing's torn or rupturing in his intestines." He told them. Sean became more concerned.
"Could it be something with his appendix?" He asked.
"Um, It could be his appendix. We could have an abdominal exam done, which sounds scary, but it's not. We'd just press down on his stomach in different places and see if we get a painful reaction. A blood test would been in order as well, if that's okay with you?"
"That's fine, as long as he gets better." She told him.
"Can we start now?" Sean asked. He nodded.
"Sebastian? I'm gonna need you to lay down on your back and relax your muscles." He walked to him and placed his hand on Sebastian's stomach. Sebastian whined as he moved his hand around. He touched the lower left side of Sebastian's stomach, causing him to squirm in pain. He pressed down slightly. Sebastian screamed in pain. He moved his hand to the right. No response.
"Okay. The problem with that reaction is where I pressed down was the area where his appendix is. So we need a blood test done as soon as possible. Is now a good time?" Both nodded. The doctor helped Sebastian out of bed. [Y/N] got up and went with Sebastian to get his blood drawn. Sebastian walked down the hall, scared. He sat in the chair and put his arm up. The nurse put a tourniquet on his arm and cleaned his arm.
"Make a fist." She used her pointer finger and middle finger to press on his arm, trying to find his vein. As she found it, she put her gloves on.
"Close your eyes and take a deep breath when I tell you to okay?" He closed his eyes. She got the butterfly needle out of the drawer and found his vein again.
"Deep breath." Sebastian took a deep breath as she put the needle in his arm. She took 2 vials. and took the needle out.
"Hold that there." She put cotton on his arms, wrapping his arm. Sebastian smiled as she gave him a lollipop.
"Not as bad as everyone says it is, right?" She smiled at him. He hugged her.
Sebastian walked with [Y/N] down to his room, and got back into bed. He felt lightheaded and sick. He blinked slowly. Sean pointed to the trash can, which Mark got for Sebastian. Sebastian expelled again, coughing. He did this 2 more times, before stopping. Mark gave him a tissue. He placed the trash can next to him. The doctor came into the room.
"Did he vomit?" She nodded.
"Do you feel like you need to do it again?" He looked in the trash can, to see how much he had thrown up. Sebastian shook his head.
"Do you wanna have food or do you wanna wait a little while?" He asked him. Sebastian gagged slightly.
"Wait.." He told him.
"We're looking over his blood test right now. We'll be right back with the results." The doctor told them.
"Can we get him a bowl?" Sean asked. He nodded, reaching in the cabinet. Sean took the bowl and put it next to Sebastian. Sebastian turned over on his side, clutching the bowl, closing his eyes. He tried to hide his pain. She held his hand.
"You're okay honey. You're okay." She told him, running her thumb over his hand.
"Momma~" Sebastian whined. He tried to contain his toxins.
The doctor came in the room with papers.
"He is showing signs of appendicitis. We still have to do the scope, to see if his stomach is okay, because it looks as he has completely lost his appetite and is very nauseous and vomits quite frequently. So we need a scope done. " He told them, they nodded.
"When is the earliest we can get this done?" She asked.
"Around 12:30." She nodded, seeing it was 10:15.
"So just chill out here and in a little bit we'll bring the equipment in here." He told them.
"Sebastian?" He looked at him. Sebastian opened his eyes. He handed him the nurse pager.
"If the bowl gets full or you feel like eating something, press the red button. Okay?" Sebastian nodded, closing his eyes again. Emily slept in [Y/N]'s arms. She kept her calm. Sean held the bowl for Sebastian. Mark sat next to her, looking over Sebastian. He slept uneasy, seeing his stomach felt like it was inside out. He rocked back and forth, trying to ease the nausea he felt.
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