Chapter 26: Forever and Always
*Just for the people who don't follow me on Twitter or have me on Facebook. Last year I did a whole month of edits. I made YouTubers, Actors, Singers, Game Characters, Anime. Doing it again. This time however, I can;t write the stories or make scrapbooks. If you want to have an edit for yourself. PM or comment what you would like.
Characters: Sean, Mark, Felix
Title: Love Hurts.
And leave the rest to me. I'll PM you them when they are finished. YOU CAN ASK FOR MORE THAN ONE!! This will last from 5/10/15 - 6/10/15. Make sure to get in your request. Just my way of giving back to you guys and gals. Thanks.***
**Time Skipping 1 month and 9 days in advance. The twins are now 12 months old. Reaching their year old mark.**
~November 12th, 2016 (6 am)
Emily held Sean's hand as she tried to walk. She stumbled over her legs and fell on her bum. She whimpered, starting to cry. Sean picked her up and held her. She wiped her tears and was put down on the ground. She held his hand as she successfully walked from the end of the room to the door. She smiled, clapping her hands. She reached up, telling him to pick her up. She hugged him. Sebastian was downstairs with her, playing with his building blocks. Emily touched his face again, going for his eyebrows. She felt his eyebrows and giggled. He poked her nose. She reached for his ears. Noticing there was a small hole at the lobe of his ear. She reached for it. As she touched it, she got scared and clung to him. She touched her own ear and didn't feel a hole. Sean smiled and hugged her.
Meanwhile downstairs. She made cakes. Two cakes with cookies and cream icing for Emily, seeing she takes after Sean with traits, and vanilla frosting for Sebastian. "Why is she making a cake?" You might ask. It's a big day for Emily and Sebastian. They are turning a year old. She put the cakes in the oven and called Sean downstairs. He came down with Emily clinging to him. Sean kissed Emily and let her play with Sebastian. She walked to him, stumbling a couple of times and sat down next to him. He gave her building blocks and started to build his statue. She looked over to Sean and smiled.
"Today's the big day!" She looked at him and smiled. He nodded.
"A day I will never forget." He said as she sat next to him. She kissed his cheek.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you more.." She nuzzled against him. He pulled her closer to him.
"I love most.." Sean replied, smiling brightly.
"I'm happy that I have you here to help me through the rest of my life. You make me so happy. Now that we have Emily and Sebastian, it makes the situation a whole lot brighter. I can't wait to walk down the aisle with you today." She teared up. He smiled and held her closer.
"Neither can I.." Sean kissed her. The oven dinged.
"Will you go check on the twins?" She stood up and took the cakes out of the oven. Sean nodded and walked over to Emily and Sebastian. Both were very focused on building. Sean imagined a Sims 4 skills bar above their head. He sat down with them and they handed him building blocks. He shrugged and started building. She looked over at him and giggled. She put the icing on the cakes, leaving some cookies and cream icing for Sean. Sean looked up and picked up Emily and Sebastian and walked to the table. Putting them in their high chairs. Sebastian clapped as he saw the cake. He giggled as he clapped. Emily made grabby hands at the cake. She giggled and let the babies blow out their candle. Emily and Sebastian both blew their candles out and smiled. She started to cut the cake. Emily looked at Sean and her eyes sparkled. He kissed her forehead as she handed her a cake slice. She fed Sebastian cake as Sean fed Emily. Sean gave her some of the frosting first. Usually when he had cake with frosting on it, he'd shave a little off of the side and eat it. Emily took after Sean's trait of liking Cookies and Cream / Cookie Dough icing. She ate her cake and smiled being full to the brim. She lifted her arms as Sean picked her up. He looked at his wife.
"I'm gonna go try to get her to take a nap. Okay?" She nodded as he took up upstairs. Sean walked into his room and sat on the bed. He smiled at her as he held her in his warm arms. She clung to his chest. He sang the Irish National Anthem to her quietly.
(Go to ^^ and slide the player to 0:53. The song Jack sings is the song that his being described below.)
"Sinne Fianna Fáil A tá fé gheall ag Éirinn, buion dár slua, Thar toinn do ráinig chugainn" She hugged him tighter.
"Fé mhóid bheith saor. Sean tír ár sinsir feasta" She giggled as he sang.
"Ní fhagfar fé'n tiorán ná fé'n tráil, Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil," She yawned as he kept singing. Becoming sleepy. Sean laid down on the bed with her sleepy on his chest. He kept singing.
"Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil, Le guna screach fé lámhach na bpiléar" She cooed sleepily.
"Seo libh canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann." Sean stopped as she fell asleep. He smiled as she curled up in a ball, biting on his finger. Sean carefully got up and walked into the nursery. He put Emily in her crib. He reached and got Sam and gave it to her. She snuggled it. He sat next to her crib and let her nibble on his finger. Not realizing it was 9 in the morning. She came upstairs with a visitor.
"Mark's here to see you, Mr. McLoughlin." She smirked letting Mark into the nursery. Mark walked to him, looking at Emily.
"She looks just like you." He smiled. Sean nodded.
"She's my baby girl." Sean chuckled as she bit harder.
"You're a good father. I guess YouTube wasn't your only side." Mark smiled.
"After playing different games and reading about parenthood, I guess I picked some stuff up." Sean looked at Mark.
"Dude, I'm fucking nervous." Sean looked down.
" 'Bout what?"
"This wedding. I know I'm gonna screw it up." Mark sighed.
"Nooo.. you won't. Why? Because you are a true boss, and nothing can stop you. You're not gonna let butterflies in your stomach stop you, are you?" Sean shook his head.
"Good! Come on. Go get dressed so we can go to the chapel." She came upstairs with Sebastian in his baby suited tuxedo. He sat on the ground and sucked on his hand. Mark picked him up. She put a dress on Emily and put on her a flower crown. Why? You may ask. Well Little Emily was going to be the flower girl. She was good a walking so both Sean and her thought it was a good idea. Sebastian would be the "secondary" best man. She picked up sleepy Emily, all dressed, and held her. Mark nodded and walked out to his car with Sebastian in hand. He put him the the car seat that Sean had let him borrow for if he would ever need it. He put Sean's tux' in the back seat of his car and waited for Sean and his now wife. Sean got into the car with Emily on his lap, she followed seconds later. Mark drove to the chapel and let her out. The servants helped her to her dressing room. Mark and Sean both went into their room. The kids were in a play room. Sean tried on his tuxedo and smiled. It fit him perfectly. Mark put on his and helped Sean with his cuff links. Mark put Sean's flower on him and looked at him, giving a thumbs up sign. Sean took a deep breath and paced around the room. Waiting for the knock.
Sean heard the knock, and a faint voice.
"We're ready for you sir." The voice said. Sean took another deep breath and walked out the door, down the hall and to the right. The doors opened and he started to sweat. He walked down the aisle and crossed his arms low. Mark and Sebastian stood next to him. The organ player started. Emily walked down the aisle and threw flower pedals on the floor. Smiling. She stood on her side. The attention shifted to the door. A woman, a beautiful woman emerged from the door. Her face covered by a veil. She walked down the aisle and stood in front of him. He smiled and lifted her veil revealing her beautiful face. The wedding continued.
"Do you Sean William McLoughlin, take [Y/N] to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He looked at Sean.
Sean took the ring. "I do. With this ring, I thee wed." His eyes swelled with tears.
"Do you [Y/N], take Sean William McLoughlin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He looked at her.
She took the ring. "I do. With this ring, I thee wed."
"You may now kiss the bride."
Sean smiled and kissed her. A tear ran down her cheek. She threw her bouquet and jumped into Sean's arms. Mark smiled and walked out with them. Sebastian fell asleep during the car ride home. Emily was fascinated by Sean's ring. She twisted it and ran her hand over it. Sean picked her up and hugged her. She hugged him. Sean took his now wife's hand and they went home. A fantastic day at the making.
~A girl got married, to a wonderful guy. His name was Sean. But guess what.? That girl was you..~
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