Chapter 13: Please Don't Leave Me...
**A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Lack of ideas. We are just starting off. A/N:***
ICU: 5:57 am
Sean lay awake, with all of his machines hooked up to him. He held her hand as she slept. He sighed sitting up slightly looking at her. She opened her eyes, blinking slowly. Her hair messy, and her makeup smeared. He looked at her as she whimpered holding back tears. His voice was cut off, and scratchy, from having the tubes down his throat.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I just thought, if I went to sleep and woke up.. I'd be sitting with you on our bed, having you hold me Telling me it was only a dream and that it was over.." She sniffed.
"I really do feel bad for this. and I really think this is my fault." He held back tears.
"Don't be. He would've done the same thing to a random stranger. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." She told him, kissing his forehead. His hand cupped her cheek. She tried to hide her smile. He smiled, sitting up slightly.
"Smile for me please?" He batted his eyelashes. She couldn't help it and smiled, wiping her tears away. A doctor came in with Sean's medicine, and a nurse to talk to her. As the doctor gave Sean his medicine, the nurse pulled her aside.
"Okay so here is what's going to happen. We are gonna unhook his machines, and observe him. We'll give you a conjoined bed, because I know all you want to do right now is cuddle him. He'll be on many pain killers, so he may not be able to stay awake or even hold his head up. So we'd greatly advise you stay with him." The nurse patted her back and let her back in the room. The doctors began to take him off of his machines. Sean was slightly scared for them to take the tube out of his nose, they gave him a plastic bowl just in case if he was to gag or throw up, two doctors went on each side of Sean, slowly peeling the tape off his skin, counting down from 3 before they took it out fast and quick, Sean coughed and gagged slightly, it instantaneously made his eyes water, he breathed slowly as he recuperated. His bed was extended so she could sit with him. He made grabby hands at her. She slowly walked to him and got into bed with him. He pulled her closer to him, wanting to cuddle her. She draped her leg over her his, laying her head on his chest. He still had his oxygen tube in place, allowing an aid so he could breath. He wrapped her hand around her waist. Sean was given water and some food in case he got hungry. He tried to stay awake the best he could.
"Go to sleep. I'll be here the whole night, and I won't move a muscle. You need your rest."
"I want to stay awake with you."
"I like being with you, no matter sleeping or awake." He smiled sleepily, as she kissed his forehead. He cuddled closer to her, falling asleep. She smiled, gripping his hand as she followed. Throughout the night, the nurses would wake Sean up, and make him empty his system. He would throw up his medicine and then go back to sleep. Repeat this process 10-12 times. She slept soundly next to him cuddling him. He smiled in his sleep, feeling reassured. Tomorrow would be spectacular.
Morning (9 am)
Sean sat up, slowly waking up. He pulled her closer, wanting to snuggle her. She yawned looking at him. Her hair messy and her clothes wrinkled. He smiled at her.
"Morning babe." He looked at her smiling.
"Morning." She rubbed her eyes, yawning.
"Tired?" He asked. She nodded yawning again.
He smiled sitting completely up. A nurse came in the room, giving Sean breakfast. He ate slowly, feeling her slowly falling back asleep. He pulled the blanket off of him and gave it to her. She needed her rest, more than he did. She hadn't slept in 3 whole days. Another nurse came in, keeping quiet not waking her up. She let Sean get up out of bed and get changed back into his clothes. He was observed for the night and was clear to go home. He was left with his breathing tubes in his nose. He sat back down on the bed, cuddling up with her. She sniffed his clothes smelling his cologne, she instantly woke up. Seeing him fully clothed. His IV out of his arms, and his feeding tubes taken out. She started crying. He held her closer.
"Hey, shh. This means we can go home!" He smiled as she cried, rocking her back and forth. She sniffed, looking up at him as she wiped her tears. She smiled brightly. Laying his head on hers.
"When can we go home?" She asked.
"Later today." He smiled. "Eager?" She nodded fast.
--Time skipping--
Sean walked out of his room, walking to the waiting room where she was. She looked up and smiled, flashing the keys. He hobbled to her, his hand draped his bandages, with a small smile on his face. She helped him in the car, putting on his seat belt.
"You okay?"
Sean nodded a little and whimpered when the seat belt tightening around his abdomen.
"Ow, ow, ow.."
She loosened his seat belt and took his hand.
"Squeeze if it starts to hurt." He nodded, laying his head back in the seat, trying to relax. She drove home at a slower speed. As they reached their house, he looked up. Sean didn't want to move, but knowing he had to, gently got out of the car. He slowly walked into the house.
"Do you wanna sleep?"
"I wanna cuddle." He said as he walked into their room, laying on the bed. She smiled and walked into the room, making sure his breathing tubes, putting his air pump in his belt buckle. She got back into bed with him. He pulled her to him, cuddling her. She smiled.
"How do you feel babe?" She kissed him.
His voice was calm and mellow. "Just a little sore." He smiled.
"Water?" She sat up.
He whimpered, pulling her back down with him. "No water. I wanna be with you."
"Please don't leave me..." He looked up at her.
"I'd never leave you Sean." She chuckled, wrapping her arms around him. Sean smiled closing his eyes. She reached over and turned on his pump as he fell asleep. He pulled her closer to him as the night played out. She didn't sleep all night, worried about him. But would she have to?
~Sean would be okay. The doctors wanted regular check ups on his lungs, but he would be okay. All he needed to have was his oxygen pump. He would have to live with his pump and tubes for the rest of his life, but at least they weren't noticeable. He slept soundly knowing he was away from the scary machines and nurses. He wanted to be with her and only her. The worry is over my dear readers. Feel no fear. Sir McLoughlin is safe.~
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