Chapter 59- so this is what heaven looks like
Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story
2133 words
I think my heart has died. And my brain, and every other part of me since I can't live without those things working.
I turn around to Death. "So uhmmm... my scar is glowing, and it hurts, a lot."
There are tears in my eyes, but I cannot cry cuz I gotta be better. No more strangers online can call me a bitch or baby anymore. The pain pricks at every nerve in my arm, an intense soreness clouding my thinking.
He stops wiping the counter and turns around. "What?" His entire existence freezes as I lift my forearm for him to see. "What happened?"
"I dunno. Agnes touched my arm, and this happened." It's like frostbite, super, super hot and numb. "Will it stop before my arm falls off? I wanna keep it."
He puts his hands around it, I don't feel anything, and says something but nothing changes. He keeps saying random shit before looking at Pierce. Pierce walks over and Death picks him up.
He sniffs my arm for a second, kinda weird but ok. Pierce looks at Death sad and now Death looks worried.
He's not supposed to be worried; I'm supposed to be worried. Him being worried makes me scared. Oh my god it's the end of the world. He can't be worried.
"Don't be worried."
He looks at me like I'm crazy and about to kill his nonexistent cat he wants. "What do you mean? Do you not know what's happening?"
I don't feel the pain anymore, but the scar is still being weird. "Well duh. I don't know what the fuck is happening. Did she curse me or something?" Maybe Agnes is a witch.
He shakes his head, "no but this has to stop."
"Why? I don't feel anything anymore." Maybe my scar is an attention whore and just wants to be noticed. None of the black lines that connect to my scar are glowing. My arm felt like it was burning to sore, being asleep to nothing, maybe it's just tired.
I'm tired I'm so fucking tired like I haven't seen a bed in days, I knew I didn't sleep enough this morning. It could also be all the supernatural things he was talking about earlier.
Pierce barks, his ears are down, and his tail is between his legs. Before I can say anything, I'm picked up like a damsel in distress and the scenery changes to a front room that has really dark green walls and a ton of brown woody things. There's random shit everywhere.
Death should take notes from here so he can decorate rooms better.
I look at my manz who now looks panicked. "What happened? Where are we? What's wrong? Don't you dare gatekeep right now, mister. I need to know."
His breathing sounds like mine after I walk up some stairs and his heartbeat is crazy. He told me before that since he's "dead" he doesn't really get a heartbeat that much unless his emotions are super-duper intense. Something ain't right.
Well obviously, you dumb bitch, your arm is fucking glowing.
I hear footsteps so I turn and see... Lucifer? What? He seems annoyed.
"Why are you here?" He asks Death, not even glancing at me. I forgot what his voice sounds like, how dark and rough it is. How nervous and unsteady it makes me feel.
"Help her."
Not me needing fucking Lucifer's help. I gotta be dreaming. This ain't it.
And now I'm all sweaty. Ew.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because she will die if you don't."
"Wha?" I'm so shocked I can't talk normally.
He looks down at me, "I'll explain once this is over, I promise."
I don't wanna die, not anymore.
"You will have to give me something."
"I will, now just fucking help her."
Awoop jumpscareee. So AgReSsIvE.
Lucifer, fucking Lucifer, walks over and looks at me. I just look up at him. I feel so small and pathetic. I turn to Death, "put me down."
He shakes his head and rubs my side with his thumb.
This is like driving on the street surrounded by semis. But I'm dying instead of driving. Maybe a semi ran me over. Damn, imagine being ran over by a semi and that's how you die. I could never, ever, ever. I wanna die in a way that will make me famous.
Maybe getting hit by a semi will make me so famous because it's such a stupid way to die and people will be so shocked.
I'm snapped out of my weird thoughts when my shoulder moves. I look and see Lucifer holding my arm. My weird crust musty arm that needs to stop stealing all the attention.
Like damn, I just want to sleep. I'm so tired. Maybe it's good that my manz is holding me so I don't fall over.
That would be embarrassing. I'd just die, like the other times.
He says some evil mumble jumble sounding shit but nothing changes. He looks at me like I just did something stupid and annoyed him.
Look her you old fucker, I was just trying to make a cake and live dammit. You probably wear 50 pounds of makeup to hide the wrinkles on your old ass face.
I can't take things seriously, I'm about to die. Death be hella worried.
The old crusty musty man and his judgmental self-starts talking. "I cannot help."
"Why?" Not Death being 3 again.
I'm so mean, shut up.
"I am not the one to heal people or anything else." He turns to me, acknowledging my existence. Wow. "Go to the other place they will fix you."
Death freezes like when I brought him to church for the first time, but he isn't standing in the corner like a weirdo.
He looks scared, "you can't do anything?"
"Did I say I can? Use your brain, sunu."
My manz shakes his head like the world is ending. Mine is too, we're twinning.
The setting changes back to my open apartment with the beautiful sunlight. I'm so happy summer is coming; I love the sun so much.
I wanna hang out with Athena every day, all day. No school interrupting the hours, no bothersome work. I look around the room as Death sets me on my feet, but he won't let go of me. Poor baby. Pierce walks over, very happy, and nudges my hand, I pet him.
I gotta clean my fishies tank. I will make them live for 20 more years, if they want.
I look to Death, "you didn't tell me what's happening. I thought you would tell me important things. Like why I don't really feel the right side of me." There's not even the pins and needle feeling anymore, it's just fading.
He looks even more worried; how does a worried person get even more worried? That's a lot of worriedness.
"The only place that can stop this is heaven, you have to go there."
"Right now."
"How about tomorrow? I wanna sleep."
"You will be sleeping forever if you don't go."
"Oh. How do I get there? Are you going to kill me?"
He looks at me like I'm fucking crazy. I get it from him.
"How do I get there? I don't wanna be alone."
"Pierce will take you."
"He can go to heaven?"
Pierce wines like he's offended. I pick him up and he nuzzles his snout against me. Awwww.
"I told you; hellhounds are natural. They can go anywhere."
I look down to the old puppy, "will you go with me? Or take me there? I don't know how to get there." He nods.
Death and Pierce look at each other before everything fades to black. Well, that was unexpected. Did I get knocked out? Well, I wouldn't be thinking if I did, or would I? I never got knocked out before. Just passing out from pain.
I look down and Pierce isn't in my arms. Panic sets in but I hear a whine next to me. I look down and see Pierce wagging his tail and panting.
"I thought you left me."
He goes 'aur' like he's saying no. He then starts walking away, I follow him.
"Where are we?"
"I love that place too."
He looks at me like I'm goofy. The next second the scenery changes to a bright blue sky, white fluff everywhere and gold streets behind this big golden fence that's like 500 feet tall. I don't know measurements. There's nothing on this side of this gate. The white fluff feels like mist or humid fog but it's only on the ground.
Pierce walks through the gate bars, turns around towards me and wags his tail. He makes a bunch of random doggie noises.
"So, we're breaking into heaven?"
He barks and lifts his paw in the air a few times. I squeeze past the gate's bars. What's the point of a big fat fancy gate if we just got in? Nonsense. Pierce starts walking away so I follow him down colden streets decorated by gold and silver ribbons. So pretty.
As we walk, I don't see any other colors, people or anything. Not even streetlights. Maybe it's all there but I'm not dead yet so I don't see it?
After some time, Pierce stops walking and sits down like someone told him to. He looks at me and smiles. Alrighty then. A humongous humanoid white misty figure appears in front of us.
That's definitely not terrifying.
"Hello, little angel," it says. The voice is like a mixture of all the voices ever, it's not feminine nor masculine, high or deep. This is trippy.
Am I high? And what little angel?
I look up at the like infinity feet tall thing. I'm actually tiny this time, so is Pierce. I wave at the thing that makes the enormous gate look tiny. What the hell?
"Let me look at your arm, Evangeline." It speaks.
Uhmmmm.... I look around for an Evangeline but to no avail I don't see one. The ginormous thing suddenly disappears into an explosion type of thing, and I see an olive brown man with black curly hair and dark brown eyes, he's my height.
"I said let me see your arm."
I'm scared. "I can't move it; I don't feel anything."
He grabs my wrist and I look at it, the scar and half of my arm is gold. "Why is it like that?"
He holds his hand in the air like a 'stop talking' way. I stay quiet. No one is telling me anything. It's my arm and I'm the one that's dying, I should know what is happening. Isn't that my basic human right?
Oh yea, I don't have many rights anymore. If I can't be alone, I guess I won't get to know what's happening. If this stranger doesn't tell me, I will make Death tell me. Or maybe Pierce could somehow.
The stranger man starts walking away. Pierce follows him so I follow them. My arm is still half gold. It's like if I put the gold paper wrapping on it and pulled off what didn't stick.
After some walking the man turns around, "why are you following me, Evangeline?"
"I don't know who that is but I'm with him," I point to Pierce, "and he is following you."
"You are Evangeline. How are you with a hellhound?"
"I'm Irina. Not Evangeline. Pierce is mine, he was given to me."
"You have been on earth too long; the people are making you delusional."
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
He thinks for a few minutes, "oh, yes. You forget everything when you are a person."
I wanna go home. I'm too tired to be confused. "What?"
"Your angel name is Evangeline."
"People have angel names?" That's so cool.
"No, angels have angel names."
"Well, I'm the wrong person. I'm just a simple being that can't walk straight or live properly. No angel here."
"No, you are an angel. One sent to Earth a millennium ago. Lived many different lives, will live many more different lives."
"Then where are the wings and magical powers?"
He points to my arm, "is that not good enough? Not everything in a story is true. Angels don't have little white wings teeming with feathers. They don't have magical powers. Angels protect and guard, bring hope, show ways out of problems, that is what you do."
"If I tell you how, you wouldn't be able to do it. No one is supposed to know how things work. I do not have the answers you seek yor am I allowed to give them."
"Well can you tell me who you are?"
"Jesus. Farewell little angel." He disappears.
Next update will be the pictures I've drawn. (There are A LOT.)
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