Chapter 58- cake mayhem
Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story
2087 words
Waking up in sunlight is so amazing. I hope it never ends. Never get out of bed.
But alas, I have to...
...actually, there's nothing stopping me.
Something pokes my lower back. I turn over to see my man watching me with a sweet smile on his face. He puts his hand on the back of my waist and pulls me as close as he can since Pierce is sprawled out between us.
The birds are outside singing their songs, the cars and trucks drive down below, that world separate from this room. There's a tree casting a shadow on the curtain's edge. The air is perfect, perfect bed. I'm so happy.
I poke his nose with a big ol' smile, "why'd you wake me up?"
Gotta stay quiet so the government spying on us doesn't hear with their technology.
He runs his hand through my hair and looks me over some before meeting my face, "I haven't seen your beautiful face for too long."
I put my arms under the pillow and turn onto my stomach to stuff my face in the pillow, "wait some more than."
He drags the edges of his nails up my arm, across my shoulders and down my back. "No." He kisses my ear lobe, "now come here."
I turn my head to see him turn on his back and hold out an arm to me. I still can't even see clearly yet.
Oh my god I'm blind. Morning blindness is a real thing and needs to be more recognized.
Maybe that's why he be getting so confused when I wake him up at 3 am. Well anyways, I get up and he helps me get on top of him whilst trying to not wake up Pierce.
This works too. He drags his hands up and down my back. I love this.
"You make my depression happy."
He pulls me closer. "You make my lunacy sane."
"You make my heart smile."
"You make my pain bearable."
"You make my stomach have butterflies."
"You make my heart beat."
"You make my skin tingle."
"You make my lips smile."
"You make my stomach flip."
"You make my thoughts clear."
"You make me feel important."
He kisses my nose, "you make my world have color, and my cave have light."
Ok Mr try hard.
I kiss his nose and try to fall back asleep.
9 hours of sleep is not enough. 9 am is too early to be awake.
He kisses my hair and drags his hands over my back some more.
After 4 hours I finally finished the edit. Fuckin finally.
I pet Pierce who is curled into a ball between my legs before getting off the couch and walk over to my manz who is leaning against the counter island thing connected to the wall and looking at cake recipes. He will learn.
"Look at this. It's only 30 seconds." I hold the phone up to him.
He watches it and only nods when I hear the audio start over again.
"Is it good?"
"Of course, love. Anything you make is good."
That's not what the haters say. Well that's why they're haters, nothin else. "Thanks. When is Agnes coming over?"
This is like a playdate but with a stranger demon.
"Whenever I summon her."
"When will you summon her?"
"When I find the perfect recipe."
I take the book from the hand, "we don't need no damn recipe. Half of them ain't even good." I put it in the cabinet. Take my phone and go back to my previous spot on the couch, he follows.
"Why have the book?"
"Get some ideas. Now can Agnes come over?" I'm so scared-ly excited.
He pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me, "someone's impatient."
"I'm excited." Pierce scoots closer.
I thought I was clingy, then I met death. Then I also met Pierce. If Agnes is clingy too I might just run away.
"Is Agnes clingy?"
"No, demons hate being touched."
"Oh, ok."
After another minute of this goofy angle he lets go of me and leans back, then stares at the wall. Pierce gets on my lap and watches with me. He lifts his arm up, waves his hand in some motion and mutters something that sounds evil. Like the talking form of the death whistle.
How does someone do that? Well the names are the same so that gotta help.
"Now we wait."
"Isn't she supposed to magically appear?" That's what happens in all the movies and books. Do something cool and then there's a whole nother person.
He shakes his head and muffles a laugh, "It doesn't work like that. Agnes also doesn't care but she will be here eventually."
"Okie." So we wait.
And wait some more. "Are you sure she's coming? Did you make this all up and there's no demon girl that helps you and you just wanna humiliate me?"
He kisses my forehead, "patience dear, and she is real."
After a minute or so Pierce's attention snaps to behind me.
He turns around for a second before turning back to me. "She's here."
All the non existent courage I had before disappears. I get goosebumps. I've made it as a professional YouTube ghost hunter without the work.
He turns back around and talks more evil sounding gibberish. More evil gibberish is said back in a different voice that doesn't sound so friendly. Him and this voice talk, sounds more like arguing, before I hear thick heels start to walk around the couch.
I pet Pierce to distract my nerves. So far I get mean old bitch boss vibes from Agnes as I know nothing about her. Oh my god I'm so judgmental. She could literally be so nice. He grabs my hand, I look up to him but something really dark catches my attention. She's...
So much shorter than I thought. I guess not everyone in hell is tall. Or maybe just the guys are super tall? It's all the romance writer's dreams come true.
She has really dark skin, like dark gray and wavy hair even darker. She has this shirt that's just a black bra with see through white fabric over it. Really low leather pants that have boots attached and a weird belt. She has some type of silver jewelry wrapped around her lower left arm with a red and black pentagram on it. She has bright red eyes and black nails. She also has the most perfect body.
And a resting bitch face. Nice.
"You're so beautiful."
She raises a brow before talking to death in more evil gibberish. They talk for a few seconds.
I look down to Pierce as he watches everything too. "What are they talking about?" He shakes his body. I pet his back.
The silence catches my attention. I look up and see them both looking at me. Well then. Did I do something wrong?
"She says you're beautiful too."
She kicks his shin and scowls. He flips her off and wraps an arm around my back.
I feel awkward and I don't like her standing. This is my apartment, I should be the one standing up. I'm also not going to one up a fuckin demon.
"You can sit down if you want..." She walks closer and stands over me like she's some boss or something and I'm nothing.
"You have to be mean to her."
He sighs. Am I dumb? "She's a demon, you aren't supposed to be nice to a demon or they'll take advantage of you," he faces her, "and this dumb fuck can speak English."
I don't wanna be mean. She just watches me with her red eyes, waiting for something I guess. Or she could be trying to intimidate me.
Actually, how the hell is a, like, 5 foot tall demon going to intimidate me? This makes no damn sense. Especially in my house? The audacity. I'm not good at being demanding though.
"Sit down somewhere." She only raises an eyebrow. I look to Death for help.
He tsk's and talks to her in whatever language they've been talking in. I wanna know the evil gibberish. She sits on the floor.
"You can sit on the couch if you want. You don't have to sit on the floor..." I put Pierce on my lap to make space for her. She stares at me like I'm dumb or something.
Why does it have to be so damn hard to understand body language? Maybe it's different for demons. Or I just suck at it. My manz tells her something, of course I don't know what. Is this how people feel going to a different country with a different language? I'm so clueless.
After a second she gets off the floor and sits besides me on the couch. I'm surprised my little couch fits all 4 of us. I lean against Death to give her some more space so she doesn't feel trapped. He said I have to be mean but not rude.
I have no idea what to do. "What's your favorite color?" She looks at me like I'm fucking crazy.
"Rosso Corsa." Her voice is so dark and alluring. A combination of Cate Blanchett and Catherine Zeta-Jones but darker. Wow.
She keeps staring at me and I still don't know what to do. I'm not good at small talk or meeting people. Usually I just tell whoever I'm talking to that they're my friend and that's the end of that.
I turn to Death, "what now?"
He looks around the apartment before a grin grows on his face. "Cake."
"Remember the deal?"
"Oh yea." I still don't wanna make a cake but a deal is a deal and life goes on no matter if I wanna make one or not.
"Do we even have cake stuff?" He nods like a happy little kid. I turn to Agnes, "wanna make a cake or sit here and keep staring at me?" She just keeps staring at me. "If you don't help you don't get any cake."
Pierce stares back at her and eventually she gets up like a teenager who just got interrupted from playing their games and asked to do the dishes. That's how I feel about baking and cooking too.
I get up and walk to the kitchen while still holding Pierce, "you get to be my assistant," I tell him. He wags his tail. I turn to Agnes, who doesn't have a care in the world, "do you know how to make cake?"
She shrugs. I looked at my manz, he was in the kitchen before we even left the couch. "Does anyone know how to make a cake?"
He kisses my forehead, "No one can know how to make something that doesn't exist. I told you yesterday." I feel like he's lying, I'll interrogate him later. He leaves hell more than he stays there.
They both cluelessly look at me. Oh yea cake making time. I hate this. "We need flour, eggs, baking soda, sugar, oil, salt, milk, butter, and vanilla extract." All of it appears on the counter.
If only everything else was that easy.
"We need 2 sticks of room temperature butter, 3 cups of flour..." and blah blah blah.
Death takes the cake out the oven.
... it doesn't look like a cake...
The center collapsed and the sides were burnt. How does this happen? All 3 of us stand over the atrocity filled cake pan.
"This a cake?" Agnes asks.
"It was supposed to be." I poke it and it is sticky. "Something went wrong though."
She looks at it weird before rolling her eyes and walking to the counter island thing and leaning on it. I go back to the ingredients to see what went wrong.
"Oh, some of these things are expired."
I turn to my manz, "do you think it's edible?"
He gazes at it for a second, "no."
"Awww." I threw it out and put the pan in the sink for future me to take care of. "Sorry y'all."
"Shut up."
Death waves his hand towards her in a 'ignore her' way. "Don't worry, things happen."
Agnes walks over and puts her hand over my left arm, "do better." She disappears.
The scar on my arm and the rest of where her hand was feels like it's burning and the scar faintly glows a transparent gold. The fuck? And ow.
I'ma be 17 in less than a month. I'ma have friends over for the first time in my life, I'm so excited.
I ain't ready tho. I don't wanna grow up, I don't want to move out and get a job. I'm excited to become roommates with my friends but I ain't ready.
Send help.
And what do you think of Agnes? I did a horrible job of properly introducing her but I didn't know what to write lol.
It took 12 hours and 17 minutes. She is the reason I took so long to upload 🙄
Sorry for not describing her accurately, I write that before finishing the picture.
This was the first version of the drawing, the rough draft.⬇️
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