Chapter 54- the introduction
Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story
3116 words
I'm scared.
But I want to get it out of the way.
It doesn't matter what my family says anyways because it's my life and yea. Hopefully they like him, it would make everything easier.
They should like him. Because of him I'm alive.
And happy. I don't know about healthy but I'm happy and that's more important anyways.
For now I shall keep sleeping because it fixes everything. And enjoy not being in hell.
I'm so happy he agreed to moving back to my apartment. I wonder if anything has changed. I'm sure it'll be dusty.
I'll clean everything when I get there. I love cleaning so much. It's so satisfying.
And I could hang out with Athena more! I know I can whenever I want but it'll be easier.
I get so fucking excited I sit up so quick I get dizzy for a minute. Once that minute passes I turn to Death with the utmost excitement and he is already looking at me confused.
Oh my gawd he's sleep drunk. I thought he got over this addiction.
Sleep is a very bad addiction.
"Wha?" He looks so concerned but so tired too.
I jump on top of him, well not literally. I crawl over him so excited and he's laying on his side so this looks goofy.
"We're moving soon!"
He looks at me like I'm crazy.
"I'ma clean everything and hang out with Athena more and there will be sunlight and the kitchen won't be 40 miles away and the fish will be happy and Pikachu too! And I can get stuff from Amazon again cuz I won't be in hell. Oh my goddddd! I'm so excited." I can't stop shaking.
He pushes his hands up his face and sighs before wrapping his arms around my waist. "You are either so energetic in the morning or so lethargic. It's always a guessing game."
I smile even more. Now my face hurts. "Aren't you excited? I'm so excited. I'm so frickin excited."
Good enough for me. Before I can keep telling him how excited I am, he pulls me back down on the bed on my side to face him.
"It's too early."
I look down the hallway to look at the kitchen clock. It's 11:32 am.
"It's 11:30, I'd be getting up in 25 minutes."
"That is a long time."
Is it? I turn on my back and dramatically throw my arm in the air and let it fall back on the bed, mostly hanging off and sigh. I don't know why.
"I'm too excited to sleep and too restless and impatient and I wanna move right now. Like right this very second."
"Today is only Thursday."
"Aw. Can you like speed up time or something?"
He pokes my nose. "No."
"Are you sure? Like speeding up the clocks and time and stuff should be easy mister powerful. If they can do it in the movies then you can do it. Time has a system and you can manipulate it."
He sits up, probably done with my shit and sits against the wall and looks at the other one across the room. I sit up too cuz now he isn't holding me down.
"I can't manipulate a concept. Time is a concept that runs the world. The only choice you have is to wait."
That fucking sucks.
"Can you put me in a coma so I can skip the next few days?"
He looks at me horrified. "Fuck no, Anything wrong can happen."
"What could possibly go wrong?"
He is shooketh from my dumbness. "The body is too easy to screw up. I could accidentally kill you and you know this." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him and he looks down at me. "I won't let you leave me to myself either. You are my sanity."
Well that got deep real quick.
I like him for that. We can have deep conversations for hours because I can't make small talk for shit. He gets it.
The only one besides my dad.
"You are my sanity too but not all of it because that would be rude to everyone else but if I didn't have you I would be hella sad. I love you too much."
He leans me against him and puts his nose in my hair. "You can never love someone too much. I love you more."
"Nuh uh, I love you more."
"I love you so much I could kiss you right now."
Wow, that's a lot of love.
I get up and straddle his lap and grab his hands and put them over my heart with mine. "I'm so damn excited. I cannot physically stay still."
He mischievously smiles and pushes me back on the bed and crawls over me and looks me over, all of me. "I know how to help you."
"Please do. I'm so excited and anxious it hurts."
My stomach and sides are cramping. I think my sides just hate me though.
He runs the back of his knuckles down the side of my face and just looks at me for a second, "Ο όμορφος άγγελός μου."
He could have just called me a fat slob and I wouldn't know but he said whatever he did in a nice way so I guess it's good. Imagine he was being condescending and I'm just too dumb to know.
With no warning he kisses my nose and my forehead and my cheeks that feel hot. He puts his right hand on the back left side of my waist and kisses the right side of my jaw to my neck and collar bone. He then drags his tongue from my shoulder to my earlobe before sucking on it.
The room becomes hot and I can't breathe right. These feelings only he has ever given me come back. I don't know what they are or what they mean but I love all of it.
He pushes my shirt up as far as he's allowed only to drag his hand over my skin while leaving kisses all over the top of my chest. I wrap my arms around him to make him stay. I don't want this to ever end.
"I love you," he mutters on my skin before sucking on it.
"I love you too." my voice is high for some reason.
Soon enough I see the pond. Nothing much changed from last night. The dark night sky with white sprinkles and the moon to top it off. The crickets and cicadas sing their songs in the background. Little frogs ribbit through the cattails and tall waist high grass.
I make my way over to the lonely dock. Swans duck in and out of the water while gular fluttering. Little dragonflies and bugs alike go over the land and still water with slight movements from wildlife.
It all slowly fades away. The night sky fades to the white bedroom ceiling and light beige walls.
That was quick.
As soon as the mysteriously beautiful place is gone I feel sort of sad and look down and see him kissing the stretch marks on my stomach. Some of the sadness goes away.
I really wanna bring him there one day. It would be so fun and peaceful.
This is fun too.
He slaps the side of my thigh. I look back at him and he's grinning at me.
"You always smack my thighs you weirdo."
He crawls back over me so we're face to face. "You know you love it."
He's so damn mesmerizing. "I think you're the one that loves it."
"I do. You can't deny the truth my dear, you love it."
The fuckin room gets hotter and that doesn't help and I get this feeling I'd always get the week before my periods. "Nah."
He smacks my other thigh this time. "Are you sure?"
I nod cuz talking suddenly becomes hard to do.
He looks excited and mischievous like he has some idea."I don't believe you... you are a mess right now."
Probably because I haven't gotten ready for the day yet. I only look at him.
He drags his nails from my hip down my leg. His other arm has me trapped because the other side of me is the wall. I gotta get taller or something because this is ridiculous.
"You can't stay in denial forever." He says super low.
The hot air is killing me and doesn't help my hyperhidrosis at all.
"Stop messin with me," I manage to say.
Everything feels tight and heavier and my heart beat is crazy.
Holy hell I'm gonna explode, this is the end of me. I should stop zoning out to the pond place. Maybe it's what is going to make me explode.
He takes his hand and drags it down the side of my face and down my side. "Then be a good girl and tell the truth."
I feel fucking tingles every spot his skin touches mine and other places. Everything he is doing right now isn't helping me.
I think he knows that.
"I love it..." I want this strange torcher to stop. It's making me feel weird.
He leans closer to me till our noses are almost touching and his hand is dangerously close to my ass and he uses his other hand to hold mine above my head on the pillow. "What do you love? Use your words."
I feel so powerless. "I... love when you.. smack my thighs."
"I can't hear your sweet voice."
Awe no one has ever told me that before. "I love when you smack my thighs."
He proudly smiles at me and kisses my nose. "See? That wasn't hard."
"Will you stop messing with me now?"
He looks disappointed for half a second before it disappears. "Did I do something wrong?"
"I don't know. I just feel weird."
He lays down next to me. I turn on my side to face him. He wraps his arm around my waist as I use his other as a pillow. "What about you feels weird?"
I look at his pretty self while trying to figure out how to explain it. "I uhh feel my heartbeat everywhere like I ran a marathon even though I didn't move at all. Everything is hot and tight and I got goosebumps. My nerves feel crazy and I can feel everything around me and I feel like I'm overheating. And my stomach and chest feel really tight. I also feel like crying."
He smiles like he knows something I don't and it's so painfully obvious.
"You are aroused."
I'm shooketh, "how would you know that?"
"I can smell it."
My heart stopped so fast I thought I saw heaven. "What do you mean you can smell it? That's crazy. You gotta be lying."
He pushes the hair out of my face and off of me which helps a lot. "It's biology. Men can smell arousal."
I malfunction. "How?"
"Pheromones release a smell, love. Your sweat smells different and so do your pheromones and the amount. It smells amazing on you."
Time to drink axe body spray to ward away everyone.
"How do I make it stop?" He looks at me confused. "The smell thing."
"You can't. Why do you want to stop something natural?"
"I don't want guys smelling me... Or touching me or anything..."
The thought of anything happening scares me on a whole new level. It happened before and I don't want it to happen again. I still get nightmares.
"I won't let anything happen to you. It's my responsibility as your 'manz' to protect you."
"Pinky promise?" I hold my finger in the air. His smile turns sweet as he hooks his with mine. "Now if you break it you lose your finger."
I don't know how that works but that's the whole point of pinky promises.
"I know."
Oh wow. Hopefully he does better than Aaleyah. She failed.
"I still wanna get rid of the pheromone smell thingy."
"It's embarrassinggg."
He starts laughing and rolls on his back. "You think everything is embarrassing."
I curl into a ball to hide. "It is."
He rubs my back. "It isn't that serious. Now come here."
I look up and he pats his chest. I uncurl myself and get on top of him. He wraps his arms around me. I do the same thing.
This whole week has been Deja vu, waking up every day and going to sleep every day. But I'm not scared now.
Oh fuck I gotta be awake. It has to have been 25 minutes. "What time is it?"
How is that possible? "Those 25 minutes couldn't have been that slow. Am I going crazy?"
He smiles. "You read the clock wrong my crippled butterfly."
"Oh. Then why didn't you tell me? You always know the time."
"Too tired."
Fair enough.
I then remember someone very important. I look around for Pikachu. How could I forget about him? I don't see him anywhere. I get up and look some more before finding him on the floor next to the bed.
I pick him up and pet his head. "I'm so sorry. I'm a bad mom."
He keeps smiling. Such a brave pokémon. Not showing any fear.
I turn to death. "Look at your son smiling through the pain of me forgetting him. Isn't he so brave?"
He raises a brow. "His mouth is sewn into a smile."
"That's what makes him even more brave. It's quite remarkable."
My manz sighs like he gives up and kisses my temple before pulling me down yet again. He wraps his arm around my waist and hides his face in the crook of my neck. I put my arm over his cuz why not?
"5 more minutes," he mutters into my skin.
It feels funny.
I'm at the doorway conjoining the kitchen and laundry room. I look at my family in the kitchen waiting for him to 'show up' as he stands right next to me.
He finds this amusing. I'm nervous.
I look up at him with nervousness. It's his fault cuz he's dragging this out.
He kisses my forehead. "Only another minute."
I judgmentally stare at him for half a second before looking at my family members that I had to gather up.
It's a rodeo here. And an awkward wait. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks it's awkward. I wish I could know what other people think sometimes.
Or to see the world through someone else's perspective. Then I could know why people are so mean.
Mainly Aaleyah. She has been ignoring me this whole week. I look at her on her phone not giving a fuck about anything.
I only gave my soul and freedom up for you. No biggie.
Yaya and dad and mom are talking and they keep trying to include me in the conversation and ask me more questions but I don't know what to say. Death said he will take care of it all.
He said he will have some illusion of a guy that looks nice to come in the house and say everything. He said he will then merge with the illusion or something and then just talk like normal. He also said I wouldn't be able to see the fake persona because I already see the truth or whatever. He said it's the opposite for other people and it's because of the soul ritual thingy.
I said 'okayyy'.
I'm living my dumb person phase right now.
After a few seconds I hear a knock at the door. I look over and see a transparent black figure looking right at me. I panic and get behind Death.
"What is that and why are they staring at me?!" My voice is shrill.
He turns to me with a big ol' smile. "That's the illusion."
"That's a demon..." I'm so scared of making it mad and it killing me so I try not to be loud.
"No. That's now you see it. Everyone else will see it as a person."
"Don't you think you could have told me earlier?"
"I forgot."
He doesn't forget things. I'm the one that forgets things. "Liar."
He shrugs.
I look back at them and they're still staring at me with black eyes. This is horrifying. I look around at my family as they look at me in anticipation for me to open the door.
I walk to the door and look at the creepy ass thing. Why does everything have to be creepy?
I'm going on Pinterest after this.
I open the door and the ugly ass thing walks in and I hear my family talking and shit but I'm too worried about them staring at me as they go to the kitchen. They're fuckin head is doing a whole 180 as it walks up the stairs.
Death walks to them and smacks them and talks to them in some horrifying language that sounds hella evil. It looks like he wants them to stop doing something.
Is this still an illusion or a whole nother creature? This is so weird.
I walk into the kitchen so my parents don't think I'm rude or something.
I get between Death and my family, far away from the evil looking thing as possible while trying not to be awkward. Death fights the 'illusion' while I try to talk to my family so they don't think anything sus is happening.
It's too damn chaotic. I wanna slink right in a hole and hide without notice,
There is a horrible crunching sound. I look for the source of the noise to see my manz holding the thing by their neck and they're limp. My heart stops. Almost immediately it fades away in a black misty fire like his gloves did forever ago.
Once I have the ability to move again I stand next to him. "Why the hell did you do that...?"
He turns around and looks at me with a big ol' smile that throws me off. "No one else gets to stare at you."
I don't know if i should feel special or aghast. "You can't kill anyone that stares at me. That's sadistic you crazy man."
He only shrugs. "It was an illusion, it was never alive and never would be."
"Then why did you kill them?"
"More fun. Now come on. Your family is concerned."
He grabs my hand and talks to my family but they look at him like he is shorter so he has to be faking his appearance.
Except dad, of course.
*Irinna walks on stage crying happily while holding the mystery baby boy.* "Hi eeerm ok! I love you! You cured my writing depression! I love you so damn fucking much! Thank you for caring about my story."
*She gets off the stage and walks over to her new bestie* "Here's my son. His name is Sullivan. I never let anyone else meet him before, you're the first."
*Miss girl starts hyperventilating with happiness and hugs the reader, not caring if she cares.*
Thanks though. If anyone else reads the story they shall know of you :)
This was written worse than I pictured lol.
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