Just imagine Lucas with a little more blonde in his hair
Asher's POV
I could hear Lucas babbling from his crib letting us know he was awake and ready to play.I walked into his nursery and he stood bouncing on his crib mattress.
Da he mumbled as I changed him.He played with the lotion bottle and I got him dressed for the day.
"Couple more weeks and we'll have another baby"
Da da da he mumbled reaching up at me.
"Oh Lucas if only you could talk and tell call for mommy and daddy"
Dada he squealed and I smiled down at him.
"Yeah baby boy i'm dada should we go see mama"
"That's so good baby boy aren't you daddy's smart boy"
"Yes you are should we go eat"
"Dada mm"
"Well come on do you want to walk"His eyebrows furrowed and I chuckled setting him on the ground.He whined and bounced at my feet.
"Okay baby boy let's go get you some breakfast"I walked downstairs to see Grace at the table with Alicia and Ryder.Eli running around the table.
Mama Lucas squealed and Grace smiled and turned to him after I buckled him in his high chair.He hit his tray and Grace gave him some Cheerios.He hummed as ate them.
"Here baby boy eat some pancake"
"He's such a good eater"
"He really is"Lucas ate half a pancake and I filled him a sippy cup full of tropical juice.It was Lucas's favorite juice and it was so healthy for him we didn't have to water it down.He ran around the table before I swooped him up making him shriek.
You have so much energy today I chuckled as he tried to squirm down.I blew on his stomach and he shrieked out of pure happiness.
"Asher your just going to rile him up he needs to go down for a nap"
"Aw baby come on he's having so much fun"Lucas squealed as Josh and Asher chased him.
Mama mama he shrieked clutching my leg.He bounced impatiently and Asher lifted him as I gave him kisses making him giggle.
Mama he giggled and puckered his little lips.I gave him a quick kiss and he made Asher do the same.
"Alright come on mommy said it's nap time"He whined but Grace gave him a bottle and he quieted down as she rocked him and when he was asleep I tucked him in.I could hear Grace in her sewing room I knocked but walked in before she could respond.
"Hey baby what are you doing"
"Felicity asked me to make her a dress"
"That low cut"
"Asher it's just how the dress fits the model not her"
"Do you like the color"
"It's pretty baby"The turquoise color would set off Felicity's blue eyes.
"Why does she need a dress"
"Asher you know why"I growled softly into her hair.She tensed in front of me and my hands went around to circle her stomach.
"Baby are you okay"
"Just alot of movement this morning"
"Do we need to go lay down"
"No i'm okay really i promise"I sat down watching her finish the dress.Felicity came over after Lucas woke up from his nap.
Dada he whined.
"Are you hungry baby boy it's getting close to lunch time"The cooks were busy making spaghetti and meatballs for the pack since we were training an hour after lunch.I could smell the rich Italian flavors.
'Alpha lunch is served'I made a plate for myself and Lucas as Grace followed me with her plate.We sat at the table outside and pack members followed with plates full.
"Here baby boy open"He ran over to me and opened his mouth for a bite.He patted my legs and I lifted him onto my lap.Grace handed him a sippy cup.He turned to me for another bite and I fed him.
"Asher babe be careful with him"
"I know baby he's not going anywhere your holding on tight right baby boy"
Fast dada Lucas cried and I slowed the swing and he reached for me.
"All done"
"Alright baby boy daddy will get you out"I lifted him out of the swing and he bounced at my feet.
Dada he whined and I chuckled as he settled on my hip.He nuzzled into me and I walked over to Grace.She was asleep in the hammock protected by layers of sunscreen.
Mama he whined and he climbed on with her and laid down.
"Hi baby"
"Did you have fun with daddy"
Is he asleep Grace murmured.
Yeah finally i yawned climbing into bed and getting comfortable.
"You think he would of been exhausted today"
"You'd think that would be the case"
"Pretty soon we will have another"
"A girl this time though"
"Yes a girl"
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