Grace's POV
Lucas is growing more everyday along with my stomach.As Asher drove Lucas babbled and I bounced my leg we were meeting with Easton's pack today for a treaty.Felicity was asleep in the back insisting she gets to go because she's starting to fall for Easton.
"Are you nervous"
"Baby it's a treaty not a war"
"I know but i've never been to one of these"Lucas shrieked making me jump but turn around.
"Baby what's wrong"He started to cry and reach for me.
"Think he's hungry baby"
"I just fed him"
"He's a growing boy"
"Will you pull over"Asher pulled off onto the shoulder and I nursed Lucas.
"Your stomach alright baby"
"Yeah it's okay"
"If you need to stop tell me"
"I will"I buckled Lucas in after he fell asleep and buckled back up.We arrived at Alpha Easton's and I pulled Asher in for a long kiss.He responded back and tugged softly on my curls.
What was that for he murmured.
"Just for being you Ashy..for letting Felicity come and for letting Lucas and I come as well"
"Speaking of Felicity she should probably wake up"
"Felicity wake up"
"Wake up we are Alpha Easton's place"
Easton's POV
I stood on the porch waiting for Felicity to get out and when she did I sucked in a sharp breath.She looked absolutely breath taking in a purple summer dress with sandals and her hair was curled.She rubbed her eyes and I started my walk over to them.Asher held Grace's waist and Grace held their baby in her arms.
"Hello Easton"
"Hello Asher"Asher was a year older than me and I was three years ahead of Felicity.Her eyes shined and I kissed her hand.Asher rolled his eyes and I had to ignore the growl threatening to slip out of my throat.
'Mate wants more look into her eyes'I shushed my wolf and looked down at Felicity.
"Let's go to my office shall we"Felicity walked beside me where Asher and Grace walked behind me.A staged fight broke out in the hallway making me pull Felicity to my chest.I could hear her squeal with surprise.
Enough take it outside I growled and the two warriors broke apart and walked outside.We walked into my office and I let Felicity go in before me.My wolf panted as he seen her hips sway.The dress skirt didn't help either it showed her long tan legs and went about mid thigh.My wolf growled at the thought of the unmated males in her pack looking at her.We sat and Asher pulled out a manilla envelope and I took my pen from my desk.I could feel Felicity's eyes boring into me.I read through the treaty and signed and slid it back to Asher as he signed his portion.
'Terrance in my office'My beta walked in and I handed him our copy of the document.
"File this for me"
"Yes Alpha"
Felicity I murmured as she looked at all the spines of books.
Yes she murmured.
"I would like to show you something"
"Uh is that okay Asher"
"It's fine just don't take too long"She walked out and I held her hand.She looked surprised but was happy.
Grace's POV
"Baby here let me take him"I nodded and Asher took Lucas who was still asleep.He was getting a little too big for me to carry him and with our second child growing it made it even harder.
What if we have twins I murmured and Asher's head lifted.
"We'd have twins then"
"I mean twins run on your side of the family and your genes over run mine"I seen Felicity out of the corner of my eyes with Easton but decided to not share what they were doing.
"Yes baby"
"Do you want a girl this time"
"Healthy will do"
"Just was hoping you wouldn't be one of those fathers who never wanted a girl"
"I'd just be protective like i am of you"
"Your protective of everyone"
"Only the ones I love"I seen Felicity and Easton walk toward us and she kept touching her lips and was a red as a tomato.I took Lucas and buckled him on his seat.
How was it I murmured and she blushed an even deeper shade of red.
You saw us she whispered.
Only the kissing I whispered.
He shifted I got see his wolf she murmured.I gasped and shut the door to Lucas's side.
Felicity you can't tell Asher or anyone that you aren't suppose to experience those things til your 18 I whispered.
You won't tell right she murmured.
No of course not but make sure you tell no one I whispered.She nodded and Easton came over to the other side and I let them have a bit of privacy I just caught the forehead kiss.Asher was flipping through a letter.
'What's that'
'We will talk about it later'
'Why not now'
'Because it involves Felicity and Easton wants to be the one to tell her'
'Is it the transfer'
'Yes if you must know now it is he'd like her to transfer before she's 18'Felicity got in the car and Easton watched us leave.Felicity stayed quiet the ride back as did Asher.I placed my hand over his and he took it in his own.
'I love you'
'I love you too baby'My knee started to bounce and my free hand ran over my bump feeling the kicks.
Asher Felicity murmured.
"Can you take me home"
"I will drop you off yes"
"Are you okay"
"Just don't feel the greatest think the milk in my cereal might of went bad"
"Alright"Lucas was cooing and I turned and he squealed.
"Hi baby did you have a good nap"He looked over to Felicity and reached for her.
"Can I"
"Yeah just be careful"She unbuckled him and he went into her arms snuggling into her as he fell back asleep.
He's sleepy today I murmured and got a bottle out of his diaper bag just in case.
"He didn't sleep well last night"
Asher's POV
"So what does this mean"
"It means he wants to take her damn it Carrie"
"James we knew this would happen eventually just not this soon"
"She's my little girl she's 16 and she's not going"
"Dad the choice is up to her and myself and if you read the contract you and mom can visit her or she can visit us as long as she has a guard"
"Asher she's your sister"
"I understand that dad but if Easton cares about her as much as I do for Grace i'd be able to let her go"
"Well you don't have a daughter Asher so you don't know how it feels"
"Both of you stop arguing..James it's Felicity's choice we can't make her stay with us as much as I don't want her to go either she will leave eventually and we have no control over it"My dad stormed out of the room and my mom kissed my head and followed him.I sighed and rubbed my temples.
"Ashy can we come in"
"Um yeah baby come in"Grace walked in with Lucas on her hip.She set him down and he wobbled his way over to me.
How'd it go she whispered.
"Better than I thought it would"
"Well we knew they weren't going to take it well"
"My mom took it fine it was my dad who freaked out"
"Well he's upset he's losing his first daughter to a different pack"
"But they can go see her at any time"
"Asher picture him in your shoes and that was our daughter you can't tell me you'd be calm and collected about it when you first heard about it"
"No i suppose your right"
"I know your worried too Asher your used to being her older brother the person that defends her and is protective of her"
"I just i know she'll come back to see us and she won't leave right away it's a couple month process"She only nodded and Lucas yawned.
Uh uh he mumbled rubbing his eyes.
"Should we go have a bath baby boy"He nodded and Grace lifted him up.I followed Grace and i started the water and undressed Lucas and got him in the tub.He played with his bath toys and I washed his hair.He stood and Grace came in with a fresh diaper and a sleeper.
Mmm Lucas squealed and I chuckled.
Is that your mommy I whispered and he whined trying to climb out of the tub.
Lucas no I murmured and stood wrapping him in his baby towel and lifting him up out of the tub.I dried him off and carried him into our room where Grace diapered him and he squirmed away before she could dress him in his sleeper.He reached for me and I lifted him up.
First you want mommy now you want me I murmured as Grace dressed him.
"He missed you today"
"How could you possibly miss me today I took you to another pack and you napped in my arms"
"He can't decide between daddy or mommy"
"I think he's defiantly a momma's boy"
Mm Lucas mumbled into my neck and I felt his pacifier press against my collarbone.
"He's probably exhausted"
I'll rock him tonight I murmured and Grace nodded handing me his blanket.Even though i knew I wouldn't need it because of my body heat keeping Lucas warm i still took the blanket bundling it around Lucas.He yawned and his small hand pressed against my throat.I walked onto our balcony and sat in the hammock.I couldn't even count how many times Grace and I fell asleep in this thing when she was pregnant.I settled into it and moved my foot to gently sway the hammock.I rubbed Lucas's back softly and tucked him in about twenty minutes later.Grace was already asleep in our bed when I climbed in.She was in some sweats and a loose pajama top.She rolled over onto her side when i nudged her and onto her pregnancy pillow so she can sleep on her side.I kissed her hair softly after I wrapped an arm around her stomach.
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