"I can't believe I lost" Mark says, he was now in his boxers, i must say, i for one wasn't complaining, the exposed abs, the bulge, damn.
"Okay final round" Bill says slurring his words. Bill was in his briefs and socks, Walter surprisingly in his jeans but was topless and me, well.....i used a pillow to cover the family jewels so i had been eliminated long time ago.
I watch as the bottle spins and it lands on Walter, I lean in on Mark's ear to say the question I've been meaning to ask all night.
"Okay Wally, Truth or dare"
Fuck, why can't he just pick truth!
Mark looks at me and i shrug, he ponders for a moment and then smirks.
"I dare you to....kiss Bill"
It went silent as Walter stared at Mark like he was crazy, Bill on the other hand was frowning, i guess the two weren't in a relationship after all.
After a minute, we watch as Walter turns Bill's head to the side and kisses him. Then the two were practically making out in front of us, Walter was dominating the kiss and Bill was just letting him to, he was at his mercy and he seems to enjoy it as well, damn
Walter pulls away leaving a breathless Bill who still had his eyes closed, wow.
"That was.....damn, that was hot as fuck" Mark says making me nod in agreement.
"Wow Walter, who knew you were such a good kisser" Bill says blushing.
Please don't tell me the other one had a crush on the other guy, that would not go well, just look at Mark and I, the guy is oblivious to my crush on him.
"I think it's time to go now" Walter says standing up and putting on his shirt.
"Yeah, thanks for having us Gav, see you tomorrow at practice" Bill says stumbling as he put on his jeans.
That leaves us with Mark and I in the room after the two left. Mark pops open a new bottle and takes a swig.
"Aren't you...going home?" I asked politely, i didn't want to come across as if i was kicking him out.
He shrugs and takes another swig.
"It's raining outside and i didn't drive here, those two were my ride"
"Oh....want to spend the night? I can sleep on the couch"
He smiles and nods.
Two hours passed and Mark was passed out, i had to carry him to my room and place him on the bed and tuck him in.
Gosh he looks handsome, especially when he's sleeping. I stand up and he holds on my hand.
"Don't leave....I'm....I'm afraid of lightning" he mumbles.
This might be awkward when he wakes up but nonetheless i lay next to him.
Okay think happy thoughts Gavin, rainbows, candy and bunnies, yeah that's it.
My efforts went down the drain as Mark snuggles up to me, i groan and try to push him on the side, i sigh in relief as he complies.
Okay, what's next is for me to survive the night.
───※ ·❆· ※───
I'm awoken by a loud boom and the apartment shaking slightly, what the fuck was that?
Mark mumbles something and turns over to his side, if this was a different time i would've gotten hard looking at his sleeping position.
You know when your left leg is straight and the right is up to your elbow revealing your ass making it look more thick? God knows how much i want to touch his ass but my mind was elsewhere, what the fuck landed on my roof.
I got out of bed and put on my sweatpants and go to the roof, my apartment is at the top floor so the roof is mine, i open the door and freeze.
It was a huge ass rock, was this a meteor? Why is the building still intact though?
The smoke cloud vanished after the rainy wind blew it away revealing something shining on the rock, they looked like fireflies, green, red, purple and red.
This is fascinating, i run a hand on the rock and gasp, it was so cold. I heard beeping and the rock started shaking.
Oh lord don't tell me this is like ben10, i don't want to have a watch that forces me to save the world no thanks, i step back incase said watch comes flying out seeking a wrist to latch onto.
The rock opened up in half and i watch in fascination as someone stepped out, oh my gosh, it was alien!
It's true, aliens exist!
The being steps out and i expect to see green skin and big black beady eyes but nope, I'm face to face with an ordinary boy, probably 18.
"Uh, hello?" I call out to catch his attention, he looks at me and squeaks making my ears ring, what the fuck was that.
He seems to see the pain he's causing so he stops and walks up to me, he presses his thumb on my forehead and i shiver, he was so cold.
He closes his eyes and i see my life flash before my eyes, he stops and steps back.
"Hello, my name is Bethel"
I cackle, Bethel?
"Are you an alien?"
"I am from the advanced species of humanoids, from the 75th earth" he says and pulls something out of his pocket, it was a tablet, the see through ones you normally see in space movies and wish they were there in real life.
"Bethel to station, Bethel to station over"
He received static in response and he frowned. He threw the tablet in the sky and shot it with a laser, that came from his eye.
"Whoa there, you can shoot lasers?"
"Yes human, now take me to your leader, i have to contact my station"
What? The leader as in the president? Does he know they'll just kidnap him and do experiments on him? Although i just met the guy he doesn't deserve that, i sigh.
"I am the leader, what do you want?"
He scans me up and down and nods, he taps his rock spaceship and i watch as it disappears.
"I come with a message, the leaders of the 75th earth plan to go planet to planet to see if they are favourable for our offsprings, those who fail to meet the requirements will be....eliminated"
"Wait wait....if earth fails to meet your leader's requirements we will be eliminated? Just like that??
He nods and fixed his suit, it was shining but i couldn't tell which colour it was since it was dark.
"Okay, let's head inside to talk about this"
"After you"
As we walk back to my room, my mind races with questions, why didn't I just take him to the president and what would happen if my planet doesn't meet the requirements, every human being, animal, rock, tree will be annihilated.
I open the door and lead him inside, i switch on the light and gasp in horror as i look at this alien.
His skin was a lime green, He had a robotic hand, his eyes were mismatched, his hair was not hair just brown scales and his spacesuit was a shining purple.
"Oh God...you're definitely an alien"
He nods and sits on the floor with his legs crisscross apple sauce.
"Let's get started on the requirements, we approximately have 336 hours, starting.....now"
336 hours...that's like....14 days.
"Okay let me hear them"
He nods and takes out another tablet.
"For our offspring to survive we have to find hosts that can carry them, the host must be strong, agile, responsible and mostly, be able to keep a secret"
"Wait...host? Are your offspring not birthed by you?"
"No, we find hosts that can incubate our eggs inside them, in the past we used the first earth where we used a species known as the austrolopithecus"
"Wait a damn minute, they still exist? I thought they were the first phase of the human evolution"
He shows me a video of the said species in their planet roaming around, wow.
"The species however are unsuitable as they usually fight for food but we came across this planet as we head back home"
"I see...the host you are describing though sounds as male, we usually have females carrying our babies"
"I know that, that is why we chose the male, to even out the field"
So earth will be filled with pregnant men roaming around? Fuck.
Me again! How was it? I normally suck at first person point of view because i run out of ideas and i don't know how to finish the story, probably the reason why this story will be short lol.
What do you think of Bethel😏
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