It's early morning and Bethel was still telling me about his species, apparently the rulers of the 75th earth are his parents making him the next ruler.
He was sent here to see if this planet was favorable for their plans that is why i decided to help him out. I will help him find a suitable host and hopefully the planet will not be destroyed.
"You have to change your appearance, if you walk around here like this you'll stick out more and scare the hosts"
He nods.
"Should I cloak myself as you?"
We can't have two Gavins running around. I decided to use google, he's quite short so I'll search for cute short guys on google.
But, he can't use these pictures as a cloak, in case there's someone who knows one of these models here, i decide to do the unthinkable, i tap the anime option.
"Are you sure this will work?" he asks after putting on his disguise.
He looked like one of those 3D characters from a chinese donghua.
"You look like you came from a game, can you add more flesh?"
He shrugs and i watch as as he taps on his tablet, everything becomes more humanly and i smile.
"Perfect" he had brown hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans.
"I like this actually, what do we do now?" He asks.
"Now i sleep, we've been up all night, sleep on the couch and I'll see you in a few hours okay"
"Roger that"
I nod and went back to my bedroom to find Mark drooling on my pillow, gosh he's so cute.
I lay next to him and i sigh. I just met an alien and agreed to help him, it's for the best of the planet right?
───※ ·❆· ※───
I must have slept for three hours because I heard talking in the living room. I got up and went to see what was happening.
"Mark? What's going on?"
I froze when i saw Mark holding Bethel to the wall on his neck.
"What the fuck is this?!" I yell.
"You tell me! I found this guy snooping around"
I sigh.
"Let him go Mark, he's a friend"
He lets go of Bethel who comes to my side and hugs me by the waist.
"Are you okay?" I ask him and i receive a nod in response.
"Dude...is he your...boyfriend? I didn't know I'm sorry!"
Gosh he's cute when he's panicking.
"No he's just a friend, he came over last night to crash here for a few days"
"Oh....sorry little man" he says to Bethel who sassyly i might say rolled his eyes and huffed.
When did he start behaving like a human?
"It's okay Mark, see you at practice?"
"Yeah man, I'll get going"
Once Mark put on his clothes and left Bethel let go of me and sighed.
"I didn't know how humans behaved so i acted out a scene from a video i saw"
"Which video was that? Mark is a friend of mine"
"I don't know, i stumbled upon it on that big screen"
He means the TV, i chuckle and nod heading to the kitchen, i make myself a breakfast smoothie, mango and orange.
Bethel was watching me like i was his lab rat or something.
"So you and that human participate in coitus?"
I choked on my smoothie and almost hacked myself to death.
"No! Dear God no....i wish though"
He makes an "ah" sound like he was taking notes mentally.
"Where will you start your scout for...hosts"
He pulls out his space tablet and taps on it before handing it to me.
"The mall?"
"It says here that that's the common place humans go, there might be a chance to find a good host for me"
"Wait wait....yours? You'll be giving the host your offspring?"
"Yes, part of my mission here is to see if my offspring will survive after hatching, other than that I'll be here until the whole experiment is concluded"
"I see....well I'll let you go ahead then, i have practice"
"Oh...you're not taking me there?"
"Dude, i have football practice, maybe after that"
"I see...can i come with?"
"You sure about that?"
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Okay we'll be having a match in two weeks against Gargoyle united" the coach said as we stood in the field.
Walter, our goalie was putting on his gloves while Bill and I, the strikers were in position. I could see Mark ahead in the field looking fine as ever.
In my peripheral view, i saw Bethel sitting like a robot looking at the guys like he was scanning their livelihood or something. He caught my gaze and nodded.
"Relax" i mouthed to him and he looked like a deflated balloon as he melted on the plastic seat, gosh he's so dense.
"Okay guys, two hour practice and then thirty minutes lap around the field and....go!"
The whistle blew and we started practice.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Good job everyone, see you on Thursday" coadh said patting our shoulders and walking out of the field.
Mark, Bill and Walter walk up to me all smiles.
"Should we host our little party again tonight?" Bill asks. I shrug.
"Why not, but we'll have an addition to the group"
"Oh? Who?"
"The boy over there" Mark says pointing to the bleachers. We all turn to look at Bethel who was talking to the coach about who knows what.
"Oh? Is he your boyfriend Gav?" Walter asks. I shake my head.
"Nah, just a friend who's staying over for a few days"
"Cool, the more the merrier man, as long as he doesn't chicken out in the games" Bill shrugs walking away with Walter leaving me with Mark.
"Did...did anything happen last night?" He asks. I frown.
"No, why?"
I saw his face morph in relief.
"Oh thank goodness, i thought we slept together or something"
"Is...is that how you think of me Mark? That I'd rape you in your sleep?"
"No! Oh God no, i see how you look at me so i thought maybe you'd...i don't know man, kiss me or suck my cock while i slept.
Wow. Who knew handsome Mark will turn out be an
"Asshole" i spat and walked away from him, I walk up to Bethel who was about to say something and i just yanked him up and pulled him away heading to my car.
"Are you okay? Your heartbeat has increased by 3%"
"I'm fine, get in the car and let's go find you a host"
The white bmw i8 roars to life and i speed out heading to the mall.
"Your coach is an alien"
I slammed on the brakes and looked at him with wide eyes.
"What did you say?"
"Your coach, he's an alien, the inferior species that is ruled by my parents, he probably escaped here to seek a better life"
Wow...my coach is an alien
"How did you know?"
"He saw me and gasped before bowing, quite funny"
"Wait, bow? So...you're the prince of the aliens?"
"Something like that"
"Wow....well, we're here, go ahead while i park the car"
He nods and gets out and I head to the parking lot.
After fifteen long minutes of finding a space i go out to seek for the alien.
"This was a bad idea" i murmur as i have no fucking idea where he ran off to.
As i walk around i see men walking with frowns and scowls on their faces, oh God.
I hurry up and see Bethel going from male to male pressing his thumb on every male forehead he sees.
I walk up to him with my hands on my waist.
"What on earth are you doing?"
"Finding a host, these males won't do"
"Why not?"
"They all seem too dense to carry my offspring, they lack the intelligence I'm looking for"
"Oh yeah? What about me?"
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