Time has passed and today was the day the eggs hatch, apparently i will have to push them back out and watch them hatch, what was the use of whole thing? Apparently aliens have no idea what's the use, urgh.
I'm laying on the couch with my legs spread and Bethel is looking at my exposed hole, Bill on the other hand was wiping my sweat like some nurse from a TV drama.
"Okay i need you to try and push okay? If it doesn't work I'll have to use the stretcher"
Stretcher? Oh hell no, egg you better pop out like a bullet!
I nod and try to push, i screamed in pain as i feel myself stretch to the limit, i watch the blood smeared egg rest on a nest Bethel had made.
"Why is there blood!" Bill yells in panic.
"No time, Gavin push the other one"
"I can't, it hurts"
"Gavin, you have to push them out, if not....you'll die"
"WHAT?!" Both Bill and I exclaimed.
"Gavin, these eggs, once they hatch, they will feed on your insides, that's why parents wanted to owe you one, they knew you wouldn't be alive after the hatching"
We hear a cracking sound and we saw hairline cracks on the egg on the table.
"Quick push them out!" Bill yells.
One by one, the eggs manage to pop out and each one covered in more blood than the other.
We watched as the eggs hatch, i was about to see what came out but i passed out.
"Gav? Gav? He's unconscious" i say to Bethel, he nods and pulls out a kit and starts doing who knows what under there.
My friend almost died today and now he's unconscious, it must've taken a toll on him, he is a human after all
"If my friend dies, I'll kill you Bethel, i don't care if you're an alien"
"He wil not die, he's just tired that's all"
I sigh and watch him take care of my friend. My ears ring as one of the hatchlings scream, probably for their father.
I'm not going to lie, these things ugly as fuck, Bethel is also ugly in his alien form, i wonder what Gavin saw in him.
"I think they need you or something" i say.
"No they need food, can you feed them?"
"Nah man, i aint giving no alien babies my blood"
He chuckles.
"No they need, semen"
"I'm sorry what."
"They need semen, Gavin can't give me because he's asleep, so you will do"
What the fuck is he saying? Has Gavin been feeding him his semen? That's disgusting.
"I don't think I-"
"Please? Gavin would do it"
I sigh, what the fuck.
───※ ·❆· ※───
I watched the alien babies sip on my seed, ew.
They look kinda human and alien, their skin is human but their eyes and hair sheesh the hair makes my skin crawl, it's like they're wearing snake skin as a helmet.
Gavin was taken to his room after Bethel stitched him up and applied what he said, healing ointment, okay alien.
He's now watching his children feed.
"What made you choose Gavin?"
He chuckled.
"I had decided to choose you and Mark but he decided to take it all by himself"
What? I could've been pregnant?
"Whoa...so he basically saved us"
"No...he saved the whole world"
Whoa, Gavin, thanks for saving us man.
Time passed and suddenly a white beam of light shone on the room.
"My parents are here"
Great,more aliens.
He carries the little ones and walks out to the roof, i follow him because i want to see these aliens.
The sun was setting but everything seemed to have paused, did they stop time?
I gasp seeing the large spaceship in the sky, it looked like a big ass boomerang.
The doors opened and two big and i mean BIG figures step out. They seemed to have been in a good mood because they hugged Bethel and started to talk making my ears ring.
Bethel gave them the children and walked up to me.
"Give this to Gavin when he wakes up"
I frown.
"You're leaving? Just like that?"
He nods with sad eyes.
"The mission was completed, i have to go home now"
"Wait you can't just leave! Gavin fell in love with you and you abandon him just like that?"
"Love? What's that?"
This little piece of shit, i punch him in the jaw and throw his stupid pill at his head.
"You want to leave, then go! But i will not give my friend that memory erasing pill just because you're a coward"
"How did you know it-"
"I've seen the movies, you can go but know that Gavin will still remember you, if you still want to see him then it means you feel the same and if not you'll live with the guilt that you broke his heart"
I stormed off leaving him there, my friend deserves better.
───※ ·❆· ※───
It's late in the night and I've been thinking about how to tell Gavin that Bethel left.
Oh God, my heart breaks for him.
"Hey Gav, you're awake"
He nods and sits down carefully.
"Where's Bethel?"
"He uh....he left Gav...he said the mission was complete so he went back home"
Was all he could say, but I knew he was disappointed, he had been used by an alien and left heartbroken.
"I'll go uhm...I'll go take a shower now" he whispered.
He meant he's going to cry, how did I know? Gavin's voice always goes soft when he's heartbroken, his eyes were also glassed over with tears.
He closed the bathroom and all i could hear was the shower, but deep down i knew...Gavin, was not going to be the same again.
Man i should've cut that alien's tail off, next time I'll bring my machete.
A/N- one more chapter to go, is it good? Lol.
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