Again, also by
Name: Python
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Personality: Python is a loving big sister. She plays with her younger twin and is sometimes (actually, most times) in the typical "whatever" big sister mood. She loves her little sister Moss, and is fine with her living in the Mud Kingdom when they finish JMA.
Backstory: Python was two years old when her twin sister Moss wandered too far away from the rainforest and was almost eaten by a crocodile. She was gone for six months and fell in love with a MudWing. During those six months, Queen Glory made everyone look for here and allowed Python to be the head of the search. When she returned, Python was three and still vowed to always be loving and caring towards Moss because she thought that Moss ran away because she was teasing her. When Python was five, a mean RainWing (wow) noticed she was missing the head frill thing and pointed it out to everyone. The RainWings were waiting for her to be banned like Chameleon was, so no one expected it when Queen Glory announced that all RainWings and NightWings with any disabilities or "wrong looks(?)" would be staying at her "palace" until the tribes learned to accept them for who they were. Two years later she and her twin went to JMA where they met the MudWing Moss fell in love with. She was put in the same winglet as Python, and they got along very well. Shadowliar was also in the Gold winglet with them, and five weeks in, she got kicked out for being too mean to the other students. Queen Glory was left to deal with her, and she set her to work re-building some of the old Night Kingdom along with other RainWings and NightWings. Python met a SilkWing named Monarch at JMA, and fell in love with them. After she is done, she plans to move to an island in between Pyrrhia and Pantala with Monarch, still keeping in touch with her twin sister and her best friend in the entire world, Moss. Only Queen Glory and her sister know that she doesn't have venom or fangs. Queen Glory attended her hatching, so she was all like "Hey, if you don't want to do venom practice at school you don't have to" because she saw Python didn't have fangs, and, luckily, Python didn't want to do venom practice.
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