Chapter 1
"M-Mom..?" I stuttered badly. I looked down at her cold, lifeless eyes. I shivered, shock still over whelming mind my body to even cry. I began hyperventilating, backing away from moms corpse.
"D-Dad!!" I yelled, running to the living room. I stopped in my tracks, seeing Dad. A Titans hand began pulling him from the living room.
"[YN]!! RUN!!" He screamed, reaching his hand out for me. He disappeared, through the giant hole in the wall.
I stood there, hearing dad scream in pain. Blood suddenly sprayed through the hole, falling onto the floor and couches.
I began to scream, hot tears streaming down my face. A giant hand went through the hold again, except this time- towards me. I shut my mouth, running out of its grasp.
I ran to the corner of the kitchen, out of the titans reach. I began breathing heavily, seeing the hand desperately try to reach me.
I could feel blood on my hands, my face, everywhere. I was covered in my parents blood.
I sniffled, hearing something slice open. The hand suddenly dropped, sliding out of the hole.
I quickly jumped up, running behind the kitchen table, pulling the table cloth over my head- I crawled under the table.
I don't want to die!
Please! Not today!
Not until a million years!
I squeezed my eyes shut, hugging my knees tightly. I suddenly heard a clank, then something landed on the edge of the hole.
I held my breath, hearing footsteps walk towards the kitchen.
"Tch. Filthy." The man muttered, walking into some other room.
"Hello?" The man called out, walking back into the kitchen. "Hello? Anybody here?" He called out again.
I stayed silent, seeing the mans legs shadow on the table cloth next to me. The man suddenly held still, shifting his feet. Suddenly two blades aimed down near his feet, slowly walking to the other room again.
"Hello..?" He muttered.
What do I do!?
Is he going to kill me!?
"I guess not. No survivors... Again."
He walked out through the other room, passing by the kitchen- he walked over to the living room again.
I took a deep breath, before jumping out from under the table.
"Please-!" I cried for help- but quickly stopped.
The man quickly pointed his blades at me, alarmed.
He had black raven hair, with grey orbs with sharp eyes. So dull and emotionless. His hair was parted in the middle with a weird undercut.
He quickly pointed his blade down, sighing, "I'm sorry. You startled me." He apologized.
I could feel tears in my eyes again. I ran at him, hugging his legs. "T-Thank you." I muttered, holding his thighs tightly.
(Levi's like, taller than you obviously cuz he's like 6 years older than you so you basically come up to his waist.)
He stumbled, "y-yeah." He muttered, hoisting me up. "You seriously need some help."
I cocked my head the side, rubbing my eyes, "b-but your m-my help. You h-helped me." I whimpered, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"K-kid." He growled, "you have blood all over my neck." He shuddered, glaring at me harshly. I just shrugged, keeping my hands around his neck to hold me up.
"My names [YN]. Is daddy okay? Where is he?" I wondered, he just went with a Titan- but this man killed the Titan. Maybe daddy was still okay!!
The man raised an eyebrow, "your dad... The one in the hands of the Titan..." He suddenly looked sad, "little girl. Your dad.. Your dad is dead."
I began crying again, resting my head on the mans shoulder, "daddy can't be gone too!!" I cried, clinging onto him.
He rubbed my back, letting me cry onto his shoulder.
"Hey, shh. It's okay. Stop crying." He demanded, looking into my eyes.
I nodded, sniffling and rubbing my eyes.
He looked at me for a bit before smirking, "you know. Your one tough kid." He mused, poking my cheek playfully.
I giggled, grabbing his finger. He just chuckled, putting his hand down.
For what happened. Things seem okay.
Things could've gotten worse. I could've died today.
But I didn't!
"Feel better now?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yea. I feel better!" I giggled.
Even though my parents just died, I fuckin' got over that quick huh?
He just shook his head, "well. At least your an survivor- I'm gonna have to take you back. Erwin's gonna want to see you." He paused before adding, "I think you'll be a fine soldier."
I giggled, cupping his face in my hands. I smushed his face together, making him do a fishy face. I laughed loudly, "okay sergeant fishy!"
He rolled his eyes, putting my hands down, "it's Levi, dumb brat."
I pouted, crossing my arms, "don't call me brat, brat." I retorted, glaring at him.
He returned the glare, just standing there.
After a couple of moments, he finally looked away, grinning, "you got guts kid. Your a lot like me."
I giggled, jumping up and down in his arms, "who's Erwin?"
He sighed, "just. Hang on tight. You'll find out soon."
And with that, he grabbed onto a building, zooming into the air.
After we made it into a giant building, Levi set me down, walking me into a office. He held my small hand, gripping it gently. "Hey, don't be scared- he may seem scary but he's just... Serious, all the time."
I nodded, not even paying attention to him. I just looked up at him, he was pretty tall, and with the boxes at his sides he looked cool. He was a cool man. I liked him.
He opened up the door for me, walking in with me to see a man with funny eyebrows sit at a desk.
"Levi." The man stood up, walking around his desk, "any survi-" he stopped, looking down at me. He squatted down eye level with me, staring at me.
"Who is this little girl, Levi?" He asked, still staring at me. Nervous, I looked up at Levi.
He nodded, "go on," he whispered.
I nodded, looking back down at the man, "I'm [YN] [LN]." I said, gripping Levi's hand.
He nodded, smiling, "nice to meet you, I'm Erwin." He held out his hand- in which I immediately flinched, glancing up at Levi again.
"He's not going to hurt you." He whispered, giving me a small wink.
I nodded, shaking Erwin's big hand. Erwin pulled back, standing back up, "she's pretty brave huh?"
"Yeah." Levi spoke, "she's got guts." He picked me up, wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me up by my butt.
"I never knew you were so find of children, Levi." Erwin smiled, looking at the both of us.
"Well. I never dealt with children." He confessed, looking at me, "so anyways. Who's going to take care of her? Her parents where eat- er- taken by titans." He looked into my eyes, worried.
"Well. The only person able to take care of her is you." Erwin crossed his arms.
"WHAT!?" Levi yelled, clinging onto me, "I can't take care of her! I'm not cut out! Make four eyes do it!"
Erwin shook his head, "Hanji isn't cut out for babysitting. She's too hyper. But you can deal with her, I know you can."
Levi sighed, looking at me. I gave him a goofy grin, not even oblivious to what is happening. He smiled,
"I guess I'm your babysitter."
Sorry if the writing was weird- I kinda wanted to put it in a little kids perspective.
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