PART - 6
Mahir Pov
Damn what did I just do...... what she would be thinking about me , Shit Mahir you are such an idiot like how you couldn't control yourself ..... Like common you kissed her 🤦🏻♂️ that to in elevator 🤐 but indeed I am obsessed with her plumpy lips and her raspberry lip balm that was so fucking good.... Okk !!!! no cursing , I really wanna kiss her like their is no tomorrow 🤷🏻♂️ , Fuck... Come on Mahir what are you even thinking
Suddenly there was a ding in the elevator telling me that I have reached to my floor.
I just stormed out of the elevator and reached our cabin, just before I opened the door I heard the devils talking ; Ughhhh my brothers.......
il m'a juste renvoyé de là , Angad objected
[ Translation : He just dismissed me from there ]
est-ce vrai!? , Raghbir asked shockingly
[ Translation : Is that so!? ]
Wait....whom are they talking about
Me!? No no can't be me
But hold on ......
oui mon frère, et Mahir lui-même est monté dans l'ascenseur avec ma Siya , Angad whined again
[ Translation : Yes bro, and then Mahir himself got in the elevator with My Siya ]
Oh so they talking about me , I smirked 😏
Well well I am the topic everywhere 😎
mon Siya!???????? , Raghbir said with a heavy and angry voice
[ Translation : My Siya!???????? ]
Ok 🤣I can feel Raghbir glaring at Angad
viens mon frère, tu viens d'entendre cette partie de ma phrase!? , Angad said mildly with a light lipped smile 🌚
[ Translation : comeon brother , did you just hear that part of my sentence!? ]
Before someone says anything further
I rolled my eyes
Shoving my handing in my pocket , walked in with swag 😎
With a loud bang on the door
I can see both of them startled.....
Raghbir was sitting on the Chair opposing Angad and had his coffee in his hands which almost got spilled due to my loud entry , huh ......
And Angad on the other hand was leaning onto the table with his elbows on the table and his face in his palms whom got shaken as soon as I entered and dropped his jaw on the table because his hands trembled badly resulting him to scream Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..........
Oh my poor baby brother
I just laughed out loud looking at the scene in front of me🤣🤣🤣
He said ogling at me as if I am some ghost
Ughhh, idiot
I just picked up the file which was on the table containing name of those who were supposedly here for the interview , why do we even need them now!?
I marched towards the cupboard and placed the file there , connecting to the intercom I informed my employee Vish to ask the watchman to send everyone back.
Disconnecting, I searched for my phone in my pocket and unlocking it I went to the news space to get some information about what's happening in the world......
While scrolling for a while ,
I closed my left eye and peeped up towards Raghbir who was sitting there checking the files and then closing my right eye I glanced up right towards Angad who was engrossed with biting his nails....
I laughed in my own self looking at their brainwashed faces!!!
Siya Pov
My cheeks literally heated up after what Mahir did ......... I didn't reply anything and just left the elevator blushing like an apple
I then took an uber and left for my apartment , The same things were going on in my head * How he looked at me , leaned towards me , pecked my lips , saved his number in my phones , asked me to text him whenever I want * and lastly how he addressed me as princess , the way he said princess with a husky voice really gave me chills down my spine....
I was in my own La la Land when the Cab driver interrupted me and brought me Back to the earth , I then paid him the amount and came inside my apartment . Changing into my PJs , I went into the kitchen exploring it for something to eat and found apples on the kitchen counter , just by looking at them I got reminded of how my cheeks turned as red as these apples in front of me when we had that little moment and I started blushing hard again . No sooner as the reality hit me that I am in my kitchen standing hungry starving for food but still blushing like an idiot , I mentally kicked myself and grabbed the apple and came into my room.
As soon as I hit the bed with a thud , The thoughts of whatever happened in the office clouded into my brain again and I started thinking about Raghbir calling me 'HIS SIYA' , Angad holding my cheeks , Mahir kissing me and all that once again ; which later turned into a abrupt ending of my thoughts leading into a headache....
But yet repeatedly not paying attention and worry towards my headache , I started thinking about the boys again with a minor difference in my self as now I have a headache to bother as well . For now to me it was seeming way too disturbing , having been doing so much with my own bosses .
It all seemed so wrong , But thinking again for a while I thought that I was never wrong . I never initiated anything , It was the bosses only , Realizing that I should not be corrupted by what happened today but just focus onto the work they hired me for .... Yeah go Siya , just ignore these boys......
God this gonna be difficult but Yesssssssss ......you can do it Siya
Just Home to Office
Work - Work
Work - Work
And office to home
All set ............
So Yaa Here I am with Another Chapter , I hope you guys gonna like it And Please Do Vote And Do tell me how's the chapter in the comments section , I would love to get your reviews , Love you All ♥️
Thank You So much Guys for showering so much Love 🥺 🙏🏻 , This really means a lot to me standing in the #1 position on the hashtag #Mahir and 1.82 k reads ..... you all really made me cry Truely overwhelmed with so much love.... I am literally having goosebumps
I will still say that I never thought that you people gonna love my book so much cause I am literally not an writer and It was just a mare thought given by my friends that I should start writing , I never thought that this decisions would be really one of my best decision . And Special Thanks To My Dear Readers who are so supporting & loving
With Love ❤️ Your Writer
Saraaaaa :)
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