Chapter 6
"Is he okay?"
"He's just tired."
"Last night was wild!"
"Calvin, shut up, Louis is trying to sleep!"
"...Stan? Can you cook me breakfast?"
"Ask me that one more time, I swear."
"Guys, seriously."
"Shut up Aaron, get your panties out of a twist."
"What the hell, Aaron?"
"I don't wear panties, asshole."
I groan loudly and pull my blanket up over my head. I'm well awake, but I don't feel like getting up yet.
"You guys are so loud," I complain, rolling to the other side of the bed. Except, I'm not in a bed, I'm on a couch, and I fall onto the floor. My white sheet tangles around my legs and I just lay there, my head pounding. Whether it's from me hitting my head on the ground, or from the amount of alcohol I consumed last night, I don't know. I just want some painkillers.
"Comfortable there?" Stan asks in a teasing voice, smirking at me on the floor.
"Yeah," I reply, not bothering to climb back onto the couch. "Why are you guys in my house?"
"We're not. Aaron let us sleep over." Stan answers, not looking up from his phone.
"Oh. Thanks." I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling. It was a white popcorn ceiling, and wasn't that good looking. I should've known this wasn't my house, I have much better house-designing skills, or whatever.
"Oi, you should thank me." Aaron sighs, pinching the bride of his nose.
"I know. I just did."
"I'm never taking care of any of you ever again."
I sit up, and everything goes black. I almost pass out, but it's just because I sat up too fast.
"Were we that bad?" I ask, Calvin and Stan also looking to Aaron, who nods.
"Calvin wouldn't stop singing, Stan wouldn't stop trying to run away, and Louis, well, you just puked everywhere."
I grimace and apologize to Aaron, thanking him again for letting us stay at his house and for taking care of us.
"Well, I basically had to." He rolls his eyes but smiles, and I know he appreciates it. I excuse myself from the room, throwing the sheet back onto the couch and going to the bathroom to freshen up.
I click on the light and latch the door behind me, and oh my, do I look like a wreck. My hair is a complete mess, sticking to my forehead due to sweat. My complexion is paler than usual, with dark purple circles under my eyes. I chuckle, thinking that I could definitely look like part of the Cullen family.
Ha, I love Twilight.
Um, I mean, Twilight sucks and I didn't read the books and I definitely didn't cry at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Shut up, I said I didn't.
I open the drawer under the counter and search for an unused toothbrush that I can borrow. Or steal, I guess. I don't think Aaron will want it back.
I eventually find one and rip open the cardboard, taking the toothbrush out of its packaging and throwing the box away.
I brush my teeth and try to recall everything that happened last night.
I really can't remember much anything, but I'm sure nothing happened. I go out all the time, and nothing bad has happened yet.
I splash myself with water from the sink and exit the bathroom, taking my new red toothbrush with me.
Ironically, Stan is in the kitchen, cooking Calvin breakfast.
"Louis, do you want some?" Stan asks, gesturing to the frying pan where an egg is cooking. Aaron is lurking in the corner, carefully watching Stan cook. He probably doesn't trust him not to burn the house down.
"No, but what kind of cereal do you have?" I open a cabinet and look at the choices Aaron has.
Raisin bran, ew.
I settle for Frosted Flakes and pour myself a bowl, spilling milk onto the counter as I pour it on top of my cereal. I wipe it off with my sleeve, earning an "ew" from Aaron. I grab a spoon from the dishwasher (after asking Aaron if the dishes were clean) and go to sit at the table next to Calvin.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it, checking my notifications on Instagram and Twitter. Seeing nothing abnormal, I open the group chat to say good morning to the lads (even though it was well past 1pm).
@pastellouis: hiiii
@grasshoppertommo: WILLIAM
@hedgehoglou: WILLIAM
@toystorylou: WILLIAM
@backtoyoufool: WILLIAM
@pastellouis: what a warm welcome i feel so wanted and needed
@grasshoppertommo: shut up something happened
@backtoyoufool: a couple of things actually !!!!!!!!!!
@pastellouis: wHAT
@hedgehoglou: i guess that means you didn't get a picture😟
@grasshoppertommo: damn im sorry😟
@pastellouis: 😢😥
@backtoyoufool: sorry😥
@toystorylou: you'll meet him one day😢
@pastellouis: i hope
Read by: @hedgehoglou, @grasshoppertommo, @toystorylou, and @backtoyoufool
@pastellouis: um, what else happened yesterday?
@grasshoppertommo: FUCKCKCKCKCKCK
@backtoyoufool: IM STILL SO FUCKIN SHOOK
@toystorylou: I CANT BELIEVE IT
@pastellouis: ....what?
I choke on my cereal and spit it across the table and Calvin grimaces.
"You alright mate?" Stan asks, setting a plate of eggs down in front of Calvin. I ignore him and shakily pick my phone back up.
@pastellouis: no he doesnt???
@hedgehoglou: didnt you see the tweet???
@pastellouis: what tweet?????????
"Louis? Are you okay?" Stan repeats, looking at me with concern. "You're like, super pale. Even more than before."
"Y-Yeah," I stammer, weakly smiling at my friend who smiles back, but glances at me with worry.
@grasshoppertommo: oh my god you didnt see the tweet
@backtoyoufool sent a tweet!
@Louis_Tomlinson: i run a secret fan account
31.8K Comments, 96.6K Retweets, 369K Favorites
@toystorylou: i literally cant believe it
@toystorylou: i know i always said he had a secret fan account but I WAS JOKING WHDOWNURPD
@hedgehoglou: I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK
@backtoyoufool: ME TOO
@hedgehoglou: I'LL HELP YOU NIALL
@toystorylou: ME TOO
@grasshoppertommo: WHAT ABOUT YOU WILL
Read by: @pastellouis, @hedgehoglou, @toystorylou, and @backtoyoufool
@grasshoppertommo: ...will?
I dropped my phone onto the table, holding my head in my hands. My friends all stare at me.
"Lads," I whisper, pushing my cereal away from me. "I've done something bad. Like, really bad."
i didnt think i would finish in time but i did :')
i quite like this chapter
thats all
if you find any mistakes then please tell me so i can fix it :)
my love always,
shelby x
instagram: @rainbowlouuu
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