Chapter 5
I look out of the car's window as we drive down the city's crowded highway. L.A. is always busy, even at night, which creates difficult traffic at times, but watching the cars' headlights flash past us as they drove by was peaceful.
We came to a stop as the traffic light turned red, Stan yelling at Calvin for nearly rear-ending the car in front of us. Aaron mutters something about crashing his car, and I decide ignore my friends and look over at the car next to us. A man sits in the driver's seat, one hand pinching the bridge of his nose and the other holding his phone to his ear. I wondered who he was talking to. Maybe it was his boss, calling to tell him he has to go back to work? Or maybe it was one of his friends, arguing and bickering in his ear like mine are right now.
"All I'm saying is that if Calvin crashes my car, I'm not paying for it."
"Aaron, you'd sue me?!"
"Don't worry Aaron, Louis would buy you a new car."
"No I wouldn't."
"Why did you even let Calvin drive in the first place?"
"Stan, you drive worse than I do!"
"I'm a great driver, excuse you."
"Stan drives like a ninety-year old lady."
"No one asked for your input, Aaron."
"Shut up, the traffic is moving!" I point to the moving line of vehicles in front of us, and Calvin steps on the gas pedal.
We drive in silence, listening to the radio.
"Fuck, Lou, it's your song." Stan gives me a lopsided grin and turns the volume up and I grimace. I felt awkward listening to my own music with other people around.
"Not this one again, switch the station, please."
Stan turned around again to give me a deadpanned expression from the passenger's seat.
"Absolutely not, we're listening to it."
I shake my head and smile as all three boys launch into singing, very poorly I might add. None of them really know the lyrics either, so they're just shouting the words they know and mumbling past the rest.
I open Instagram and take a video of my dumb friends singing to my song and post it on my story, then open some dm's from fans.
I switch to Twitter and open the group chat.
@pastellouis: im driving to the pulse rnnnn
@pastellouis: hoes
@pastellouis: hoes wya
@pastellouis: pay attention to me😢😢😢
@hedgehoglou: pay attention to the road
@grasshoppertommo: crash
@pastellouis: HAROLD
@hedgehoglou: *harry
@grasshoppertommo: are you just going to ignore me😢
@pastellouis: dont worry im not driving my friend is
@grasshoppertommo: hello
@hedgehoglou: is he a good driver
@pastellouis: not really
@grasshoppertommo: WHAT AM I CHOPPED LIVER
@pastellouis: no but you are white bread
@grasshoppertommo: i hope you crash
@pastellouis: so you've said
@pastellouis: its getting stale, you should come up with a new one-liner
@grasshoppertommo: its not a one-liner
@pastellouis: wheres zayn and liam
@hedgehoglou: sleeping probably
@grasshoppertommo: more like fucking👀
@hedgehoglou: egeikebeoelenwkdncbsklw
@pastellouis: 💀💀💀
@hedgehoglou: do zayn and liam know each other irl
@grasshoppertommo: no
@pastellouis: no
@hedgehoglou: oh
"Calvin, take that left turn." Aaron points to a road off the highway. A large building with flashing windows comes into sight. The boys cheer at the sight.
@pastellouis: we're here yessss
@pastellouis: it looks super wild
@hedgehoglou: have funnnn
@grasshoppertommo: take a picture with louis ok👍👍
I close out of Twitter and shove my phone into my pocket as the car comes to a stop in front of the club. I open my door and step out of the car.
"Who's the driving us home?" Stan asks, yelling 'not it' directly after.
Calvin and I quickly say 'not it' as well, and Aaron whines.
"I was the designated driver last time!" he protests. Calvin places a hand on his shoulder.
"The good news is, you can't complain about my driving if you drive." He smacks the back of his head and runs inside, Aaron following close behind.
"Idiots." Stan mutters, and starts towards the door.
"So are you," I say, jogging to catch up with him.
"We all are," he shrugs and smiles, turning to me once we're inside the building. "You up for shots?"
I nod and we step around the many dancing people towards the bar. I look around for Calvin and Aaron, but they are nowhere to be found.
"Oh my god, Louis Tomlinson!" I turn around when I hear my name. A girl with short black hair stands in front of me, smiling brightly.
"Hi, love," I open my arms and she hugs me tightly. "What's your name?"
"Isabella! I literally can't even believe you're here and I'm talking to you, oh my god." I laugh.
"Do you want a picture?" I ask, and she nods quickly.
"Oh my god, yes." She unzips her purse and searches for her phone. She pulls it out of her bag after a moment, opening the camera. I throw up a quick peace sign and Isabella takes the picture.
"Thank you so much, I love you!" She hugs me again.
"I love you too," I chuckle.
"Louis, shots!" I hear Stan's voice call over the loud music.
"I've got to go, love, it was nice meeting you," I say, waving goodbye to Isabella.
"Bye! Thank you so much!" Isabella waves her hand frantically after me as I turn around.
"I'll look for that picture on Twitter later!" I call to her and she runs off, probably going to find a friend.
I reach the bar to see Stan and Calvin downing a drink, and Aaron sitting on a barstool with his head in his hand, pouting. I take a shot from the counter and so do the boys (not Aaron).
"Cheers, lads!" Calvin and Stan yell with excitement, tapping their glasses against mine. I down the shot and grimace at the burn, slamming the glass down onto the bar. I high five Calvin and Stan yells at the bartender for another round of shots.
This is going to be a wild night.
@hedgehoglou: hey niall
@hedgehoglou: niall
@hedgehoglou: niallllll
@grasshoppertommo: ?
@hedgehoglou: wanna hear a joke
@grasshoppertommo: no
@hedgehoglou: whats the stupidest animal in the jungle
@grasshoppertommo: monkey? idk
@hedgehoglou: nope
@hedgehoglou: its the polar bear
@grasshoppertommo: polar bears dont live in the jungle
@hedgehoglou: i know
@grasshoppertommo: .....
@hedgehoglou: thats the joke
@grasshoppertommo: ...........
@hedgehoglou: get it
@grasshoppertommo: no
@pastellouis: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
@hedgehoglou: hi will
@grasshoppertommo: heyo👋
@hedgehoglou: is the pulse as fun as the media says it is
@pastellouis: maybe
@pastellouis: its a secret i cant tell you
@hedgehoglou: okay...
@pastellouis: but i do have something ive been meaning to tell you guys
@grasshoppertommo: ok👍 whats up
@pastellouis: i just hope you wont be mad...
@hedgehoglou: we wont
@grasshoppertommo: cant promise anything
@pastellouis: okay...
@pastellouis: im........
Read by: @grasshoppertommo and @hedgehoglou
@hedgehoglou: youre what?
@pastellouis: suspense huehuehuehue
@pastellouis: IM PREGNANT🎊🎊🎊🎊
@hedgehoglou: REALLY I LOVE BABIES
@grasshoppertommo: ...william thats not possible
@pastellouis: yes it is
@grasshoppertommo: no, men cant get pregnant
@pastellouis: oh
@hedgehoglou: DISSAPOINTMENT
@pastellouis: dont be sad harry dont let niall tell you what can and cant happen in this world you can be pregnant if you want to because it is possible because i said so
@grasshoppertommo: william how drunk are you
@pastellouis: im on my 6rd shot
@hedgehoglou: 6rd?
@pastellouis: i mean 6st
@pastellouis: soz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@pastellouis: autocorrect amiright HAHAHAHAHA
@hedgehoglou: ...right
@grasshoppertommo: whatever, just take care of yourself bro
@hedgehoglou: yeah, dont get hurt and please drink responsibly
@pastellouis: ok im gonna go dancing now
@hedgehoglou: have fun
@grasshoppertommo: find yourself a nice guy maybe😉
@pastellouis: im not gay byyyyyeeeeee
@grasshoppertommo: (he's in denial)
@grasshoppertommo: sorry😌
@hedgehoglou: that was interesting
@grasshoppertommo: im never letting him hear the end of it either
@hedgehoglou: aww niall dont be a meanie😉
@grasshoppertommo: shut up
"Calvin, look!" I call, motioning for the man to come over to me. He stumbles over, almost running into a girl holding a drink. He apologizes and runs over to me.
"What?" he asks, looking to the thing I'm pointing at. "The pole?" I nod.
"Watch, I know what I'm doing."
I really don't, but my drunken mind-state convinces me that I do. I climb up onto the platform and spin around the pole until I'm dizzier than I was already.
"Oh my god, Calvin. Go get him, he's dancing like a stripper!"
I recognize Aaron's voice over the loud music.
"Wait, I can do the jumpy-thing too." I yell out to my friends, tripping as I take a step towards them. Aarons rushes over to me and grabs my arm, pulling me down.
"Louis, I swear to God. Get down." Aaron tugs at my sleeve, but I stay put.
"Can I show you the jumpy-thing? Pleeeeease?" I whine, pouting at my sober friend who shakes his head quickly.
"You're goning to hurt yourself, no."
"Louis," Aaron sighed loudly. "You're gonna break your fuckin' dick."
I climb down from the platform and let Aaron drag me away. Calvin cheers and claps as we pass him.
Aaron sits me down in a barstool, muttering to himself about how ridiculous I am.
"Can you get him a water, please?" he asks the bartender, who nods.
"I don't want any water!" I protest. Aaron shushes me and the bartender sets the glass of water down in front of me.
"Drink," he prompts, crossing his arms.
"I don't wanna."
"Meanie." I glare at Aaron and begrudgingly take a drink of water.
"Oh my god, where's Stan!" Aaron pinches the bridge of his nose. He turns to me. "Stay. Don't even think about leaving this spot." He wanders off to search for Stan.
I grumble, but continue sipping at my water. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and open Twitter, composing a new tweet.
@Louis_Tomlinson: i run a secret fan account
I hit send, locking my phone and putting it back into my pocket.
fun fact: i wrote this entire chapter this morning! (which is bad, i should stop procrastinating...)
oh shit louis just exposed himself sbejepwkwhdinw
if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix it :)
my love always,
shelby x
instagram: @rainbowlouuu
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