Chapter 21
When you've been texting your idol and celebrity crush without knowing it was him for nearly half a year, how would you text him now that you know his secret?
That's what I think to myself as I lie in my bed, sheets tangled around my long legs. I haven't bothered getting up yet-- I blame the post-concert depression.
My Louis Tomlinson concert was three days ago, and ever since we left his dressing room after the show, I've missed him.
I feel ridiculous for missing him, and the fact that I could literally text him right now makes it worse. But, something is blocking me from contacting him again.
Is it my embarrassment? Probably. After all, I was sometimes rude to him, and I was also sometimes flirting with him. I'm so... ashamed? Maybe that's not the correct word, but that's what I'm going with.
I sigh and continue to stare at my phone screen. Twitter is open and I'm just staring at the group chat's last messages. They're from Zayn and Willi-- Louis. I assume Liam and Niall feel the same as I do about texting the group chat now.
To be honest, I am a little upset at Zayn for not telling us. But, I understand that he had to keep a secret. Actually, I'm surprised he didn't expose himself.
My phone vibrates and I flinch, checking the notifications.
And, as if he had read my hesitant thoughts, Louis texted me.
It feels so weird saying that... Louis texted me. Louis texted me. Louis texted me.
@pastellouis: are you mad?
I don't answer him immediately. Am I mad? I don't even know the answer to that question. I don't think I am, because let's be honest-- being genuinely mad at Louis would make me the worst human in the world, basically.
@pastellouis: fuck you're mad aren't you
@pastellouis: this was a bad idea
@pastellouis: pretend this never happened
@hedgehoglou: pretend what never happened?
@pastellouis: shit you answered fhdkdnekkxnd
@hedgehoglou: yeah
@pastellouis: well i was going to say to forget i ever texted you today buuuuuut you answered😁😁😁😁😁
I roll my eyes. He's too cute.
I'm allowed to say that.
@pastellouis: orrr you could forget what happened after the concert and i'll just be william again
@pastellouis: this may seem like a surprise but i didn't mean to fuck everything up😅
@hedgehoglou: sorry
@hedgehoglou: i just feel weird
@pastellouis: i'm not going to ask why because i asked everyone else that and they gave me the same answer
@hedgehoglou: okay
@pastellouis: hehe
@pastellouis: so you're not mad?
@hedgehoglou: no
@pastellouis: okay, thank god. dont let the gc dieeeee
@hedgehoglou: i wont.
@hedgehoglou: it's what brought all five of us together, and i'm thankful for that.
@pastellouis: me too.
@hedgehoglou: are you planning on telling... everyone else?
@pastellouis: as in the fans?
@pastellouis: i haven't decided.
@hedgehoglou: okay.
@pastellouis: how do you think they'd react?
@hedgehoglou: well, your account would definitely blow up.
@pastellouis: true. plus, it can't be any harder than telling you, right?
@hedgehoglou: right.
@hedgehoglou: i guess people would freak out for a while, and then get over it, i guess??
@pastellouis: i guess so. maybe even you'll get over me one day😜
@hedgehoglou: can i be real serious for a sec?
@pastellouis: go ahead.
@hedgehoglou: i wont ever get over you, you'll just have to deal with me until you get tired and get over me.
@pastellouis: that's depressing.
@pastellouis: don't think like that.... harold ;)
@hedgehoglou: just because you're louis tomlinson and i have a crush on you, it doesn't mean you get to call mE HAROLD
@hedgehoglou: *HARRY
@pastellouis: okay, fine... harris ;)
@hedgehoglou: sTOP
@pastellouis: harriet?
@pastellouis: ;)
@hedgehoglou: is there something in your eye or
@hedgehoglou: *harry
@pastellouis: ;)
@hedgehoglou: :l
@pastellouis: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
@hedgehoglou: >;(
@pastellouis: ... you did it wrong
@hedgehoglou: damn you're still annoying ffff
@pastellouis: silly curly, did you think i was faking my personality too?
@hedgehoglou: well i mean
@pastellouis: still an asshole :))))))))
@hedgehoglou: well i mean
@hedgehoglou: only sometimes
@pastellouis: ;(
@hedgehoglou: winking through the tears
@pastellouis: ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
@hedgehoglou: you're such an idiot and i mean that in the fondest way possible
@pastellouis: tHaNkSsSs
@pastellouis: "you, sir, while you are a wonderful person, lack logic, thinking, and reasoning skills, and, quite frankly, behave as a child would."
@hedgehoglou: whelp
@pastellouis: ;)
i was at the fair all day today, GOT BURNED YAY (😢)
i hope you enjoyed this um
if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix it!
my love always,
shelby x
instagram: @rainbowlouuu
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