"I am proud to announce that Nubia cosmetics is going public!" I speak into the microphone and am met by the roaring applause of the crowds.
"Today, my private company will go public. I will be selling all my to the general public; to people like you." I smiled enthusiastically. This was a big step for my cosmetics line, financially and business wise. I would be able to retire young!
"Plans for the future include innovation, demand, and —" My words falter as I see a set of curly brown hair?
It looked so familiar...Nick?
I blinked twice and frown, making sure to clear my vision.
No way!
It couldn't be him.
He would never show his face here after what I said to him.... After what he did to me.
"Plans for the future include innovation, demand, and —and—" my words falter as I see the curls move through the crowd.
"They...include..." Big breaths met my lungs as I try to remain focused. "The plans include..."
Before I could utter another word, I see Nick Claus making his way down the aisle.
So it was him.
The spotlight cuts from me and shines on him.
"What in the world?" I yell, waving my palm to the technical center for help. The spotlight was either broken or this was...planned?
"Shine the light back on me!" I mouthed to the dark booth in the back.
"Wynter Ryder!!" He shouts, grabbing the attention of every person in the audience.
"Hey! It's the Santa"
"Isn't that Nick C?"
"It's Santa!"
"The Santa from the Christmas palette!"
"He's cute!"
The whispers were invasive and that made me nervous. They crowd was getting distracted and that was not the point of this conference.
"Nick...what are you doing here?" I fumed muffling the microphone so my voice wouldn't carry. There were still 300+ potential investors in the audience.
I look over the podium, trying to find Elizabeth in the crowds. I spot her in the way back of the auditorium. She was pointing over a table filled with papers and palettes. Once she caught my gaze, she smiles and waves.
Drew was chuckling next to her. They looked like they shared a forbidden secret.
What was with them lately?
"Sorry for the interruption eveyone. I'll have security deal with this promptly." I look towards the head of my security team and nod. They jumped at lighting speed, quickly bursting into action to grab Nick by his shoulders.
"Hey! Let me go!" Two guards grab Nick by the shoulders and drag him away. "Wynter!! Come on! I may be the last person you want to see right now."
"You are correct mysterious man" I say into the microphone, distancing myself from Nick's spectacle. This was so embarrassing!
"I know... I know! But please! Just hear me out!!" His eyes fall on me and when I saw his big brown eyes, my senses were flooded with frailty.
Al heads were now turned on Nick. He looked around and remembered this was a live event for the whole world to see. He dropped his head low and nodded, allowing the security to carry him away.
I had said goodbye to him before. I didn't want to hear what he had to say....
Or maybe I did.
"Wait! Let him go" I looked at my security team and nodded, directing them to let him go.
I held up my fingers and signaled 5 minutes. That's all he was allowed. Nick bit back a smile and nodded, thankful for my mercy.
"Some of you may know me as Nick C. Ceo of Envictus." He chuckled as saw the people lifting their pamphlets in confusion. "This part of the program is unplanned so you can put down your programs."
He stared at the people before focusing back onto me.
"Wynter. I came here to ask you one thing."
Silence pervaded the air.
"Do you remember that day?
The day where we met in the diner?"
Wynter looked taken back by the question but refused to let it show.
She only takes a sip of her water bottle that was placed on the podium beside her and shrugs.
"I don't. Mysterious man"
Mysterious man? She made sure to emphasize the last point.
I deserved that.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" I announce. I stand on an empty chair in the crowded auditorium and point to her. "I met a Ms. Wynter Rider on December 26th at 11am. We met on the diner on 5th street. I needed a favor from Ms. Rider and she agreed to help me on one condition.
She made made me promise one thing .
I assume you remember that promise Ms. Ryder?" I look up again, taking in her features.
She crosses her arm, biting her cheek to hold her words. My five minutes weren't up yet and the stage lights were now one me.
I made a mental note to thank Elizabeth later for her perfect stage lighting.
She looks into my eyes before squinting. "I don't remember the promise Nick."
"You told me. No you made me promise not to fall in love with you"
"I did..." Wynter bent towards the microphone so her words were clear so the whole world could hear.
There were a few laughs and chuckles throughout the crowd.
"So you remember then?"
"You might jogged my memory" she smiled, ingenuity lacing her lips.
"So what was the promise
Say it! For everyone to know."
She paused, glaring into my eyes. She leaned towards the microphone again to make her voice travel. "I said...promise me that you will not fall in love with me"
She made me promise everyone.
I am Nicholas S Claus. I never break my promises and I pride myself in that...
But I have a confession everyone!
I am not a man of my word"
The crowd gasps.
Some people smile while others said " awww."
Elizabeth probably paid some actors and actresses to react. She was a good planner. I would have to give credit where it was due.
"I am in love with you Wynter Rider!
I fell in love with you from the moment I first laid eyes on you.
The way your laugh lights up a room.
The way you speak and seize the room.
Your smile, your curly hair... your lips.
Your eyebrows and how the furrow when your mad
Your intellect
your ethic...
Your heart...it's as big as Jingles and softer than Drew's favorite deer claw.
Your heart.
Your spirit.
I can't imagine my life without you.
You are the Merry to my Christmas.
You are the Jingle to my bells
The Holly to my ivy....
You are my Mrs. clause
My cinnamon apple biscuit."
I tried not to cry as he stepped closer and closer to the stage.
"Remember, I said I can't see my futures as Santa Clause?"
I nodded, remembering the exact day he confessed it.
"What I really meant is I can't see my future as Santa Claus without you at my side."
Awwww!!!! The crowd reacts again.
"I lost you once.
I was stupid and immature and too prideful to confront my feelings and I am sorry. But I refuse to loose you again Wynter. I love you"
Nick finally makes his way up the stage where I stood at the podium. We were about a feets part away. He stared at me and me at him.
I didn't know what to say but I knew where he was going...and I was excited?
"Be my Mrs Claus, for real this time.
No pretending. No fake ring.
No deadline.
No council meetings. I don't care what they have to say or what my father says.
I don't care about any of this.
All I care about is you.
Take me as your husband.
Forever and always."
He looked relieved as he finished his monologue and takes out a huge diamond ring that was tucked away in a small red box.
"Will you marry me Wynter Rider?" He asks, kneeling to the ground.
Author Note
What do you think Wynter will say (🙄) This is just a question for engagement. Y'all know what she's gonna say lol.
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