I wondered why Wynter looked so nervous before I left her. It looked as if she had something important to tell me....but what?
I continue out the room and pass by a few party guests whilst making my way towards the meeting room where the council would be waiting. I knew this unexpected meeting would be more talk of my role as Santa and some chastising from Mother Earth.
I turn yet another corner, still on my way to meet them before bumping into a figure; it was my father. He was passing by i. the same moment I was.
We stare, not saying a word to each other. We had taken a sort of unspoken vow of silence. We had not been on the best terms since our confrontation over Wynter's origins.
"On your way to the meeting?" He asks, finally breaking the silence. He continued staring at me.
"News travel fast. I guess you make it your business to know" I scoffed. He let out a lazy chuckle before stepping closer to where I stood.
"The council hasn't met her yet I assume." He smirked. I remained silent. I wouldn't entertain his baseless conversation.
"I wondered what would I could do or say to wake you up. You and humans never got along so pardon my dissatisfaction with your choice in spouse."
"Wynter is different dad but you're too hardheaded to see that" I scoffed.
He ignored me and continued on with his rant.
"I wonder what drew you to her..." he thought aloud, staring into my eyes. Meticulously, he pulled out a long silver wand and held it to the light.
The wand was a normal looking wand at first glance to a cheery, an unsuspecting viewer, but any magical entity knew what it was.
The Wand of Stimus.
"You wouldn't dare." I glare, standing a bit straighter at the threat.
"Try me" he smiled, brandishing it carelessly.
We Claus men took great pride in the magic of Christmas. It was sourced from jolly Yuletides and seasons greetings. The Claus family took an oath to stay away from dark magic at all costs. It caused more harm then good but I guess my father had rejected the commitment.
"Leave her alone dad. She's an innocent girl."
"You should take your own advice Santa" he sneered, scoffing at the irony. "I knew this was the only way to open your eyes Nick. If you go through with this, I will kill her."
Anger consumed me as he said the four words I had never thought I would hear from my father. This was the man who taught me everything about the human realm. How to wish peace on earth to them. He was one of the greatest Claus men...and now, he was threatening the very being he vowed to protect!
A threat to my freedom was one thing, but threatening Wynter's life?!
"I swear if you TOUCH HER!!" I pushed him against the wall, cracking the base of the molding behind him. My anger was lethal.
"You think I won't do it?" He said, pushing the wand past my eye level.
"I dare you to try!" I seethed, glaring into his eyes.
"Nick!" Drew and my mother came from the shadows, surprised at the chaotic scene they had just walked into. They tried their best to separate us, pulling us away from each other.
"Think about what your throwing away!
Our livelihood! Our legacy!
All for a mortal?"
"What?" My mother looked confused as she tugged at my fathers's jacket.
I guess my father hadn't clued her in yet.
"Your son will be a bastard in my eyes! The Claus legacy will end because of you!
You're tainting our bloodline!" My father's soft white hair unraveled as he cursed his declarations.
"Fuccccck you!" I cursed, trying to fight him as Drew dragged me away.
"Make her hate you Nicholas! Call it all off or I kill her! December 25th!!" My father shouted. I would have beat him to a pulp but Drew had already dragged me away.
I frowned as I saw Nick's handkerchief on the edge of the bed. He must have forgotten it as he was rushing out the door to meet the council.
I had to return it to him before the meeting! First impressions mattered and I wanted him to look his best. Plus, I was getting kind of lonely waiting for him to return.
I knew he said to stay out and avoid Jack Frost but he never said anything about exploring the place.
I start my venture to find Nick with his soft crisp handkerchief in tow.
I greet a few servants as they pass me by in the hallway. The party seemed to be going strong and they looked busy taking trays of food and wine to the guests.
I just realized something. I had no clue where the meeting even was?!
Where could I find Nick to return the handkerchief? And when would it be my turn to meet the council?
I break away from the path that lead to the ballroom and step towards another direction.
Dead end!
I turn around and explore a bit more, opening another wooden door. Nothing.
I continue walking, taking in the beautiful decorations and art. I pass by the heavy doors of an forgettable office. Maybe I could find him in here? Knowing Nick, he would be taking his sweet time before he arrived at the meeting.
"Fuck that!" I heard Nick and Drew in a heated convo. I guess the meeting with the council hadn't started yet?
But why was he so upset?
"He said bastard Nick. Those are fighting words." Drew began, trying to paint every scenario where Wynter could keep her life.
"Fuck what dad said!" I fumed, "if he touches Wynter!" I slam a palm against the wall, trying not to punch it. "I don't take kindly to threats Drew. Who does he think he is?!"
"Your father" he shrugged. "He knew this was the only way to get you to wake up. He knows you like her.... maybe even love—"
"Enough Drew! I told you it's not like that" I fumed. I knew where Drew was going but I refused to allow him to finish the sentence. I made a promise to Wynter at the cafe where we first met.
"Promise not to fall in love with me" Her words were a painful memory. I still remember the way her lips curled into a mischievous smile as she said it.
"I can see it in your eyes bro. You like her!" Drew shrugged, sitting at the edge of the table.
"You must be blind bro!" I refused. I had feelings for Wynter. I liked her...a lot. But love? Did I actually love Wynter?
"I'm not blind. You're just delusional.
Mom sees it. Obviously dad does, so much he's threatening you and her safety.
Everyone sees it and you're stupid for denying it."
Now I was mad. Didn't Drew understand the threat out father had just proclaimed? He would kill Wynter if I didn't break contact. As much as I loved to have a future with Wynter, her being alive meant more to me than some fake proposal.
"Would you give it a rest!" I yelled, making the room silent. "I don't like her! And even if I did... You know my rules, I don't do humans." I looked out the window, crossing my arms. Boy, did I sound convincing.
"Would you give it a rest!" Nick yelled, making the room silent. "I don't like her! And even if I did... You know my rules, I don't do humans." I looked to the floor as I heard Nick's words.
I tried to not be affected as the words left his mouth, but for some reason it still stung. I knew I was developing something for Nick. Feelings? Interest?
I was spending a lot of time with him and thought some feelings were developing?
"Maybe she'll be different? Wynter isn't like the other humans Nick and you know this.
She's smart, beautiful, and checks every box on your list. Stop being so hardheaded.
Why can't you just admit that you like her?" Drew snaps.
Wynter is nothing but a cold, fearless, human freak. Honestly, she's pretty to look and fun to kiss but I see nothing past that. It's all pretend for the council.
She's a human after all.
They are good for nothing, Selfish, and not worth the time." He finished his confession. Drew was silent. There was nothing more he could say. Nick had a right to his opinions.
But I had a right to mine.
"So that's what you really think of me?" I walk into the room, tears streaming down my face.
They both turn and face me.
Nick looked on in horror. Drew only pushed a palm to his mouth, wishing he was any place but here.
"Wynter.... I didn't mean—"
"This whole two weeks? I was just here to do what Nick?"
"Wynter that's not what I meant. I was just—-"
"So you wanted a quick lay? A one night stand! A quick fuck? I'm such an idiot" I curse beneath a breath.
Drew cleared his throat, excusing himself to leave us alone.
"Wynter you weren't a one night stand. I swear there is more to it than what you've heard." He explained.
"I've heard enough!" I fume, throwing his handkerchief to the floor. He runs after me, grabbing both my arms and pulling me into his chest.
"Wyn....come on. Let me explain"
"Let go of me Nick" I try to wiggle free. I hated when people would see me cry.
"Wyn...If you would just listen"
"I have done enough listening. I hate you Santa Claus." Wynter's lip quivered as she broke contact with my eyes. I wanted to tell her the reasoning behind my words but I knew telling her about her life being in danger would scare her.
She deserved a sense of peace.
"Let me go Nick" She says trying to hide her tears.
"Wynter I didnt mean that... I—"
"I want to go home!! MY home! On earth!" She says.
"Wyn....the council..."
"That's all you ever cared about, isn't it? The council!" She whispers.
"I care about you Wyn."
"You think you're so clever! You really thought you could charm me me so I would listen and prep for the council. You only cared about keeping your title. You used me!" She looked angry now and to be honest, I didn't blame her.
"I didn't Wynter. I mean at first I did, but I told you of my true intentions! We were pretending to be married....but then—-" I wanted to confess my feelings but my father's threat tarnished my courage.
"Let me go!" she says, pushing her palms against mine so she should break free.
"Wynter, I don't know how much you heard but I didn't mean what I said.
I was just upset and... angry"
"At me?" Her brown eyes lifted up towards mine and I instantly felt a sense of sadness. Her beautiful doe eyes invoked a feeling of bravery in me. I wanted to protect her at all costs.
"No! I could never be angry at you.
I was angry at myself and my dad and the North Pole and this stupid title and obligations." I push a palm to her cheek, gently wiping off a tear.
"You came to me Nick...
We told me to meet at the diner. I was fine with my life after you left.
You needed me and I let you into my life."
"Wyn... please"
"You never let me leave. I went away and you keep coming back to me. I thought it was a sign to never let you go...but maybe I was wrong."
"Wynter what are you saying?" I needed her to say the words. I knew she was done with me. Maybe it was better for us and her safety.
"We can stop pretending.
If I'm that revolting to you then let me go..once and for all."
"You're not revolting.
I wish I could tell you but...."
"I never want to see you again Nick" she whispers beneath a lazy breath. She looks up, into my eyes again. I could tell this time she really meant it.
"Let me go Nick. Once and for all" Her tone was lethal.
I finally listened slowly let her go. She quickly snatches her arm away before fleeing out the room.
She couldn't run far. I would tell my guards to keep a close watch.
I run as far as my feet could take me, fleeing father and farther away from the castle and into the cold snow. I didn't care to stop as the people gasped.
I didn't even care to turn as I heard Drew calling me my name. I just wanted to get away!
From Nick.
From The castle.
From the North Pole.
Nick had sent his guards after me but I didn't care!
I had miles ahead of them on foot.
I tried my best to see through the thick haze of snow but the flakes kept attacking my eyes.
A blizzard had conveniently decided to commence.
I came to the end of a long winding path and see a expansive lake that had frozen.
"Come back!!" I hear the guards from the palace. They were gaining on me!
I took a deep breath, prepping myself for the journey ahead.
And onto the slippery ice I went.
My feet slid from left to right as I tried to find my balance. I never skated and refused to fall. It would cost me some time trying to stand up which meant the guards could catch up.
I only had two thoughts as my feet carefully glided against the ice.
"Don't fall"
"Don't break"
"Don't fall"
"Don't break"
I kept repeating the mantra to myself.
I was in the middle of the lake now and a healthy distance away from the castle. I felt as if I was making good time!
I would be home soon.
"Don't break"
"Don't break"
"Don't break"
Oh no! There the sound was again!
I try to slide backwards to find the pavement but I had no sense of direction, especially in this thick haze of snow.
Before I could even think of my next plan of action, a small piece of ice collapses into itself.
The crack grew deeper and deeper until it reached the point where my feet were planted.
I don't know what happened next. All I remember is the sharp sting of cold ice water attacking my skin.
Author note
I was trying so hard to justify the reason why Nick would be so quick to turn on Wynter! Hopefully that part made sense.
Also, Jack Frost Nation?
Rise up!!!
Your time has come!
See you in the next chapter and Merry Christmas in advance!!!
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