3 weeks later
"So all the palette colors and their names are still being finalized by the blind test group. The approved list will be sent to you by the end of this week." Liz types away, reading the list of agendas to me in the conference room. " Also, I need you the week one the 20th." Liz opens up my calendar but I am too consumed with my emails to see her paused expression.
"Why is there an emoji with Santa and a candy cane?" she frowns looking up to face me, "And why is it repeated for two weeks on your calendar?"
"Oh no" I gasped, shooting up from my chair. I checked the date on my computer and cursed, running to grab my jacket from the hook. I had completely forgotten about my promise to Nick to join him at the North Pole for two weeks. He was supposed to pick me up today!
"Liz! I completely forgot! I won't be available for the 20th. I have to be out for two weeks!" I said, picking up my things and throwing them into my large Valentino tote.
"Two weeks!? Wynter for what? You never take off of work?" Liz smiled, pushing her palms beneath her chin.
"Yea...I have to..." I pause to think of a really good excuse, "Umm...I have a conference. Yea! A conference for Forbes. They are doing a magazine photoshoot with the 20 under 20 and I was a finalist but I didn't want to tell anyone yet because...it wasn't official"
"Oh! Congrats but I mean, how could you forget something like this and not tell me?" she frowns, pulling her glasses off her nose.
"Liz, I've just been so busy with work and this Christmas palette. I've been trying to balance everything and I just--"
"Don't worry Wynter." Liz interjected, standing up and walking to grab my shoulders, "I've got everything under control. You can trust me."
"Thanks Liz" I smile, hugging her dearly before packing my bag and heading out. I had to rush home and pack before Nick came and found out. "Send me the updated/final list!" I shouted one last time before running to my car to start my journey.
I pulled out my phone and texted Nick asking what time he would be coming. It was weird because by now, Nick would have been pestering me with texts.
I sped home and ran through my front door, rushing to pack my bags. I threw in some jackets and a couple of blouses and shirts. I didn't really know how to dress for a place like the North Pole.
"Hey Alexa? What's the temperature at the North Pole"
"The temperature is -40F" Alexa says. That was pretty cold...
I frowned, throwing in a couple of more heaier jackets before picking up a small black lace thong and holding it up to the light.
Should I pack this?
I mean...me and Nick only kissed. I doubt we would do anything more than that? I couldn't help blushing as I thought of his features and pushed them into the suitcase. I couldn't predict what would happen at the North Pole but I made sure I was prepared.
I hear no reply from Nick yet...not even a text.
Whatever, it was better for me since I was already so unprepared. I decided to take a quick shower so I could look fresh and rub my new scented creams. As I sing another verse from my Spotify playlist, I hear my doorbell ring.
Was Nick already here?
But I wasn't ready yet! I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around my body, peeping through the doorbell to see who it was. "Drew?" I whispered, backing away and carefully opening the door. I loosened the latch and frowned, wondering the reason for his unexpected appearance.
"Hey Ms. CEO" he smiles but quickly notices my pout. "Aww don't look too sad. Nick couldn't pick you up due to some last-minute meetings at the North Pole so he sent me. Surprise!" He smiles boyishly. He looked almost identical to Nick. These Claus boys had a certain attractive charm that I could not place. He watched my expression before looking down at my wet towel. "Don't tell me you forgot about your meeting at the North Pole Wynter?" He smirked knowingly.
"I didn't!" I lied pathetically, letting him in before closing the door behind him. He looked around and observed the house.
"Nice house," he mutters approvingly.
"Thanks" I smiled, looking into his soft blue eyes before breaking. "I'll be right back." I announced, running up the stairs and zipping closed the last of the stuff.
"Help yourself to anything in the fridge" I yelled.
I already hear him rummaging through the fridge and giggled at his sounds. "Is this egg nog still good?" He yells from downstairs.
"Ummm? Idk be brave and taste it" I yelled, bending to pack some fuzzy slippers.
"ECHHH It's not!" he screams again. I chuckled again and skip down the steps with my suitcase in hand.
"So you ready to go?" He asked, leaning against the counter to face me.
"Almost. I just need to grab a jacket from the coat closet and I'll be—-"
"A jacket?" Drew says skeptically, coming beside me to pull the jacket out my hand.
"Yea. I packed a jacket and cold boots. It's -40F so I figured a couple of North Face jackets would be fine"
"Wynter...you're going to the North Pole not New York. Plus, you're a human. You're gonna need something heavier than a manufactured jacket." he chuckled.
I frowned and crossed my arms."What? Buy a parka?" I suggested. He laughed and lifted the handle of my suitcase to leave.
"We'll have the tailors make something for you." he bragged, arching an eyebrow to clue me in.
"2 weeks in the North Pole and I need specially made clothes? So what you're saying is I'm going a die from snow frost."
"Maybe? You might... but I guess we will see" he teases, snapping his fingers so the suitcase disappeared. I let out a small gasp but adjust my face as to not seem too surprised. I still needed to get used to their magic. I check to make sure my fridge and oven is closed and off before standing in front of my jar of Christmas cookies.
"I would offer you a cookie but Nick said they taste like dog biscuits"
"Dog biscuits? I think he meant Reindeer biscuits." he laughed, taking a cookie from the jar and tasting it. He frowned and spit the chewed cookie into the sink. " yea, he definitely meant reindeer biscuits" he teased, wiping his mouth clean.
"You two are one in the same." I frowned, snatching the jar of cookies from him before casually tossing them into the garbage. "And how do you even know what reindeer treats taste like?"
"Ummm cause Nick and I dared each other to taste it. You know, Nick eats reindeer treats for fun"
I giggled pridefully. I would use this tidbit against him. "Really?" I asked curiously.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about him. Come on. I'll tell you all about good ole St. Nick" he smiles, opening the front door so we could be on our way.
Drew and I laughed as he told me more tea about Nick. "So you mean to tell me Nick was scared of Santa Claus?" I ask curiously.
"Yes. When he was 3, my dad dressed up as Santa. I mean, not dressed up. Our dad was really Santa Claus but Nick had never seen my father with the full beard and red jacket. He was terrified and cried for hours. He pooped his pants that day too."
"No way" I chuckled, pushing a curl that had fallen to my face. He nodded, driving the car as we flew in the air. I had so many stories to blackmail him with; it would come to my good use soon.
"I think that's why Nick is so anti-Christmas and hates that whole jolly old fat man archetype. He doesn't look like the typical Santa"
"Yea he doesn't. In a way, I guess that's kind of noble of him? He didn't go through the cheap gimmicks dictated by our human world" I said, looking out the window. Drew hummed in agreement and we allowed a lengthy rest of silence.
A few moments and we finally arrived at the North Pole. Drew pulls up to their beautifully decorated castle. It was a beautiful sight. Tall pillars lined each corner of the vast perimeter of their walls. Clear white brick was stacked and seemed to gleam in the North Pole sun.
Drew helped me to the door where two guards stood watch. They both nodded their heads to each of us before opening the crystal doors. I drew my breath in, taken back by the elegant and intricate designs of the foyer. I had been to the palace previously for our fake engagement party but seeing it in the light truly took my breath away.
Drew and I continue walking side by side until he stops me and points to a distant hallway. I see Nick coming out of a room with a few men and women straggling behind him. He looked pissed but held his gaze on each person, shaking each hand before walking away. Just as he went to pull out his phone he looked up and saw me and our eyes locked.
He stared at me and smirked lazily.
Was he happy to see me? I return the emotion and wait for him to approach but before he could make his way over to us, his father comes behind him and whispered something into his ear. He nodded, looking up to meet my gaze once more. His father pulled him away before he had the chance to greet us.
Drew noticed the scene and cleared his throat. "Come on. Let's find the tailors" Drew interjected, leading me away. I knew he was trying to distract me from Nick's obvious absence. I was disappointed that Nick wouldn't be the one to show me around but knowing how busy he was, it was expected.
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