"So how was your Christmas? Did you do all that I asked since we last spoke?" Lorie asked, pushing a piping mug of coffee onto the small table beside her.
"That and more" I muttered beneath a wasted breath. I plop into Lorie's cushioned couch before turning off my phone. I only had an hour with her and needed to be free of all distractions.
"Well, you look fresh and rejuvenated. It seems like my homework did you some good?"
"I guess it did?" I say aloud, thinking of all that had happened these past few weeks. If it wasn't for Lorie, I wouldn't have met Nick.
"So tell me, Wynter. What are you here for?"
"Well...you are sworn to secrecy about eveything I say in here?"
"Yes Wynter, you know that" Lorie nodded, pulling out a fresh pad of paper.
"And if I sound crazy...you won't judge me or send me to the loony house?" I clarify.
"Come on Wynter! I've heard crazier things come out your mouth. You once told me you stopped talking to a guy because he used his coffee stirrer as a straw" she chuckled, looking up to meet my eyes.
"Okay... " I nodded nervously, taking a deep breath before starting my tale. "That night you told me to leave milk and cookies on Christmas? Well, I did"
"Okay," she hummed.
"Then, I left some more on December 26th, and I kinda...sorta...summoned Santa" I blurted, looking to face her eyes. My heart rushed with anxiety as I admitted my truth.
"Santa? As in Santa Claus?"
"Santa" I repeated again, "But instead of this old jolly fat man, he was some tall, GQmodel heartthrob"
"Oh?" Lorie smiles politely.
"Yes! I asked him for a wish to take me back in time so he made me sit in his lap and---. Lorie stop!" I frowned as I see her writing down in her notepad.
"Wynter I'm just writing notes" she defended her actions.
"Well, don't! It's making me think you're taking notes on a crazy person"
"Okay, fine" she pouted, pushing her notepad and pen to the nearby table. "Look, see? I'm all ears" she reassures me. I looked at her hesitantly but continued.
"So... he made me sit on his lap to prove he was Santa"
"He did? Hmmm" she smiles mischievously.
"It was non-sexual Lorie!" I defended my actions, dismissing her knowing smile.
"I didn't say anything!" she retorted, lifting her hands up innocently but I could see the skepticism in her eyes.
"I asked him to take me there...and he told me to close my eyes. I was transported to the day my parents died. I saw the scene of the accident; I smelled the gas. I felt the fire." I whispered silently, still trying to push the picture out of my mind.
"Why did you ask to take him there? For closure?"
"Maybe?" I nodded looking to the floor. "I thought if he showed me an alternate outcome to my life, I would be pleased but every outcome he showed me was horrible. I would have never been happy."
"I see." Lorie says.
"I was sad but content with it. After parting ways, I was excited to move on with my life but this man keeps appearing everywhere. Before he left, he basically said I owed him for making my wish come true, since I was on the naughty list"
"IOU's? Hmmm...that doesn't seem like the Santa thing to do" Lorie hinted.
"I guess not, but I fulfilled my IOU! I pretended to be his fiancé at his castle in the north pole. That seemed to do the tick or so I thought...."
"It seems like Santa just can't leave you alone Wynter" Lorie smiled. I blushed as I heard her words.
"No, I think he just really cares about his title"
"But it doesn't hurt that you look the way you do" she squinted her eyes, trying to allow me to ponder her words. I finally realized what she was trying to suggest and gasped.
"No! Nick and me? No way Lorie!"
"So this guys name is Nick?" I nodded silently and blushed.
"You like Nick!" Lorie gasped, excited at my confession. It was the first guy I had ever talked about to Lorie that actually had a name.
"Ughhh I don't know!" I groaned pushing a pillow to my face. Nick is cute. He's tall and charming and handsome and he's a good kisser but he's annoying and blunt"
"Wait you two kissed!" Lorie interjected.
I nodded hesitantly. " 2x actually... the first time might have been a dream but the second time was just for pretend when I was his fiancé."
"It seems as if Nick is VERY fond of you Wynter."
"You think so? I don't know.. He might? But we always argue. I feel like we have playful banter"
"You said he's blunt but the way I see it, he tells it like it is."
"Yes and I hate that!"
"But sometimes you may need to hear the truth. It does the soul some good"
"I know that's why I hate him"
Lorie chuckled and leans forward, looking to face my gaze. "Don't put a wall up Wynter. It seems like you kinda have a little crush on him. It would be a shame to shut him out"
I am silent because it was true.
"You are always open to try new things but put up a wall when things start getting too comfortable."
"I don't!" I defended.
"You do Wynter. You did it to me for like 3 months"
I pouted still staring at the floor. "Fine I do put up walls but that's because I'm scared of being shut down or I might regret opening up. I will...try to be more open to things"
"Good. So what did Santa ask you to do next?" She pries.
"He has a deadline to meet before he can officially be named the official "Father Christmas" so I have to meet the council and guardians so they can approve of me."
Lorie nodded and pushed a thumb to her lips. "So impress them?"
"I wish it was that easy, plus I don't know how"
"Well, did Nick offer to help you?"
"Not really? I didn't even ask him actually but I know if I just tell him what I need—-"
"No no! Trust him Wynter. You have been this boss woman CEO woman for so long, now it's someone else's turn. Now is your time to be vulnerable and allow him to lead and guide you."
"I don't think I can do that. I just gave Liz free reigns to my Nubia Santa campaign and I haven't been able to get a bit of sleep!"
"Okay so you took a big leap, now take a small one! So my homework for you this week? Trust Nick. Go on a weekend get away and take a few days off. Get to know him for real, maybe at the North Pole? Plus aren't you doing a Christmas line and need inspo?"
"I guess"
"Perfect! What better way than to go to the North Pole?" she winks.
I knew Lorie was only playing along with me. She thought all my talk of the North Pole and Santa was metaphors for the intricacies in my life. She probably thought I was crazy.
"Fine Lorie" I sighed, standing up to to put on my coat. I hated the homework she gave me but it seemed to have worked last time. What more did I have to loose?
Lorie stood from her chair and picked up her notebook, gently tossing it to her messy desk. "I like this Nick dude. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders from what you told me . You're 19 Wynter! Live a little! You are allowed to have fun you know?" She teased. I rolled my eyes and turned on my phone, catching up on my missed notifications.
"I gotta go Lorie. Thanks!" I waved, pacing out the office.
"Do my homework Wynter."
"And if I don't?" I playfully goaded, leaning a head back into the office.
"I stop seeing you as a patient" she shrugged, smiling and waving me goodbye.
I zoom to the meeting at downtown, speeding down the tight street corners of the city.
I was so late.
I was beyond late to the Mattel headquarters. I knew Chris would kill me for my tardiness.
I throw my keys to the valet near the front of the building and run out, making sure to take a ticket from the counter.
I see Chris pacing anxiously near the stairs of the main lobby, violently texting on his phone. He glanced up and met my eyes, his brows arching into a furrowed scowl. "Nick your late again"
"Chris. You know me. I'm always late. What's new?" I sighed, pacing to the elevator to head to the highest floor.
"You better be lucky you're our best manufacturer and supplier. Bob has been livid waiting for you in the conference room."
"He hasn't popped a vein yet?" I chuckled, clicking the button for floor number 45. Chris said something under his breath but I didn't care to decipher it.
Mattel knew better not to be on my bad side. I was the biggest supplier of toy parts and fulfilled 75% of their orders.
They didn't know I was Santa or about the magic I used to fulfill the orders. They thought me to be a modern day billionaire. A playboy who was invested in stocks and boring things like bonds. I sold everything, from electronics to bikes.
I could make anything with the swivel of my hands so it made sense to use my magic to my advantage and garner some wealth.
"Nick! So nice of you to join us" Bob stood, walking over to shake my hand. I chuckled and showed off a handsome smile, looking at him apologetically.
"Bob. You know I'm a busy man. I had a meeting uptown in Soho."
"Of course you did" he muttered playfully, signaling me to sit down. A few ladies came in with folders, passing each one to the 6 people at the table.
"So, we've been working long and hard on this Christmas collection. We hope it has been crafted to your satisfaction Nick" Bob hinted.
I folded my hands, waiting patiently to see the collection. Every year their dolls bored me to death but I never had any say in what they produced. I was just the guy to replicate them.
The same woman who passed out the folders wheeled out a line of dolls dressed in their respective colors and Christmas smocks. I look at each one and nodded, staring indifferently at their faces before glancing upon the last one.
I stand from my seat and walk to the middle of the room, taking the doll into my hand, making sure to observe it closer.
As I inspected it features, I determined that it closely resembled.... Wynter?
"Who was the inspiration for this one?" I asked looking over at Bob. The resemblance was way to uncanny.
"Oh we took the picture of that one billionaire girl, Wynter something. She's a pretty little thing to look at and she's sort of a celebrity" Chris brags, turning the tv on to show her interview. I looked up to the screen and admired her as she spoke.
"That one is modeled after Spears and that red haired one is modeled after Debra Meassing" Chris explained. "We can't outright say it's them in doll form because that would mean royalties so we can do an inspired line"
I nodded, rationalizing his words but still focused on the doll, thinking of Wynter and her successful company. "Can I take a sample? For research purposes?"
"Looks like someone has a special interest in our Wynter doll" Bob teases.
"Sure Nick." Chris interjected, "Go crazy. As long as you approve?" Chris hinted.
"How much shipments need to be fulfilled?" I ask the board room.
"500,000 units."
"That's 1,000 bi-units?" I clarified.
"Exactly. We can do half"
"I'll fulfill 75 percent of the units but I want to do the Wynter doll" I tell them. They smiled and nodded excitedly. Bob stood to shake my hand before passing me the doll wrapped in the box.
"Pleasure doing business Nick. My assistant will have the charts and contracts sent over to you"
"Sounds good" I nodded, pulling out my phone and leaving the board room. I called Wynter and surprisingly, she picked up after the 3rd ring.
"Hey!" she sounded nervous but excited.
"You sound happy?" I smiled, clicking the button of the elevator to go down to the main floor.
"Yea... I just got some good news from someone....Anyways what's up?" She asked. I could hear the harsh clacking of her heels against the pavement.
"I have a sort of surprise for you. Are you at your office? "
"No I'm actually on my way home.
You can give it to me there maybe???" She suggested.
"I can do that, I'll see you then."
Author Note:
I'm gonna start doing stars/favorites. I am hitting 100 reads everyday 😭😭 I'm happy but tired.
So I'll update at 30 favorites 💃🏾 see you soon
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